“Tanoker works hard..gathers people from different culture to become one ..shares and empowering each other in one living space named ..Ledokombo ..

Ledokombo sub-district, Jember branch, East Java has about 62.300 people. Generally, they work as farmer laborer, insignificant trader and breedereven work as laborer based on the farming season. In two last decades, the amounts of people who look for a job out of Ledokombo or abroad are bigger. They move to Bali even Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hongkong, etc just to find a job.

In this hilly area, there are a lot of social problems, for example: unfinished study at school, joblessness (especially the adult people), women and children violence, very young marriage, abuse of Narcotics, HIV/ AIDS (it has been infected to the children), life environment problem and also the misery of the laborers and their family. And the background of all of them always related to poorness.

In Jember, Ledokombo included to left region. The combination of some factors, social, politic, and economic also culture is the caused. That is why many people are doubt to believe that it is possible to make meaningful changes in this region, and the question is, is it true?

The Change Begin

Since 2009, experiences have proved that the opinion above is false. The people of Ledokombo do the process seriously to make a better life by held some creative activities that create by the children. This region is tidying up.

Although they pressed by many difficulties and defiances of life, Ledokombo children show many posotive sides. The strong motivation to move on, honest participation in many activities, ready to work hard and learn to open and work together. All the potentions become a power that push the born and development of Tanoker Ledokombo community (in Madurese, Tanoker means pupa). December, 10th 2009 agreed by the Tanoker children as the birthday of this community. Generally, The member of Tanoker is the children of migrant laborer, farmer laborer, teacher, driver, servant, etc.

The Ledokombo children choose the traditional games especially stilt as the media of theirselves and the community transformation. Stilt makes their body get taller and their step become larger. The symbolization feel matched to spur the step of this marginal area. Playing stilt seems like open the border door and window, national even international. By this game, some activities that combine with music, drama, humor etc. They create a dynamic friendship with every people

As long as 2010-2012 the children of Tanoker have been performed in many events, national and international and win many sports and traditional art competitions. They ever took part in a movie entitled Stilt from Ledokombo (SET Film) and Metamorfosis di Atas Bambu Menari (Mario Bross Film)


Make Ledokombo become kind place for children by using culture principal and become meeting place for every circle from different background (group, rustling, ethnic, nation and culture)


Friendship, Happy, Learning and Creation


Today, being conducted flanking process by cultural approach to elementary school students and high school students. Aligned with it, the various facilities and supporting activities also implemented such as:


Throughthe will of children themselves, formed variousgroups ofactivities, namelyTraditional Games,Math(Numeracy Art), Reading-Writing, Music, English, Drama, Multimedia, Cooking andDancing. Group membersare assistedin preparingthe result ofthe group. Further, each semester, the resultwill be performedto the society(parents, teachers, peers, enthusiasts) and the invited guestswhich come from inside and outsideof Ledokombo village. The society andall those who presentare expected toprovide inputs or feedback forupgrading to kidsof Ledokomboahead.


Each Sunday, at 8 a.m. – 12 a.m. the children from various villages in Ledokombo come to Tanoker’sGarden to do various activities "Learn and Game". It is supported by volunteers from ESA (English Students’ Association Jember University), GPP (GerakanPeduliPerempuan), Students from Jember University and Teachers’ Volunteer from State Elementary and Islamic School in Ledokombo. The childrenlearn English, Math (Fun Math)and Drama. Atbreaktime, children practicevariousmusicalinstruments, danceand stilt attraction. On this day, promotionand sale ofhealthy snacksencouraged. Some parentsofTanoker’s Childrensella varietyof traditionalsnacks or food.

  1. Celebration of National and International Day

Celebration ofthe great days(including Memorial Day / Hero’s Day, Children's Day, Independence Day, Kartini Day, Valentine Day, New Year's, Hijriyah Day andLunar) filled with various activities(such as Speech Competition onstilts, GASING (Fun Math) MathOlympiad, Dance-Drama Performance about the Struggle for Stilt, Story Telling Competition,etc.). Thoseeventsare intendednot only tobuilda sense ofpatriotismbut also it is used as avehicle to increase solidarity, togetherness and mutualrespectamong people.

