Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Webinar Q&A
August 18, 2016
Q: I can't remember how we find out what our allocation is.
A: the 2016-17 FFVP awardee list, with funding amounts, is located on the FFVP Award Recipient webpage. The Period 1 allocation is 10% of the funded amount.
Q: What if we need to spend more than 10% in period 1?
A: Email Jennifer Mitchell to negotiate a larger allocation for Period 1.
Q: Is there a way I can obtain or print these presentation slides from this webinar?
A: Yes, they are posted on the website under the FFVP Training.
Q: Does the program pay for promotional materials/information sheets for the teachers?
A: No. The School District pays them, or you may use other creative means. You can find some nutrition education information on the FFVP web page.
Q: Are educational papers sent to the teachers an operational expense, or is it non-fundable?
A: Non-fundable.
Q: So, no fruit bowl for left overs in the office so anyone can swing by and grab something?
A: No, but make sure no kids go without the FFVP just because they’ve missed the snack time.
Q: Can we donate unused, unopened packaged fruits or vegetables to the food bank?
A: You can keep the food for later use if it will last. If they will go bad, contact the health department to see if it’s OK to donate. Ask the food bank what they need from you to keep food fresh.
Q: Does the training for the entire staff need to be completed before the program starts? All of the schools in our district have participated in FFVP in previous years.
A: At least remind them of what the program is and what the basics of the program are.
Q: Have you made what you think is a great/best FFVP menu by season?
A: No. Jen used to have one, but it was not being utilized as she had envisioned.
Q: If we serve pineapple (for example), and a child is allergic, can we serve them another fruit?
A: Yes. Keep it a special fruit though (such as dragon fruit orpluot), not just a basic fruit (like an apple or orange).
Q: Do we publicize the availability of free produce to students only?
A: No, widely publicize. Remember that the program is only for children though.
Q: Is fuel (for delivery of produce) reported as small supplies?
A: Yes. Incorporate it in the small supply area. Write it as ‘fuel surcharge’.
Q: Can you dehydrate fresh apples?
A: No. You cannot dehydrate fresh apples because you have to serve them fresh. However, you can use fruit that dried on a tree (such as dates).
Q: Can you have more than one vendor?
A: Absolutely, yes. It just means more work potentially.
Q: Is there a list of vendors that are/are not approved for FFVP purchases?
A: No, it up to the School Districts to make sure you’re working with a responsible vendor. Check with your business office.