Governor’s Advisory Council on the Blind

June 5, 2015

Smyrna Rest Stop Conference Center, Smyrna

Roll Call: Lloyd Schmitz, Chairperson, Nancy Frankl, Ken Rolph, Mariam Nabi, James Law, Janet Brown

Absent: Marjorie Deska

Division for the Visually Impaired (DVI) Staff:

Elisha Jenkins, Deputy Director

Rob Schmidlkofer, Blind Entrepreneur Program (BEP)

Ava Briggs, Administrative Specialist

Bill DeGraffenreid, BEP

Jocelyn Langrehr, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)


Larry Byler

Janet Berry, Blind Sight Delaware (BSD)

Anthony Paolini, BEP

Thomas Newcomb, BEP

Gary Pizzolo, BEP

Tony Maczynski, BEP

Mike Dunlop, BEP

Wayne Marsh, BEP

The meeting was called to order at 10:12am by Lloyd Schmitz. Minutes from the May meeting were approved as written.

Task Force on Education: Lloyd said that one of recommendations of the task force is that education should have oversight from a board or commission. Or we could consider a larger Council on Blind (COB) with a subcommittee on education. Education needs some outside participation. Janet Berry said this council can talk directly to the governor. She said we have director’s attention. We would need to extend the time that this committee meets. Janet Brown expressed concerns. Lloyd said subcommittee would have to know federal laws. Ken Rolph said it would take time for the subcommittee to learn the laws. Lloyd thinks that not all people on subcommittee have to be members of the COB. Jim is in favor of subcommittee. Nancy is in favor. Lloyd said we have ear of governor. Concern is that Lloyd is not always going to be the chairperson. Vote on having a subcommittee: all voted aye. None opposed.

Deputy Director Report:

Elisha: Final approval for two teacher positions, 2 12-month. Two 10 month teachers will also work on the summer—4 teachers total for summer. Lloyd said Joint Sunset Committee will be looking at juvenile detention. DVI needs to be prepared for education and vocational rehabilitation transition services in detention centers.

Governor Markell visited the Materials Center on Monday. Brett Rilley has been hired as a state employee and he works in the Materials Center. He does materials prep. Specialisterne Company working with Markell on hiring people with disabilities.

Technology Show May 27 had a demonstration of 3 vendors at Easter Seals—6 VI people attended. E-bot is a distance magnifier that was of interest.

Independent Living: Wellness and You workshop at BSD. 9 people attended. Yoga and ways to distress. Learning to live healthy.

2015-16 DVI Resource Guide: working on. Should be out soon. For whole agency in all formats. When people come for intake, they say their preferred format. Lloyd said that needs to be updated periodically when do next robo-call. Give people a number to call for preferred accessible format.

Vacancy in Volunteer Services also Child youth counselor, Linda Rust will retire at end of June. How to help with budget: no out of state travel, wait until vacant and then will put in hiring request. Do we want to hire another youth counselor or a TVI to specialize in birth-three. Tell Jerry that task force encourages upgrade in position.

Delaware Industries for Blind (DIB): From April to May 35% less deficit. The contract is being renewed for neckerchiefs. SCORE will meet to help with written business plan. Still in deficit. Janet asked what is deficit amount: $17,370. 80 per month: May’s numbers. Reduction in benefits: effective July 1, won’t give towards AFLAC or other account. No more layoffs. Of the first five layoffs, 2 VI have found employment or training. There have been increased sales. Sales person has been transferred to customer service supervisor. Sales person will be posted. Lloyd is concerned about not having a sales person. Lloyd said should have held the position of customer service until new person hired for sales. No sales equal no income and thus further losses!

Technology: Workshops 4 beginning in August—one a month. Elisha will let us know the names of these.

BEP Report:

Gift shop not opened yet because display cabinets are not here. Now soft opening in mid-June but full opening in July. Open for consignment, too. CoolPop will be there, also other local companies that want to display. Local brewery products, mugs, tShirts. DIB will make tShirts. Hours: 7-7, 7 days a week. Also make this a training place, internship, mentoring to see if they are interested in BEP. Bill D. will work with prospective BEP members.

Also turning Hideaway café to a commissary. Open to other private business vendors, public health-approved. They do this in other states—can charge rent. There are 7 vendors interested, at least $1000 a month. They would prepare foods there and then go off to sell. VI person to operate commissary. Hire others with disabilities. Looking at different opportunities: car washes, laundromat. BEP program will put in $50,000, will get federal matching funds. Would need about 8 months to recoop. For 8 months, under the leadership of SLA. Setaside—money put into program and unassigned vending puts money into BEP. Rob said will get rid of unassigned vending. Janet wants a strategic plan that shows sustainability plan.

How many operators can you bring in? Rob said impossible to bring in new operator, even with unassigned vending. Wayne said could hire 2 people with unassigned. Lloyd wants to see a plan from beginning stages. By September, BEP is trying to able to request funds by federal govt.—a plan to submit. Janet said need a total plan: Total year long budget plan. 3 or 5 year budget plans—

Lloyd said this can open up a lot of possibilities but you need a written plan including budget.

How to bring in new people—rewriting policies, VR also involved. Rewrite goes to Blind Vendors Committee, then for approval Rehab Services Admin. Set of policies in one manual—clear, concise. Working as a team to rewrite—fixing what’s broken. Will take at least a year to do this. Changing 25-30 policies. Lloyd said Policy maker Andy could help speed along. Andy can draft policy and then BEP can change and then could speed up process. Rob said could help get rid of inconsistencies.

Lloyd said requiring candidates through Hadley—a college level course—if candidate completes, then they qualify to enter BEP as an operator. BVC said - Want to make sure person can handle Hadley course. Lloyd said - That should be a VR issue: Jocelyn said that VR can made judgment about whether person can handle classes. Informed choice all along. VR policy is not going to pay for class more than once unless unusual case.

Designing things for gift shop: ornaments to sell, limited edition or one of a kind. Any ideas? Governor ornament? Janet B asked about alternatives if DIB is out of business. Rob said that he has a contingency plan.

Outreach to veterans: introducing to DVI. VA doesn’t say anything about DVI. VA takes care of blind veterans—they don’t send to DVI. Lloyd said VA take good care of veterans. Rob will try to find time to find out how many VI veterans there are in Delaware. Lloyd said to contact Dover Air Force Base—contact disabilities person on base; maybe can get contracts on base.

Rob appreciates COB working on issue with state, get more priorities in prison and schools. Lloyd said he would recommend BEP reading the state use law—all the sections. Definition of state office buildings. Lloyd said to strike the word “office”. Definition of state office building—any building state occupies. Look at exemptions. DENREC exempted, but prison not.

Opportunity: Smyrna Rest is looking for new vendor for Smyrna machines. BEP will have first shot at vending machines. One operator could do both vending and gift shop. If state agency doesn’t comply, should be consequences. Lloyd encourages people go to state use law meetings.

Rob asked operators to check to see if others are selling drinks and candy bars. Put a stop—letter from Dean Stottler to agency Management and department.

Public comment: Thomas N. said he has encountered water sales where his machines are. Larry would like the directory in braille.

Nancy and Mariam can’t be at August 7 meeting, but COB will meet anyway at Biggs Building. Can meet at Hideaway Café or Biggs Building. Meeting adjourned at 12:03pm.