Navesink Estates Condominium Association

Rules and Regulations


Smoke detectors are installed in every unit. It is recommended that they be tested monthly for safety. External alarms, speakers, floodlights, flashers or rotating beacons for security or fire alarm systems cannot be installed without prior written permission of the Board of Directors. If approved, the system must be unobtrusive and blend with the unit color and décor. Only a single wire or cable will be permitted through the exterior wall of a unit and must be professionally installed so as not to cause leaks, fire hazard or danger of electric shock. The Board will require residents who install systems that disturb other residents because of frequent false alarms to remove those systems.


If a resident has a complaint or problem, the resident should notify the Board of Directors in writing (PO Box 674, Navesink, NJ 07752). Work request forms can be found on Resident’s name, unit number, date of inquiry and phone number are required. Any maintenance service requests should be as specific as possible.


The Association maintains a directory of residents’ and owners’ names. If so requested, the telephone number of an owner or a resident will not be published. Copies of this directory are available upon request with explicit understanding they may not be reproduced or distributed to any non-resident.


Prior to the first heavy frost, each unit resident shall turn off and drain the water supply to the outside faucet(s) to prevent broken pipes due to water freezing inside them. If help is needed with this procedure, contact the Board for names of local contractors.

All unoccupied units must be maintained at the minimum thermostat temperature setting during the heating season to prevent pipes from freezing.


The Association will provide for extermination services for termite and carpenter ant infestations, bees and wasps, and a variety of exterior insects and rodents. The cost of exterminating services required inside the units is the responsibility of the owners.


Each unit owner is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of all exterior door locks, windows, sliding glass doors, and the skylight of his unit. The Association will paint front doors and garage doors at regular intervals; maintenance between paintings is the homeowner’s responsibility. Repair and/or replacement of the front door and garage door panels will be performed by the Association at the homeowner’s expense, unless the repair and/or replacement was necessitated by weather-related deterioration or building settlement. Screen/Storm Doors of a type approved by the Board of Directors may be installed on the front entrance of any unit. These doors are to be maintained at owners’ expense. All replacements must conform to the existing specifications and colors; and must be approved by the Board in advance.


Maintenance fees are assessed annually according to the respective percentage of ownership interest of each unit. These fees are paid in twelve (12) monthly installments due on the 1st day of each month of the Association’s Fiscal Year, which runs from January 1st to December 31st. However, residents have the option of paying the full year maintenance fee in advance.


After acquiring title to a home at Navesink Estates, each new owner is required to pay to the association a sum equal to 3/12 the annual common charge assessed to his unit. This fee is payable to the Association on the first day of the first month following the closing or transfer of title. The fee is a non-refundable contribution to the Association’s working capital as specified in the Association’s By-Laws (Article VI, Section 4). The title transfer fee is subject to the late payment charge and interest charges described below. Delinquent accounts that fall into arrears will be referred to the Association’s attorney for collection at the end of the three-month cautionary period.

Buyers must obtain a copy of the NECA By-laws at closing. A copy of our Rules & Regulations can be found on our web-site, After acquiring title to a home at Navesink Estates, each new owner is required to sign a receipt for a copy of the Association’s By-laws and Rules & Regulations.


A late payment charge of $25 per occurrence plus interest will be assessed for any payment received after the 11th day of the month.


An interest charge of 1.5 percent per month will be applied to any payment in arrears for more than 30 days. Note that this interest charge is subject to change.


If you fail to pay any common charge, fee, fine or special assessment on time, you will receive a cautionary letter from the Association for each of the first two (2) months you are in arrears. If you should fall three (3) months behind, however, your account will be automatically referred to the Association’s attorney for collection. You will immediately become liable for all legal expenses associated with the collection. These costs may include those associated with placing a lien on your home. The Association may also, in its discretion, require that you pay the entire year’s balance on your maintenance fees by declining to enter into a monthly payment agreement with you. If the settlement agreement worked out with the Association’s attorney includes installation payments on the overdue balance, an interest charge will apply to the average unpaid balance from the date of the settlement. The interest charge, which is subject to change, is currently 1.5 percent for each 30-day period. If you ask the attorney to forward your checks to the Association, or have any other contact with him, which act:(s) incur billable time by said attorney, you will be held responsible for paying those legal expenses also. The By-Laws provide that no unit owner will be permitted to sell or lease his unit until he has paid in full to the Association all unpaid common charges assessed to his unit, and satisfied all unpaid liens against his unit (Article VII, Section 5.)


Refer to By-laws, specifically Article VI, Sections 8 and 10; see also to the Master Deed, Section 14.)

Installation of any external wiring for electricity, telephone, radio, television, air conditioning, stereo, burglar/security and/or fire alarm systems, or other equipment, machines or devices extending through any outside wall is prohibited without prior written permission from; the Board of Directors. Window air conditioning units and window fans are prohibited.

External radio, television or communication antennas are prohibited on the units or in any of the common elements. Satellite dishes may be mounted to the rear of the units but must be attached to the chimney or deck railing and should not be visible from the front. To avoid the possibility of leaks, dishes may not be attached directly to the roof surface.

