Mona Lena Krook



Department of Political SciencePhone: +1 609 917 4224

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Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Associate Professor of Political Science, 2012-present

WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO

Assistant Professor of Political Science and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, 2005-2012

Fellow of the Center for Political Economy, 2006-2012

HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA

Hrdy Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, 2008-2009

Fellow, Women and Public Policy Program, JohnF.KennedySchool of Government, 2008-2009

University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2004-2005


Columbia University, New York, NY

Ph.D. in Political Science, February 2005

Dissertation: “Politicizing Representation: Campaigns for Candidate Gender Quotas Worldwide”

*Honorable Mention, Best Dissertation on Women and Politics, American Political Science Association

Committee: Mark Kesselman (chair), Ira Katznelson, Robert C. Lieberman, Alice Kessler-Harris,

Victoria de Grazia

  • University of Stockholm, Sweden, Visiting Researcher, 2001-2002

Columbia University, New York, NY

M.Phil. in Political Science, May 2001

Major Field: Comparative PoliticsMinor Field: Political Theory

Certificate in Western European Studies, Institute for the Study of Europe, May 2001

Certificate in Feminist Scholarship, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, May 2001

M.A. in Political Science, May 1999

University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Fulbright Fellow, 1997-1998

Columbia University, New York, NY

B.A. in Political Science, May 1997

Honors: Magna Cum Laude, Political Science Departmental Honors, Phi Beta Kappa

  • Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, Tufts-in-Madrid Program, 1995-1996
  • University of Oslo, Norway, International Summer School, 1995



January Institute on Women, Leadership, and Community, Institute for Teaching and Research on Women, Towson University, and Women’s Studies and Development Centre, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, January 5-12, 2008.

Workshop on “State of the Art: The Latest in Qualitative Software Advances,” Second International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, May 4, 2006.

Frontiers of Women and Politics Research Conference, Section on Women and Politics, American Political Science Association, American University, Washington, DC, August 31, 2005.

38th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, European Consortium for Political Research, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, July 25-August 5, 2005.

Short Course on “Pushing the Frontiers of Women and Politics Research,” Section on Women and Politics, American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 27, 2003.

Second Annual Training Institute on Qualitative Research Methods, Consortium on Qualitative Research Methods, ArizonaStateUniversity, Tempe, AZ, January 6-17, 2003.

11th Ph.D. Summer School on European Parties & Party Systems, ECPR Standing Group on Political Parties, Keele University, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, September 9-20, 2002.

Seminar on “Women’s Movements and Internationalisation: The Third Wave?,” Nordic and International Network for Research, Nordic Academy for Advanced Study, Helsinki, Finland, August 18-20, 2001.

Ph.D. Course on “Women’s Presence and Democratic Institutions in Times of Transition,” Nordic Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Research and the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study, Sostrup Castle, Grenå, Denmark, August 25-31, 1998.


Reading and speaking competence in Finnish, French, Spanish, and Swedish. Reading competence in Danish, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, and Portuguese. Elementary competence in German.



“Gender and Comparative Politics,” Rutgers University, Spring 2013.

“Global Feminisms,” Washington University, Spring 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012.

“Comparative Perspectives on the State,” WashingtonUniversity, Fall 2005, 2007.

“Qualitative Research Methods,” WashingtonUniversity, Fall 2006.

“External Relations of the European Union,” SetonHallUniversity, Spring 2003.


“Gender and Politics in Global Perspective,” Washington University, Spring 2006, 2007, 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2011, 2012; Rutgers University, Fall 2012.

“Global Feminisms,” Washington University, Spring 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012; Rutgers University, Fall 2012.

“Feminist Research Methods,” Washington University, Fall 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011.

“Politics of Western Europe,” Columbia University, Fall 2000, Teaching Assistant.


