Related to the
Construction of Allen Independent School District
Capital ImprovementProject -
Group 1
RFP No. 2016-N11-05
November 19, 2015
A Pre-Proposal Conference is scheduled for
3:30 p.m. CDST, November 30, 2015
Allen ISD Administration Building
First Floor Conference Room
612 E. Bethany Dr.
Allen, TX75002
Submittals will be accepted by mail or hand delivery no later than
2:00 p.m. CDST, December 10, 2015, to:
Debbie Nye, Purchasing Director
612 E. Bethany Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
Offerors must submit their proposals, the signature page, and all additional documents. It is requested that offerors provide one (1) original and four (4) hardcopies of all documents in a sealed envelope and manually signed in ink by a person having the authority to submit firm’s information, as well as one (1) electronic copy in PDF format on CD, DVD or USB (PDF copy must have signature included).
Allen ISD is always conscious and extremely appreciative of your time and effort in the preparing of this information. Requests for information/clarification should be directed in writingby email to:
Debbie Nye, Purchasing Director
612 E. Bethany Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
Table ofContents
3.Proposal EvaluationProcess
5.Pre-Proposal Conference
6.Scope ofWork and Proposed Construction Schedule
7.Form ofContract
9.Information to be Provided byOfferors
9.4Architect of Record. The Architect of Record for all the projects included in the Construction Manager-at-Risk package will be STB Architects & Planners, Inc., Dallas, Texas.
Pursuant to the provisions of Texas Government Code Section 2269.253, it isthe intention of the AllenIndependent School District (the “District” or “Owner”) to selectvia the one-step Request for Proposal process a Construction Manager-at-Risk forthe construction of the projects describedherein. Persons or entities submitting proposals(“Proposals”or “Offers”) arereferredtohereinas“Offeror(s)”.
Proposals will be received at Allen Independent School District by thefollowing Districtrepresentative:
Debbie Nye, CPPO, CPPB
Director of Materials Management
Allen Independent SchoolDistrict
612 E. Bethany Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
Unless otherwise indicated, any communication regarding thissolicitation, including requests for clarification, must be directed via e-mail onlyto theDistrict representative referencedabove.
1.3.1.Proposals: Proposal envelopes must be addressed to the District’s point of contactreferenced in Section 1.1 above and plainly marked on the outside withthe Offeror’s name and address and thefollowing:
RFP NO. 2016-N11-05
DUE 2:00P.M.
1.4.DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS: Proposals shall be received by the District on or before 2:00 p.m. (CST), Thursday, December 10, 2015.
1.5.LATE PROPOSALS NOT ACCEPTED: No proposal, under any circumstances, shall be acceptable after the date and time set forth in this solicitation or any related addendum. Any proposal received after the published deadline will not be considered.
1.6.BID OPENING: Following the deadline for receipt of proposals, the District'sstaff will publicly open and read aloud the names of the Offerors and all fees andprices stated in theproposals.
ThetimelineforthesolicitationprocessassociatedwiththisRequestforProposalsis outlinedbelow,ascurrentlyplannedbytheDistrict.TheDistrictreservestherightto makeanychangesasmaybe requiredandwillnotifyallparticipantsaccordingly.
First Advertisement...... Thursday, November 19,2015
Second Advertisement...... Thursday, November 26, 2015
Pre-ProposalConference...... Monday, November 30, 2015, 3:30 PM
Interpretation/Questions Deadline………………….…….…….December 4, 2015, 2:00 PM
Issue Addendum………………………………….….…..………Monday, December 7, 2015
DeadlinetoSubmitProposals...... Thursday,December 10, 2015,2:00PM
Interviews, if necessary…………………………...... Week of December 14th, 2015
District Closed for Winter Break……….……....….December 21, 2015 - January 1, 2016
Board Approval...... Monday, January 18,2016
3.Proposal EvaluationProcess
3.1.Within forty-five (45) days following the date of the opening,the SelectionCommitteewill evaluateand rankeach proposal submitted in relation to the selection criteria setforthherein. The District may also request additional information from theOfferorsat any time prior to final ranking of Offerors. The District may select all,some or none of the Offerors for interviews by the Selection Committee. The interview, if any, will not be scored separately from the proposal, but may result inan adjustment in score. A recommendation will be made to the Board of Trusteesasto the ranking of theproposals.