No alterations are permitted that would increase the rate of insurance on a unit or any other unit or its contents, or that would result in cancellation of insurance, or that would be a violation of any law.

No owner or resident shall take any action within any unit that would jeopardize the soundness, structure or safety of any part of the unit or common elements or impair any easements.


In case of unauthorized construction or alteration to any unit, the unit owner shall pay the cost of repair, reconstruction, restoration or replacement and all legal fees incurred. If the owner refuses to make such payment, the Board of Directors is empowered to levy an assessment in the amount covering the costs. This assessment shall constitute a lien against the unit and will be filed at the owner’s expense.


The installation of natural gas lines to grills is permitted when performed by a licensed, insured plumber. A Certificate of Insurance, naming the Association as additionally insured, must be presented to the Board prior to the installation. Residents are responsible for obtaining any required permits.

As per the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code: Portable liquid propane cooking equipment such as barbecue grills shall not be stored or used: (1) on any porch, balcony, or any portion of a building; (2) within any room or space of a building; (3) within five feet of any combustible wall; (4) within five feet vertically or horizontally, of any opening in any wall or (5) under any building overhang.


All dogs must be kept on a leash and are not allowed to run free. Dogs and cats cannot be tied or chained outside a unit, on common grounds or left unattended on porches or patios. No resident shall keep, harbor or maintain an animal that barks or cries so as to disturb the peace and quiet. Owners of dogs and cats that are left alone for extended periods of time must see that windows and doors of units are closed.

Dogs walked on Pape Drive must be curbed; dogs are not allowed to defecate and/or urinate on the grass in front of other homeowner units, on foundation or ornamental shrubs, or in any mulched or chipped area. All dog droppings must be cleaned up immediately. Disposing of droppings down storm sewers is prohibited.

No unit may have more than two domestic animals.

Bird feeders shall not be hung or placed on or above the decks or porches or attached to any surface of a unit. Feeders may be placed only in the rear of a unit at the tree line but not in a position to interfere with cutting of grass.


No owner or occupant may plant or maintain any trees, shrubs, bushes, plants, or otherwise landscape any portion of the common elements (except as stated in the Outdoor Planting section) unless prior written permission is first obtained from the Board of Directors.

No item of personal property shall be stored outside on any portion of the common elements.

Outdoor furniture, grills, hoses, kiddie pools and the like must not be left on the lawns or common grounds when not in use. This will allow lawn mowing and maintenance to proceed without obstacles and will also prevent damage to personal property.

No fencing of any kind can be installed on the common elements. No barrier of any kind can be installed, including plantings such as hedges along walkways, etc.

Outdoor hot tubs are not permitted.

Lawn ornamentation such as statues, birdbaths, fountains and floodlights are not permitted.

Garage sales are permitted once per year as specified by the Board.

Mailboxes must remain uniform throughout.


Hanging of laundry outside on a clothesline or drying rack is prohibited. Laundry must not be hung on balconies or patios.


No person shall throw or discard any cans, bottles, boxes, cartons, paper, trash or refuse of any kind whatsoever on the street, lawn or any portion of the common elements.


Garbage receptacles must be rigid/permanent containers that cannot be damaged by animals. Garbage cans must be stored in the garage except when placed out on the street for pickup. Garage cans should not be put out prior to the evening of the day before the regular morning pick up. Emptied cans should be returned to the garage as soon as possible on the day of garbage pick-up.

Disposal of Christmas trees will be in accordance with the Middletown Township pick up schedule and are not to be discarded in the woods or streets surrounding NECA property.


Owners and occupants of units shall exercise extreme care to avoid making or permitting loud or objectionable noises. Use or playing of musical instruments, radios, stereos, televisions, amplifiers or other machinery or equipment in such a manner as to disturb occupants of other units is prohibited.

The use or operation or loud or unmuffled motor vehicles within the condominium property is prohibited except to vehicles incidental to the construction or repair of the complex.

The keeping of any animal that, by causing frequent or continuous noise, disturbs residents is not permitted.

No noxious or offensive activities shall be carried on in any unit or on the common elements, nor shall anything be done that will be or become an annoyance or nuisance to others or interfere with the rights, comfort or convenience of others.


Residents are permitted to landscape the wood chip area adjacent to their unit with small, ornamental plants without Board approval. However, once done, the resident is responsible for the care and maintenance of this area.

No other plantings are permitted without prior written approval of the Board of Directors. This rule is necessary to prevent unintentional damage to underground wiring and pipelines to ensure that lawn mowing can proceed without too many obstacles. Common element areas are to remain free and clear of all other pottery and ornamental containers.

Fruit or vegetable plantings that could detract from the overall landscaping scheme are not permitted.


In the event a vehicle is parked within 10 feet of a fire hydrant, is impeding snow removal, or is obstructing access to another person’s driveway, the Association will make a reasonable effort to locate the owner. If the owner cannot be located or refuses to move the vehicle within a reasonable time, the Association has the right to have the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.