Authored Books

Krook, Mona Lena. 2009. Quotas for Women in Politics: Gender and Candidate Selection Reform Worldwide. New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Winner of the Victoria Schuck Award from the American Political Science Association for the Best Book on Women and Politics (2010)
  • Reviewed in Feminist Collections (2009), Choice (2010), Perspectives on Politics (2010), Australian Journal of Political Science (2010), Journal of Politics (2010), International Studies Review (2010), Canadian Journal of Political Science (2011), Journal of Women, Politics, and Public Policy (2011), Party Politics (2012)

Edited Books

Bowen, John, Christophe Bertossi, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Mona Lena Krook, eds. 2013.European States and Their Muslim Citizens: The Impact of Institutions on Perceptions and Boundaries.New York: Cambridge University Press.

Franceschet, Susan, Mona Lena Krook, and Jennifer M. Piscopo, eds. 2012. The Impact of Gender Quotas. New York: Oxford University Press.

Krook, Mona Lena and Fiona Mackay, eds. 2011. Gender, Politics, and Institutions: Toward A Feminist Institutionalism. New York: Palgrave.

Krook, Mona Lena and Sarah Childs, eds. 2010. Women, Gender, and Politics: A Reader. New York: Oxford University Press.

Edited Journal Issues

Krook, Mona Lena and Pär Zetterberg, eds. Forthcoming. Special issue on “Electoral Quotas and Political Representation: Comparative Perspectives.” International Political Science Review.

Krook, Mona Lena and Andrea Messing-Mathie, eds. 2013. Critical Perspectives symposium on “Gender Quotas and Comparative Politics.”Politics & Gender 9 (3): 299-328.


Political Representation

Krook, Mona Lena and Pippa Norris. Forthcoming. “Beyond Quotas: Strategies to Promote Gender Equality in Elected Office.” Political Studies.

Krook, Mona Lena. Forthcoming. “Electoral Gender Quotas: Concepts and Comparative Analysis.” Comparative Political Studies.

Krook, Mona Lena and Pär Zetterberg. Forthcoming. “Electoral Quotas and Political Representation: Comparative Perspectives.” International Political Science Review.

Krook, Mona Lena and Robert G. Moser. 2013. “Electoral Rules and Political Inclusion.”Perspectives on Politics 11 (3): 814-818.

Krook, Mona Lena and Diana Z. O’Brien. 2012. “All the President’s Men? The Appointment of Female Cabinet Ministers Worldwide.” Journal of Politics74(3): 840-855.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2010. “Women’s Representation in Parliament: A Qualitative-Comparative Analysis.” Political Studies 58 (5): 886-908.

  • Winner of the Harrison Prize from the UK Political Studies Association for the Best Article in Political Studies (2010)

Krook, Mona Lena and Diana Z. O’Brien. 2010. “The Politics of Group Representation: Quotas for Women and Minorities Worldwide.”Comparative Politics 42 (3): 253-272.

  • Original version awarded the Sophonisba Breckinridge Award for the Best Paper on Women and Politics, Midwest Political Science Association (2008)

Krook, Mona Lena. 2010. “Studying Political Representation: A Comparative-Gendered Approach.”Perspectives on Politics 8 (1): 233-240.

Krook, Mona Lena, Joni Lovenduski, and Judith Squires. 2009. “Gender Quotas and Models of Political Citizenship.” British Journal of Political Science 39 (4): 781-803.

Childs, Sarah and Mona Lena Krook. 2009. “Analysing Women’s Substantive Representation: From Critical Mass to Critical Actors.” Government and Opposition 44 (2): 125-145.

Childs, Sarah and Mona Lena Krook. 2008. “Critical Mass Theory and Women’s Political Representation.”Political Studies 56 (3): 725-736.

Celis, Karen, Sarah Childs, Johanna Kantola, and Mona Lena Krook. 2008. “Rethinking Women’s Substantive Representation.”Representation44 (2): 99-110.