3.2.Following the Committee’s ranking of the Offerors based on thepublished selection criteria,andrecommendationtothe BoardofTrustees,theDistrictwillattempttonegotiateanagreementwiththehighest ranked Offeror. If the District is unable to negotiate an agreement with theselected Offeror, the District shall, formally and in writing, end negotiations with thatOfferor andbeginthenegotiationprocesswiththenextrankedOfferorintheorderofselection ranking until a contract is reached or negotiations with allranked Offerorsend.
Pursuant to the Texas Government Code Section 2269.254, the District will rank the proposals based on the following criteria and relative weights:
30%The Construction Manager’s Fee and General Conditions.
25%Thereputation and experience of the Offeror and their services withsimilar school projects as a Construction Manager.
25%The experience and reputation of the Construction Manager’s project team that would be assigned.
10%The Construction Manager’s financial capacity appropriate to the size andscope of the project and relative to all projects currently under contract.
10%Safety Record. Provide information regarding your Employee Modifier Rate (EMR) or OSHA incident rate.
All responses in your proposal may be used to rank construction managers based onthe criteria.TheDistrictreservestherighttoverifytheaccuracyandcompletenessofall responses by utilizing any information available to the District without regard towhether such information appears in yourproposal.
By submitting a proposal, each Offeror agrees to waive any claim it has ormay haveagainst the District, the Architect/Engineer, and their respectivetrustees, agents and employees, and any reference sources, arising out of or inconnection with the administration, evaluation, or recommendation of any proposal; waiverofanyrequirementsundertheproposaldocuments;acceptanceorrejectionofany proposal; and award of a contract. All costs related to the preparationand submission of a proposal shall be the responsibility of theOfferor.
The District shall have no contractual obligation to any Offeror, nor will any Offerorhave anypropertyinterestorotherrightinthecontractorworkbeingproposedunlessand until the contract is unconditionally executed and delivered by all parties.
5.Pre-Proposal Conference
APre-ProposalConferencewillbeheldonMonday, November30, 2015, at3:30p.m.attheAllenISDAdministrationBuilding, 612 E. Bethany Dr., Allen, TX 75002.
6.Scope ofWork and Proposed Construction Schedule
Offerors shall consider the work of the following nine(9) projects (Project ‘1’ throughProject ‘9’) when submitting aProposal.
6.1.PROJECT ‘1’– Elementary School #18 Construction
ScopeofWork;Budget.TheproposedProjectconsists of construction of a new elementary school #18 in northwest Allen. Approximate square footage: 119,000. Completion date:July 31, 2017. The approximate construction cost for this projectis $19,000,000.
6.2.PROJECT ‘2’ – Vaughan Elementary School Renovations
Scope of Work;Budget.TheproposedProjectconsists of renovations to the existing Vaughan Elementary School. Approximate square footage: 91,000. Completion date:August 8, 2016. The approximate construction cost for this projectis $7,500,000.
6.3.PROJECT ‘3’ – Bolin Elementary School Renovations
Scope of Work;Budget.TheproposedProjectconsists of renovations to the existing Bolin Elementary School.Approximate square footage: 95,500. Completion date: August 7, 2017. The approximate construction cost for this projectis $8,000,000.
6.4.PROJECT ‘4’ – Kerr Elementary School Renovations
Scope of Work;Budget.TheproposedProjectconsists of renovations to the existing Kerr Elementary School. Approximate square footage: 95,500. Completion date: August 6, 2018. The approximate construction cost for this projectis $8,500,000.
