Art I

Marion County High School

Susan Crum-Cox,art teacher

Course Overview

The art class in which you are enrolled earns one credit and lasts one semester. Our class will consist of studio projects combined with art history and the study of fundamental art concepts. Music and dance of the various time periods and cultures will be included where appropriate. This class will satisfy the one credit in arts and humanities required by the state of Kentucky to graduate.

This class will be conducted primarily as a studio. You will work independently on art as I circulate among you to help, advise and encourage your work. Topics for artwork must be appropriate in nature.

Course Content

Foundation—Art Elements and Principles, Subject Matter, Color Theory, Art Media, Processes and Purposes

Art History—Frank Lloyd Wright, Picasso, Greece and Rome, Early Christian and Byzantine, Medieval Period, Islam, Renaissance. Other topics may be added as time allows.

Studio projects—Doodle, Dividers, Clay Whistle, Coil Pot, Glazing, Shaded Shapes, Fruit Drawing, Monochromatic Painting, Color Initials, Bookmaking, Papier Mache Masks, Still Life Painting. Other projects may be added as time allows.

Course Materials

Students enrolled in this class will pay a $15.00 materials fee. This is payable within the classroom, and may be done on an installment basis. Additionally, students will need a 2”, 3-ring binder solely for Art, with notebook paper and a pen or pencil for writing. We will create our own dividers for the notebook in class.

Course Policies

Any rule that is stated in the Student Handbook is, of course, a rule in this classroom. Be familiar with these rules.

Studio projects are allotted a certain amount of in-class time for completion. Additional outside class time is available through ESS on a weekly basis. If practical, some project work may be worked on at home with check-out of materials. Final due dates are announced and posted within the classroom.

Art projects must be turned in on time for the best possible grade. Late project work is accepted, but with a steady grade reduction of 10 points per day late. All work must be completed within the quarter of its assignment, or it will not be graded.

When absent, you are responsible for making up work missed. ESS is an excellent forum in which to make up missed work like studio projects. In some cases, Foundation information may be available on the teacher’s website or in the class textbook Art in Focus. Access to teacher websites is available through the MCHS homepage. Refer to the Student Handbook for specific deadlines for make-up of school work.

Grading Policy

Your grade in this class will be computed using the following percentages:

50 % Summative Work—e.g.Tests, Studio Projects

30% Formative Work—e.g. Reading Quizzes, Sketches, Worksheets, Notebook Checks, etc.

20% Final Examination—cumulative for the semester

MCHS Grading Scale:






All work in class will receive individual grades. Studio projects will be graded according to originality, craftsmanship, proper execution of technique and punctuality. Grades will come from multiple sources, using the percentages and specifics cited previously.

Additional Information


Art in Focus is the text we will be using. You will be issued a copy. Keep this in good condition. Assigned reading will be given within the text with reading quizzes given. If you are absent on a day when reading is assigned you may turn in two-column notes over the reading by the next day to replace the quiz grade.


Personal storage area will be assigned. You will keep your notebook and smaller flat work there. Location of the storage of other artwork will be announced.

It is recommended you bring an apron or big shirt for cover-up. Some materials we will use may cause permanent stains. Some aprons are available within the Art Room.


Seats are assigned and changed periodically. This enables you to meet and work with a variety of people. Your table will work as a team during clean-up and set-up for projects. Good communication between tablemates is essential.


Clean-up time each day will be announced at the end of class. Do not clean-up early. Each student will leave their work area clean and in good condition. Return all materials used to the proper location. Two students will make-up the "clean-up crew" each week. This is assigned on a rotating basis. The crew is responsible for leaving the sink area clean, emptying sink traps, wiping up under soap holders, rinsing sponges and generally leaving sinks in good order.


Be in class everyday

Take down board notes

Respect people and property

Use proper language

Listen to directions

Remain on task

Finish your work and turn it in

Keep an open mind and a cooperative attitude


Your artwork may be displayed both within the school and in public settings. Please share this information with your parents, and sign in the spaces below. I am looking forward to working with you and them to further your art education. If you have questions, please call or e-mail me at school.


Susan Crum-Cox, Art Teacher

School phone 270 692 6066

Student Signature/Date______

Parent Signature/Date______