  • Listed on the Taylor & Francis website as the “Most Cited Article” and the second “Most Read Article” for Representation

Candidate Selection

Murray, Rainbow, Mona Lena Krook, and Katherine A. R. Opello. 2012. “Why Are Gender Quotas Adopted? Parity and Party Pragmatism in France.” Political Research Quarterly65 (3): 529-543.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2010. “Beyond Supply and Demand: A Feminist-Institutionalist Theory of Candidate Selection.” Political Research Quarterly 63 (4): 707-720.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2010. “Why Are Fewer Women Than Men Elected? Gender and the Dynamics of Candidate Selection.” Political Studies Review 8 (2): 155-168.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2007. “Candidate Gender Quotas: A Framework for Analysis.” European Journal of Political Research 46 (3): 367-394.

Policy Diffusion and Electoral Reform

Krook, Mona Lena and Jacqui True. 2012. “Rethinking the Life Cycles of International Norms: The United Nations and the Global Promotion of Gender Equality.” European Journal of International Relations 18 (1): 103-127.

Celis, Karen, Mona Lena Krook, and Petra Meier. 2011. “The Rise of Gender Quota Laws: Expanding the Spectrum of Determinants for Electoral Reform.” West European Politics 34 (3): 514-530.

Krook, Mona Lena, Diana Z. O’Brien, and Krista M. Swip. 2010. “Military Invasion and Women’s Political Representation: Gender Quotas in Post-Conflict Afghanistan and Iraq.”International Feminist Journal of Politics 12 (1): 65-78.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2007. “National Solution or Model from Abroad? Analyzing International Influences on the Parity Movement in France.” French Politics 5(1): 3-19.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2006. “Reforming Representation: The Diffusion of Candidate Gender Quotas Worldwide.” Politics & Gender 2(3): 303-327.

  • Listed on the Cambridge University Press website as a “Most Cited Article” for Politics & Gender

Krook, Mona Lena. 2004. “Gender Quotas as a Global Phenomenon: Actors and Strategies in Quota Adoption.” European Political Science 3 (3): 59-65.

Gender and Politics and Feminist Research Methods

Driscoll, Amanda and Mona Lena Krook. 2012. “Feminism and Rational Choice Theory.”European Political Science Review4 (2): 195-216.

Jalalzai, Farida and Mona Lena Krook. 2010. “Beyond Hillary and Benazir: Women’s Political Leadership Worldwide.”International Political Science Review 31 (1): 1-19.

  • Original version awarded the Women’s Caucus Prize for the Best Paper on Women and Politics, Northeastern Political Science Association (2009)
  • Reprinted inCurrent Controversies: Women in Politics, Farmington Hills: Cengage Learning, 71-83, 2012.

Childs, Sarah and Mona Lena Krook. 2008. “Theorizing Women’s Political Representation: Debates and Innovations in Empirical Research.” Femina Politica 2: 20-30.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2008. “Quota Laws for Women in Politics: Implications for Feminist Practice.” Social Politics15 (3): 345-368.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2006. “Finns det feministiska metoder inom samhällsvetenskaplig forskning?” Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift27 (2-3): 77-89.

Krook, Mona Lena and Judith Squires. 2006. “Gender Quotas in British Politics: Multiple Approaches and Methods in Feminist Research.” British Politics 1(1): 44-66.

Childs, Sarah and Mona Lena Krook. 2006. “Gender and Politics: The State of the Art.”Politics 26 (1): 18-28.

Editor-Reviewed Articles

Critical Perspectives on Gender and Politics

Krook, Mona Lena and Andrea Messing-Mathie. 2013.“Gender Quotas and Comparative Politics: Past, Present, and Future Research Agendas.” Politics & Gender 9 (3): 299-303.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2011. “Gendering Comparative Politics: Achievements and Challenges.”Politics & Gender 7 (1): 99-105.

Driscoll, Amanda and Mona Lena Krook. 2009. “Can There Be a Feminist Rational Choice Institutionalism?”Politics & Gender 5 (2): 238-245.

Childs, Sarah and Mona Lena Krook. 2006. “Should Feminists Give Up on Critical Mass? A Contingent Yes.” Politics & Gender 2 (4): 522-530.

  • Listed on the Cambridge University Press website as the “Most Cited Article for the Previous 2 Years” and the second “Most Cited Article”for Politics & Gender

Krook, Mona Lena. 2006. “Gender Quotas, Norms, and Politics.” Politics & Gender 2 (1): 110-118.