6.5.PROJECT ‘5’ – Marion Elementary School Renovations
Scope of Work;Budget.TheproposedProjectconsists of renovations to the existing Marion Elementary School. Approximate square footage: 102,000. Completion date: August 5, 2019. The approximate construction cost for this projectis $9,000,000.
6.6.PROJECT ‘6’ – Ereckson Middle School Stadium Construction
Scope of Work;Budget.TheproposedProjectconsists of construction of stadium field, seating and lighting at the existing Ereckson Middle School. Approximate square footage: 2,000. Completion date:July 31, 2018. The approximate construction cost for this projectis $2,700,000.
Form ofContract
The contract between the District and the Construction Manager shall be theStandardFormofAgreementbetweenOwnerandConstructionManagerasContractorWhere the Basis of Payment is the Cost of the Work plus a Fee with a “GuaranteedMaximumPrice”, the most recent AIA Document A133-2009, as amended by the District for thisProject(“Agreement”). The General Conditions shall be the General Conditions of theContract for Construction, AIA Document A201-2007, as amended by the District for thisproject. In the event that a project is awarded to an Offeror and the Offeror requests changestothe District Standard Agreement form, the District reserves the right to cancel theawardand re-award the project to an alternateOfferor.
The Offerors, or any agent or representative of Offerors, shall not undertakeanyactivities or actions to promote or advertise their qualifications or Proposal toanymember of the District’s Board of Trustees, the District’s Administration ortheirrespective staff persons, except as specifically requested in writing by the District, at anytime between the date of submission of the RFP and the date of award of anAgreement by the District’s Board of Trustees. This restriction extends to “thank you” letters,phone calls,emailsandanycontactthatresultsinthedirectorindirectdiscussionoftheRFPand/or proposal submitted by theOfferors.
9.Information to be ProvidedbyOfferors
Offerors participating in this Request for Proposals must include thefollowinginformation and required documents within theirProposal:
9.1.Offeror Statement of Qualifications Experience (per the informationrequestedin“Attachment#1”).Allinformationtobeprovidedinthesequenceandformatprescribed in Attachment#1.
9.2.Offeror Proposal Response Form (Offerors to complete “Attachment #2”).
9.3.Miscellaneous Required Documents. Offerors must complete and includethefollowing required documents with theirProposal:
9.3.1.Vendor Deviations/Compliance Form (attached to thissolicitation).
9.3.2.Felony Conviction Notice (attached to thissolicitation).
9.3.3.Certificate of Residency (attached to thissolicitation).
9.3.4.Debarment – Suspension Notice (attached to thissolicitation).
9.3.5.Conflict of Interest Questionnaire - Form CIQ (attached tothis
9.4.Architect of Record. The Architect of Record for all the projects included in the Construction Manager-at-Risk package will be STB Architects & Planners, Inc., Dallas, Texas.
INSTRUCTIONS: Offerors submitting a Proposal must providethe followinginformationabouttheirorganization.Allinformationtobe provided in the sequence and format prescribedherein.
A.Offeror Information
1.Name ofFirm
6.Number of Permanent Employees. (Employees hired for the duration ofa specific project or undera fixed-term contract arenot consideredpermanentemployeesforpurposesofthisproposal).
8.Main OfficeLocation(ifdifferentthanabove).
9.Describe any substantial changes in ownership of your firm during thepast fiveyears.
10.Howmanyyearshasyour firm operated under itscurrentformof businessorganization?
11.List all professional or industry organizations in which your firm orits principals aremembers.
12.In order to assist the District in determining whether there existany conflicts of interest, please describe any business or familyrelationships between any member of the District Board of Trusteesand:
ii.any principal of yourfirm;
iii.any subcontractor you are considering using to perform anyportion of the project work;or,
iv.any principal of suchsubcontractor.
