Date & Time / Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:30pm
Location / Room:HG5
Attendees / Dustin Silberling, Shannon Silberling, Cheryl Livingston, Ben Mawson, Lenoare Mays, Will Hightower, Karen Nowlan, Tracy Bendle, Scott Williams, Julie Moriyama, Cliff Moriyama, Jamie Spagner
Minutes / Action Items
Call to Order:
  • Shannon called the meeting to order @ 6:34pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
  • Feb 2017 minutes – motion to approve by Julie; 2nd by Dustin; all in favor.

  1. Financial Report:
Ben M. provided a record of accounts and stated to add $100 to the insurance for the rider for social media.
Football is in the negative until the next season begins; Basketball is in the positive.
Sober/Sr. Grad account is growing; almost at $13k. Tickets are $75 thru the end of this month; $95 as of 04/01.
Paypal update – A “refunded payment” message went out, therefore the website was out of commission for 1 day. Dustin will put the site back up tonight.
Square update – Not doing it at this time; will use as a backup to Paypal.
Motion to approve by Dustin; 2nd by Tracy; all in favor.
  1. Membership Report:
  • Nothing to report

  1. Committee Reports:
  1. Communications/Webmaster –Dustin
Per the by-laws, ok to do a majority rules vote to remove a Non-Board member position. Dustin motioned to remove Victoria from Communications position; Ben seconded the motion; all in favor. Shannon will notify Victoria.
Need club pictures/content to add to the website. Dustin will update site asap.
Email accounts that were requested have been set up; however Dustin is still working on them to make sure everything works.
  1. Senior grad night – Karen
Collected 149 paid tickets; 18 missing forms.
Disney tickets were supposed to be mailed
Awaiting $500 check from the City of Elk Grove.
Shannon arranged a Sober grad night event on 04/25.
Karen needs to resign effective today, but will keep tracking tickets. Julie will help takeover fundraisers.
Julie requested an email be sent through schoolloop regarding the need for chaperones; 3 people per shift for 3 stations. Shift times will be 2-1/2 to 3 hours. Need 8-10 parents; Karen has 2 volunteers + herself. Dustin will come. Need people to decorate before the event.
DJ update- 1 no response; 1 maybe response; Scott has a DJ (Dave from102) charges $1800.
Still need 50 kids to sign up to break even.
Need sponsors to pay for go carts; $1900.
Shannon stated MADD doesn’t have money to sponsor.
Nugget is donating a $100 gift card; Freebird and Corner Bakery are donating gift baskets.
  1. Wolfpack Wednesday (WPW) – Scott
Through social media, 1500 people viewed the event; 58 showed up with the flyer; made $220.
Looking at Chipotle for April; date TBD based on their new manager.
Will confirm what club has April and email this information.
Chick-filet will send a cow to the school. Shannon will post to Facebook whatever Scott puts on twitter.
  1. Directors Report:
  1. Julie - Coach Roth is retiring the end of the year
  2. Dustin –No fundraiser requests. Let clubs know boosters has a new website.
Lenoare – No fundraiser requests.
  1. Other Business:
  1. Fireworks
Todd unable to attend meeting to discuss.
Cliff interested in helping out with general organization.
Let Julie know if interested in being on the committee and notify Todd.
Ben will order the container; should be the same location as last year.
Release of scripts would be beneficial. Get all clubs in at the same time if they want to sell scripts.
TBD who will contact TNT to see if they can pre-sale scripts so Track teams can sale at their May banquet.
  1. Mr. Hightower – Football Coach/AP Psych Teacher
Interested in spearheading a four year strength & conditioning program.
Vision – incoming Freshman who are identified as athlete will have access to an athletic program that will be consistent and prepare them for the next step.
Athletic Director is in favor of the program as well as a lot of other staff.
Equipment needs to be replaced.
Need a consistent budget.
He’ll be the go-between, and is looking for ideas.
Got input from booster members on ideas to fund the program.
  1. Scott brought in the embroider of the logo. All voted to have it put on a gray shirt.

  1. Elections:
  1. N/A

Meeting adjourned @ 7:33pm by Shannon / Next meeting- April 19, 2017 6:30pm.