Response, Teaching-Oriented, and Short Essays

Krook, Mona Lena. Forthcoming. “Gender Quotas and Democracy: Insights from Africa and Beyond.” Women’s Studies International Forum.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2010. “Gender Quotas and Women’s Political Empowerment.” e-International Relations,

Krook, Mona Lena. 2009. “Gender Quotas in Parliament: A Global View.” Al-Raida, 8-17.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2009. “Teaching Gender and Politics: Feminist Methods in Political Science.” Qualitative and Multi-Method Research 7 (1): 23-29.

Childs, Sarah and Mona Lena Krook. 2006. “Gender, Politics, and Political Science: A Reply to Michael Moran.”Politics 26 (3): 203-205.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2003. “Increasing Women’s Political Representation: Party Competition as a Mechanism of Change.” Саясат - Политика - Politics 1 (1): 25-29.

Book Chapters

Gender Quotas

Norris, Pippa and Mona Lena Krook. Forthcoming. “How Quotas Work: The Supply and Demand Model Revisited.” In Deeds and Words: Festschrift for Joni Lovenduski, ed. Rosie Campbell and Sarah Childs. Colchester: ECPR Press.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2012. “Quota Generations: Forging a Research Community.” In Comparisons, Quotas and Critical Change: Festschrift for Drude Dahlerup, ed. Lenita Freidenvall and Michele Micheletti. Stockholm: Stockholm University, 109-116.

Franceschet, Susan, Mona Lena Krook, and Jennifer M. Piscopo. 2012. “Conceptualizing the Impact of Gender Quotas.” InThe Impact of Gender Quotas, ed.Susan Franceschet, Mona Lena Krook, and Jennifer M. Piscopo. New York: Oxford University Press.

Childs, Sarah and Mona Lena Krook. 2012. “Labels and Mandates in the United Kingdom.” InThe Impact of Gender Quotas, ed.Susan Franceschet, Mona Lena Krook, and Jennifer M. Piscopo. New York: Oxford University Press.

Franceschet, Susan, Mona Lena Krook, and Jennifer M. Piscopo. 2012. “Themes and Implications for Future Research on Gender Quotas.” InThe Impact of Gender Quotas, ed.Susan Franceschet, Mona Lena Krook, and Jennifer M. Piscopo. New York: Oxford University Press.

Celis, Karen, Mona Lena Krook, and Petra Meier. 2011. “The Rise of Gender Quota Laws: Expanding the Spectrum of Determinants for Electoral Reform.”In Understanding Electoral Reform, ed. Reuven Hazan and Monique Leyenaar. London: Routledge, 514-530.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2009. “Candidate Gender Quotas.” InWomen and Politics Around the World: A Comparative History and Survey, ed. Joyce Gelb and Marian Lief Palley.Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 87-99.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2008. “La adopción e impacto de las leyes de cuotas de género: una perspectiva global.” InMujer y política: El impacto de las cuotas de género en América Latina, ed. Marcela Ríos Tobar. Santiago: Editorial Catalonia, 27-59.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2008. “Campaigns for Candidate Gender Quotas: A New Global Women’s Movement?” In Women’s Movements: Flourishing or in Abeyance?, ed. Sandra Grey and Marian Sawer. New York: Routledge, 105-115.

Krook, Mona Lena, Joni Lovenduski, and Judith Squires. 2006. “Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand: Gender Quotas in the Context of Citizenship Models.” In Women, Quotas, and Politics, ed. Drude Dahlerup. New York: Routledge, 194-221.

Political Institutions

Bowen, John, Christophe Bertossi, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Mona Lena Krook. 2013. “An Institutional Approach to Framing Muslims in Europe.” In European States and Their Muslim Citizens: The Impact of Institutions on Perceptions and Boundaries, ed. Bowen, John, Christophe Bertossi, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Mona Lena Krook. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1-25.

Bowen, John, Christophe Bertossi, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Mona Lena Krook. 2013. “Conclusions.” In European States and Their Muslim Citizens: The Impact of Institutions on Perceptions and Boundaries, ed. Bowen, John, Christophe Bertossi, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Mona Lena Krook. New York: Cambridge University Press, 256-271.

Krook, Mona Lena and Leslie Schwindt-Bayer. 2013. “Electoral Institutions.” In Oxford Handbook on Gender and Politics, ed. Georgina Waylen, Karen Celis, Johanna Kantola, and S. Laurel Weldon. New York: Oxford University Press, 554-578.

Krook, Mona Lena and Fiona Mackay. 2011. “Gender, Politics, and Institutions: Setting the Agenda.” In Gender, Politics, and Institutions: Towards a Feminist Institutionalism, ed. Mona Lena Krook and Fiona Mackay. New York: Palgrave, 1-20.

Freidenvall, Lenita and Mona Lena Krook. 2011. “Discursive Strategies for Institutional Reform: Gender Quotas in Sweden and France.” In Gender, Politics, and Institutions: Towards a Feminist Institutionalism, ed. Mona Lena Krook and Fiona Mackay. New York: Palgrave, 42-57.

Political Representation

Krook, Mona Lena. Forthcoming. “The Political Representation of Women and Minorities.” In Comparing Democracies 4: Elections and Voting in a Changing World, ed. Lawrence LeDuc, Richard G. Niemi, and Pippa Norris. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2013. “Minorities in Electoral Politics: Gender, Race, and Political Inclusion in Sweden, France, and Britain.” In European States and Their Muslim Citizens: The Impact of Institutions on Perceptions and Boundaries, ed. John Bowen, Christophe Bertossi, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Mona Lena Krook.New York: Cambridge University Press, 189-215.

Childs, Sarah and Mona Lena Krook. 2008. “The Substantive Representation of Women.” In Women and British Party Politics: Descriptive, Substantive, and Symbolic Representation, by Sarah Childs. London: Routledge, 108-139.

Krook, Mona Lena and Judith Squires. 2007. “Working Together? Analysing Interrelations.” In The New Politics of Gender Equality, by Judith Squires. London: Palgrave, 76-87.

Gender and Politics

Norris, Pippa and Mona Lena Krook. Forthcoming. “Women in Elective Office Worldwide: Barriers and Opportunities.” InWomen and Elective Office: Past, Present and Future, ed. Sue Thomas and Clyde Wilcox. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

Krook, Mona Lena and Sarah Childs. 2010. “Women, Gender, and Politics: An Introduction.” In Women, Gender, and Politics: A Reader, ed. Mona Lena Krook and Sarah Childs. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 3-18.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2004. “Women’s Agency and the Changing Distribution of Power in Scandinavian Society.” In Gender – Power – Text: Nordic Culture in the Twentieth Century, ed. Helena Forsås-Scott. Norwich: Norvik Press, 41-59.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2004. “Promoting Gender-balanced Decision-making: The Role of International Fora and Transnational Networks.” In Crossing Borders: Re-mapping Women’s Movements at the Turn of the 21st Century, ed. Hilda Roemer Christensen, Beatrice Halsaa, and Aino Saarinen. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, 205-220.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2002. “‘Europe for Women, Women for Europe’: Strategies for Parity Democracy in the European Union.” In Democracy And Integration In An Enlarging Europe, ed. John S. Micgiel. New York: Institute for the Study of Europe, 67-86.

Encyclopedia Entries

Krook, Mona Lena. Forthcoming. “Female Quotas in Parliament: Do They Make a Difference?” In International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, ed. James Wright. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Krook, Mona Lena and Sarah Childs. 2010. “Gender, Women, and Representation in the State.” In The International Studies Encyclopedia, ed. Robert A. Denemark. New York: Wiley-Blackwell and the International Studies Association, 2752-2772.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2008. “Politics, Gender.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, ed. William A. Darity, Jr. Vol. 6, 2nd ed.Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 332-334.

Krook, Mona Lena. 2008. “Women’s Movement.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, ed. William A. Darity, Jr. Vol. 9, 2nd ed.Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 116-118.