Provide brief resumes (2-page limit) for the persons listed below:
2.Project ManagementCandidates
ii.Job Site Superintendent
For the Project Manager and Job Site Superintendent candidates, please list up to threepersons you consider qualified for each project. Please also provide a listof the principal duties and responsibilities you anticipate assigning tothe Project Managerandtothe Job Site Superintendent. Provide a list of projects for each candidate where they performed these duties.
TheOfferoragreestoemploy the Project Manager and Job Site Superintendent for the entire duration of the Work at the positions indicated, and agrees not to remove them from the Work nor replace them with others except as otherwise allowedin theContract DocumentsorapprovedinwritingbytheOwner through completion of punch list.
List all new and renovation school projects your firm has completed within the past ten(10) years. Also indicate which projects you were designated asthe ConstructionManager-at-Risk.Foreachprojectlist:
- ProjectOwner
- Brief description of theproject
- Client,clientcontactperson,andtelephonenumber
- Date constructioncompleted
- ManagingPrincipal
- Project Architect orEngineer
- Job Site Superintendent
- Assistant Job Site Superintendent
- Project Manager
- Chief Estimator
- Original contract amount
- Final contract amount
- Number of changeorders
- Describe the most common problem or challenge which youhave encounteredinschoolconstructionandyourmethodforaddressingthe issue. (Maximum 2pages).
- Describeyourfirm'sconceptsforworkinginateamrelationshipwiththe Owner and the Architect during the design and construction ofmajor projects. (Maximum 2 pages).
- Explain in detail how your firm will handle warrantyissues.
- Listtheclassificationsofworkortradeswhichyouanticipateperforming with in-houseforces.
E.Claims andLitigation
- Identify any claims or suits, if any, brought against your firm within thelast ten (10)years.
- Describe all instances in which your firm was unable to complete thework under acontract.
- Identify any judgments, claims arbitration proceedings or suits pendingor outstanding against your firm or itsofficers.
- Identify any lawsuits filed or arbitration requested by your firm withrespectto construction contracts of yourfirm.
- Identify projects where remedial work was completed either during or after the project was completed. Explain why remedial work was required. List approximate cost of the remedial work.
F.Current WorkLoad
Provide the following information for all projects youcurrentlyhave undercontract:
- Projectname
- Location
- Owner
- Architect
- Current contractamount
- Percentcomplete
- Specified contract completiondate
- Total amount of work performed as general contractor for each ofthe past ten (10)years.
- Bonding capacity
- Bankreference(s)
ii.Name ofBank
- Bonding Companyreference(s)
ii.Name ofBank
- DunnBradstreetrating,ifavailable,orlatestfinancialreport.
ProvideinformationregardingyourOSHAratingand/orEmployeeModifierRate (EMR).
I.Insurance Coverage
Provide proof of insurance coverage (or a statement certifying your abilityto meet the required insurance limits), confirming your ability to meet therequired insurance limits, as displayed in Schedule B (“InsuranceCoverage Requirements”) referenced within thissolicitation.
Having examined the Request for Proposal, the following is a breakdown of allproposed fees andcosts.
