OASIS Tax XML Technical Committee (TC) Teleconference

April 23, 2003, 10 AM -12 Noon US EST (15:00 - 17:00 GMT)


Attendee / Company / Email
Philip Allen / Individual /
Alex Fiteni / Oracle /
John Glaubitz / Vertex /
Thomas Guinan / IBM /
Bruce Handel / Canada Customs & Revenue Agency /
Glenda Hayes / The MITRE Corporation /
Peter Horsburgh / Microsoft Corporation /
Ken Jaslow / KPMG /
Melony Katz / The MITRE Corporation /
Arndt Liesen
Terry Lutes / Internal Revenue Service /
Jack Nagle / Baltimore Technologies /
Raj Rajagopal / The MITRE Corporation /
Michael Roytman / Vertex Inc. /
Leslie-Ann Scott / Canada Customs & Revenue Agency /
Harm-Jan van Burg / Netherlands Tax and Customs /

Harm-Jan van Burg opened the meeting and asked if anyone want to add anything to the agenda or comment on the notes from last time. There were no additions or comments. Harm encouraged everyone to sign up for Tax XML subcommittees, check your voting status, and put in your phone number.

XBRL Special Interest Session on Taxation – Wednesday May 21st

The agenda for the XBRL Special Interest Session on Taxation was discussed. The special interest day will occur on Wednesday May 21st from 9am to 4pm. The morning will include the following presentations: Welcome from Harm Jan vanBurg of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, Overview of XBRL at Tax authorities around the world from Walter Hamscher of XBRL International, XBRL and the future of e-Filing at UK Inland Revenue from Jeff Smith of UK Inland Revenue, Hands-on: XBRL and a Tax Taxonomy from Walter Hamscher, and Implications of XBRL GL for streamlined data collection and audit processes from Walter Hamscher. The afternoon sessions will include: TIGERS, OASIS, and Tax XML from Glenda Hayes of MITRE, Ken Jaslow of KPMG LLP, and Terry Lutes of the US IRS, The Dutch TAXonomy from Harold Kinds and Theo Klarenbeek of SRA, ebXML and XBRL from Fred van Blommestein of Barenschot, and Next Steps Discussion (facilitator WH) with everyone.

Harm-Jan asked who is planning to attend the meeting in Amsterdam. The following people indicated their intention (or probable intention) to attend: Arndt Liesen, Terry Lutes, Glenda Hayes, Raj Rajagopal, Susan Smoter (new IRS executive to replace Greg Carson), Tom Guinon, Jack Nagle, someone from DecisionSoft, Andy Greener, Alex Fitini, John Glaubitz, Leslie-Ann Scott, Bruce Handel, and Ken Jaslow.

Harm-Jan indicated that IBM in the Netherlands offered to let the Tax XML group use their conference facilities for the Thursday and Friday (morning) meetings. The IBM facilities are about 10 minutes from the XBRL hotel and public transportation is expected to be available. One advantage to the IBM facilities is that teleconferencing capabilities will be available. The group agree to accept IBM’s offer, and Harm-Jan will let them know.

Tax XML Committee Meeting – Thursday and Friday, May 22nd & 23rd

A format for the meeting on the 22nd and 23rd was discussed, and it was decided that the group would meet as a whole on the morning of the 22nd, the two subcommittees would meet separately in the afternoon on the 23rd, and then the entire group would reconvene for the morning of the 23rd. The topics for the sessions will be as follows:

Thursday Morning

·  Each tax administration will describe their program, including what has been accomplished, lessons learned, where they’re going, and what they see as opportunities for collaboration.

·  Bruce Handel suggested the above presentation from the tax administrations, and offered for he and Leslie-Ann to draft a template for the government presentations.

Thursday Afternoon

Both groups will be looking to see what is presented by the tax administrations in the morning session, and use that to drive where they focus in more detail in the afternoon.

·  Business Subgroup

·  The business subcommittee will, at the highest level, be looking at the “big picture” for the Tax XML group. They will be defining the scope and what the group can work towards.

·  They will be looking at work coming out of other OASIS and non-OASIS committees and looking for what’s unique and where the overlap is with what Tax XML is trying to do. And using those results for context, they will decide what they want to focus on. They will work on the big picture, and within that framework, but fill pick an area to focus on first.

·  There was discussion about taking the STF schemas from OECD and working to harmonize them with UBL. Arndt indicated that he had recently spoken to the OECD Secretariat, who indicated that they would be supportive of such and effort. Arndt suggested that the group could work to come out of the Amsterdam meeting with a formally amended STF.

·  John Glaubitz put a high level UML model up on the site to get feeback on. The model is focussed on indirect taxation, as something to get people started looking at, but direct taxation is a big focus of the tax administrations, for the most part.

·  Technical Subgroup

·  Glenda suggested that this group work to create an architecture from the pieces presented by each county. She will provide a template that will then be used in Amsterdam to start filling in the pieces.

·  The technical group will also talk more about a web service as a concrete demonstration of data exchange.

·  The group will absorb all the posted materials, and then take its cues from the big picture and the business subcommittee. Since there will be a time lag, in the mean time, the group will look at techniques, standards and mechanisms with which solutions might be built.

Friday Morning

·  Everyone will get back together on Friday morning.

·  Both subcommittees will report what was discussed and accomplished on Thursday afternoon.

·  The group will create a work plan for the upcoming period, including suggested dates for the next set of meetings.

Closing Remarks

·  Harm-Jan asked everyone to take a look at the document system on the Tax XML web site.

·  He also asked everyone to let him know when they will be arriving, and whether they will be staying.

Next meeting: Amsterdam, Wednesday May 21st – Friday May 23.

Meeting adjourned at 1:26pm eastern time.