  1. E- Learning ( Long Distance Learning via Internet)

Long Distance activities or LearningInteraction (Distance Learning) usingteleconference method(using the internet which is new forthe village) with various circlesboth national andinternational (such as schools, childorganizations, teachers, scientists, workersandmigrant workers, the communityleadersandreligious leaders,farmers, students’ college, etc.). This activity expectedto addperception or knowledge tothe community or society, especiallyfor thechildren aboutknowledgeandwisdom ofboth nationaland globalculture.

  1. The Annual of Stilt Festival

Every year, Stilt Festivalwas heldby Tanokercommunitycorporate withvarious parties, both government and society. Stilt Festivalbeside as avehicle tocelebrate Independence Dayas wellasaneventwhich is arranged to cultivate globalsolidarity.Besides that, The Festivalwas intendedas a promotional mediaof traditionalIndonesiangame.

This festival has a series of events:

  • Creatinga Sturdy and Comfortable Stilts Competition.
  • Stilts Painting Competition.
  • Stilts Parade.
  • Street Performance and Stilts Attractions which is held in Ledokombo’s Field.
  1. Stilt City Tour

Tooptimize the processof empowerment for community-based culture, Tanokerheldstiltscity tourtopromote the stilt gamesandother traditionalgamestopublicor Jember citizen monthly. This effort ispackaged inthe form of "performances orexhibitions andstilt competitions (monthly)in Jember City Square and other strategicplaces or areainJember". Atthemonthly activities, we also organize for“Children Care” Campaign, StiltsTrainingto the community/interestand Stilts Saleand VariousPublicWorksof Ledokombo’s Society(HandicraftsandTraditional Culinary). Those mentioned aboveare expectedtoincrease directly revenue / income for society or community and to increase sensitivity for children's rights.

  1. Capacity Building Development

In order to developthe human resourcesof children, Tanokercorporate withPKBM(Community LearningCenter) Madanialways tryto developthe capacity ofthe various partiesrelated to the children, such as teachers, parents, religious leaders, tutor/teachervolunteersof Tanokerandsociety. Inspiring TeacherTraining, TeacherReformerTraining, Creative Parents Training, MotivationalTraining to spread positive energy (MenebarEnergiPostif), TrainingJaritmatika(fast countingwithfingers), Mathematics GASING (Easy and Fun) TrainingandEnglishfor The communityhave been implemented.Tanoker and PKBM MADANI had cooperated with YayasanJaritmatikaSalatiga, Surya Institute Jakarta, MEP Team Surabaya, Yasmin Learning Centre Jakarta and ASHOKA Indonesia.

In the futureit is expected tocontinue toenhance cooperationwith moreparties (government, societyand business actors) to:

  • Development of readingcornerandhome of reading (Library) and avariety ofgroup activities in reading – writingandmultimedia.
  • Development ofrecreational parksbased traditional gamesand a variety outboundpacketbased traditional game.
  • Museumdevelopment, LITBANG traditional games, Workshop and Traditional GamesOutlet (to sellthe publicworks ofLedokombo)
  • Training placeandNaturalStageforperforming artsandculturaland traditional games attractionsin theregionof Ledokombo.

To support those Ledokombo efforts, honestly we ask all of you to share spirit and work together. Let’s walk side by side to make the dreams come true

Now, Tanoker is developing the outdoor facility on 850 m2 land in the north side and on 3500 m2 in the south side also two resources center, 6x8 m2 in those two locations. Beside using The outdoor Learning- Interaction Areas for studying (Mathematic, English, stilt training center, music, dance, and drama), we will develop it for recreation place, outbound area with traditional game principal, healthy traditional food stand (kids kitchen), and “nature” stage for culture show of children and people. We plan that the resources center will have three floors to be used for library, language and multimedia center, teleconference and meeting room.

If you have support tools like books, educative toys, educative kid movie, stationary, second- hand notebook or PC, clothes, cupboard, DO NOT THROW! Tanoker and Ledokombo people need them

Besides that, we invite you become volunteer. You can share your skills (English, Mathematics, dance, drama, multimedia, etc.) then teach them to the children and Ledokombo people.

You can also help us by sending donation to our bank account, 0032641474 named Komunitas Belajar Ledokombo- Tanoker at BANK JATIM Cabang Jember,

Contact person: Suporahardjo, Farha Ciciek, Ratih Amalia Insani, Ayni Hariyanto,

Thank you for your attention


The change can come from everywhere even just from a small village..by it children..by it people

For only one desire.. BETTER FUTURE for all