A.PROJECT 1 – Elementary School #18 Construction
1.FEE PROPOSAL - Foroverheadandprofit, list yourproposedfeeasapercentageofthecostof thework or a fixed cost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
2.GENERAL CONDITIONS - For all General Conditions, list your proposed cost as a percentage of the cost of the work or a fixed cost. Refer to Schedule “A”for all required items tobe included in the General Conditionscost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
3.PRE-CONSTRUCTIONSERVICESNOT-TO-EXCEEDCOST - All costs for pre-construction phase services including costestimating, scheduling, building systems and material cost analysis are included in the FEE, item 1 above. However, if the construction phase doesnot commence for any reason, payment to the Construction Managerfor preconstruction services shall be the necessary and reasonable costofsuchservices,nottoexceedthelumpsumof:
B.PROJECT 2 – Vaughan Elementary School Renovations
1.FEE PROPOSAL - Foroverheadandprofit, list yourproposedfeeasapercentageofthecostof thework or a fixed cost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
2.GENERAL CONDITIONS - For all General Conditions, list your proposed cost as a percentage of the cost of the work or a fixed cost. Refer to Schedule “A”for all required items tobe included in the General Conditionscost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
3.PRE-CONSTRUCTIONSERVICESNOT-TO-EXCEEDCOST - All costs for pre-construction phase services including costestimating, scheduling, building systems and material cost analysis are included in the FEE, item 1 above. However, if the construction phase doesnot commence for any reason, payment to the Construction Managerfor preconstruction services shall be the necessary and reasonable costofsuchservices,nottoexceedthelumpsumof:
5.PAYMENT BOND $______
C.PROJECT 3 – Bolin Elementary School Renovations
1.FEE PROPOSAL - Foroverheadandprofit, list yourproposedfeeasapercentageofthecostof thework or a fixed cost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
2.GENERAL CONDITIONS - For all General Conditions, list your proposed cost as a percentage of the cost of the work or a fixed cost. Refer to Schedule “A”for all required items tobe included in the General Conditionscost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
3.PRE-CONSTRUCTIONSERVICESNOT-TO-EXCEEDCOST - All costs for pre-construction phase services including costestimating, scheduling, building systems and material cost analysis are included in the FEE, item 1 above. However, if the construction phase doesnot commence for any reason, payment to the Construction Managerfor preconstruction services shall be the necessary and reasonable costofsuchservices,nottoexceedthelumpsumof:
Dollars $______
5.PAYMENT BOND $______
D.PROJECT 4 – Kerr Elementary School Renovations
1.FEE PROPOSAL - Foroverheadandprofit, list yourproposedfeeasapercentageofthecostof thework or a fixed cost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
2.GENERAL CONDITIONS - For all General Conditions, list your proposed cost as a percentage of the cost of the work or a fixed cost. Refer to Schedule “A”for all required items tobe included in the General Conditionscost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
3.PRE-CONSTRUCTIONSERVICESNOT-TO-EXCEEDCOST - All costs for pre-construction phase services including costestimating, scheduling, building systems and material cost analysis are included in the FEE, item 1 above. However, if the construction phase doesnot commence for any reason, payment to the Construction Managerfor preconstruction services shall be the necessary and reasonable costofsuchservices,nottoexceedthelumpsumof:
5.PAYMENT BOND $______
E.PROJECT 5 – Marion Elementary School Renovations
1.FEE PROPOSAL - Foroverheadandprofit, list yourproposedfeeasapercentageofthecostof thework or a fixed cost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
2.GENERAL CONDITIONS - For all General Conditions, list your proposed cost as a percentage of the cost of the work or a fixed cost. Refer to Schedule “A”for all required items tobe included in the General Conditionscost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
3.PRE-CONSTRUCTIONSERVICESNOT-TO-EXCEEDCOST - All costs for pre-construction phase services including costestimating, scheduling, building systems and material cost analysis are included in the FEE, item 1 above. However, if the construction phase doesnot commence for any reason, payment to the Construction Managerfor preconstruction services shall be the necessary and reasonable costofsuchservices,nottoexceedthelumpsumof:
5.PAYMENT BOND $______
F.PROJECT 6 – Ereckson Middle School Stadium Construction
1.FEE PROPOSAL - Foroverheadandprofit, list yourproposedfeeasapercentageofthecostof thework or a fixed cost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
2.GENERAL CONDITIONS - For all General Conditions, list your proposed cost as a percentage of the cost of the work or a fixed cost. Refer to Schedule “A”for all required items tobe included in the General Conditionscost.
(Percentage or amount in figures)
3.PRE-CONSTRUCTIONSERVICESNOT-TO-EXCEEDCOST - All costs for pre-construction phase services including costestimating, scheduling, building systems and material cost analysis are included in the FEE, item 1 above. However, if the construction phase doesnot commence for any reason, payment to the Construction Managerfor preconstruction services shall be the necessary and reasonable costofsuchservices,nottoexceedthelumpsumof: