Counselling and Psychotherapy
Reading List
Main Text
CAPUZZI, D. and GROSS, Douglas, R. (eds.) (2007). Counseling and psychotherapy: theories and interventions. 4th ed., New Jersey, Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall.
CLARINGBULL, Norman (2010). What is Counselling & Psychotherapy?Exeter: Learning matters.
COREY, Gerald (2013). Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy. 8th ed., Belmont, CA.,Brooks/Cole, CENGAGE Learning.
COREY, Gerald (2013). Theory and practice of counselling & psychotherapy. 9th ed., Belmont, CA., Brooks/Cole, CENGAGE Learning.
COREY, Marianne Schneider and COREY, Gerald (2007).Becoming a helper. 5thed., Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.
EGAN, Gerald (2006). Essentials of skilled helping: Managing problems, developing opportunities. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
FALL, Kevin A (2010). Theoretical models of counseling and psychotherapy. NY: Routledge
FELTHAM, Colin and HORTON, Ian E. (eds.) (2012). The Sage handbook of counselling and psychotherapy. 3rd ed., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
IVEY, Allen E., D’ANDREA, M., IVEY, Mary Bradford and SIMEK-MORGAN, Lynn (2002). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: a multicultural perspective. 5th ed., Boston,Allyn and Bacon.
JOSEPH, Stephen (2010). Theories of Counselling & Psychotherapy: an introduction to different approaches. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian.
LAM, Man Ping (2009), Counseling and Psychotherapy. 2nd ed. Hong Kong, The Commercial Press (H.K.) LTD.
LINDSAY, Trevor (ed.) (2009). Social work intervention. Exeter, Learning Matters.
MALTBY, John, DAY, Liz and MACASKILL, Ann (2010). Personality, individual differences and intelligence. 2nd ed., Harlow, England, Prentice Hall.
McLeod, John (2013). An introduction to counselling, 5th ed., Maidenhead: Open University Press.
MURDOCK, Nancy L. (2009). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: a case approach. N.J.: Merrill
NYSTUL, Michael S. (2011). Introduction to counseling: an art and science perspective. 4th ed., UpperSaddleRiver, N.J: Pearson
REEVES, Andrew (2013). An introduction to counselling and psychotherapy: from theory to practice. London, SAGE.
Counselling Theory: Overview of Counselling & Psychotherapy
BROWN, DUANE and SREBALUS, David J. (2003). Introduction to the counseling profession. Counselling theory and practice 3rd ed., Pearson Education. Chapter 3, 39-57.
BURSTON, Daniel and FRIE, Roger. (2006). Psychotherapy as a human science. Pittsburgh, PA, Duquesne University Press.
COREY, Gerald (2013). The art of integrative counseling. 3rd ed., Australia;Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
HOUGH, Margaret (2010). Counselling skills and theory. 3rd ed., London, Hodder Education.
HOUSE, Richard (2007). The be-coming of a therapist: experiential learning, self-education and the personal/professional nexus.British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, (140), 427-440.
MANTHEI, Robert J. (2007). Clients talk about their experience of seeking counseling.British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, (20), 519-538.
NELSON-JONES, Richard (2009). Introduction to counselling skills: text and activities. 3rd ed., London, SAGE.
PELLING, Nadine, BOWERS, Randolph and Armstrong, Philip (2006). The practice of counselling. South Melbourne, Thomson.
Psychoanalytic Approach
BOAG, S., 2006. Freudian repression, the common view, and pathological science. Review of General Psychology.10(1), pp. 74-74-86.
BOWER, Marion (2005).Psychoanalytic theory for social work practice: thinking under fire.New York, Routledge.
COREY, Gerald (2013). Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy. 8th ed., Belmont, Calif., Thomson Brooks/Cole. Chapter 6, “The psychoanalytic approach”.
COREY, Gerald (2013). Theory and practice of counselling & psychotherapy. 9th ed., Belmont, CA. Thomson/Brooks/Cole. Chapter 4, “Psychoanalytic therapy”.
ELLIOTT, Anthony (2002). Psychoanalytic theory: an introduction. 2nd ed., Durham, Duke University Press.
FREUD, Anna. (1967, c1966). The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. New York, International Universities Press.
FREUD, Sigmund (1949). An outline of psychoanalysis.New York: Norton.
FREUD, Sigmund (1955). The interpretation of dream.London: Hogarth Press.
FREUD, Sigmund (1962). Civilization and its discontents.New York: Norton.
FREUD, Sigmund (1967). Beyond the pleasure principle.New York: Bantam.
HIGDON, Juliet (2004). From counselling skills to counsellor: a psychodynamic approach. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
HOWARD, Susan (2006). Psychodynamic counselling in a nutshell.London, SAGE.
MALTHY, John, DAY, Liz andMACASKILL, Ann. (2010). Personality, individual differences and intelligence. 2nd ed., Harlow, Pearson Education.
MOSAK, H. H., and SHULMAN, M. P. (2008). Adlerian psychotherapy. In R.J. Corsini andD. Wedding (Eds.), Current psychotherapies. 8th ed., p 63-106. Belmont, Thomson Brooks/Cole.
SHEDLER, J. (2010). The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy. American Psychologist 65(2), 98-109
SPURLING, Laurence (2004). An introduction to psychodynamic counseling.New York,Palgrave Macmillian.
STEVENS, R. (2008). Sigmund Freud: examining the essence of his contribution, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, New York, 97-127
SUMMERS, F (2006). Freud’s relevance for contemporarypsychoanalytic technique. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 23(2), 327-338
VAILLANT, George. E., & American Psychiatric Association. Meeting. (1992). Ego mechanisms of defence: a guide for clinicians and researchers.Washington, D.C.;London: American Psychiatric Press.
ZEPF, S. (2010). The psychoanalytic process and Freud’s concept of transference and transference neurosis. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 27(1), 55-73
Cognitive behavioral approach
BOND, Frank W. and DRYDEN, Windy. (eds) (2002). Handbook of brief cognitive behavior therapy. New York, Wiley.
BOND, Frank W. and DRYDEN, Windy. (eds) (2004). Handbook of brief cognitive behavior therapy [electronic resource]. New York, Wiley.
BONSOR, Kate. (2009). CBT & anxiety [electronic resource]. Alexandria, VA, Alexander Street Press.
CHRISTNER, Ray W., STEWART Jessica L. and FREEMAN, Arthur (eds.) (2007). Handbook of Cognitive-behavior group therapy with children and adolescents [electronic resource]: specific settings and presenting problems. New York, Routledge.
COREY, Gerald (2005). Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy. 6th ed., Belmont, Calif.,Thomson Brooks/Cole. Chapter 14, “Rational-emotional group therapy”.
COREY, Gerald (2013). Theory and practice of counselling & psychotherapy. 9th ed., Belmont, CA. Brooks/Cole, CENGAGE Learning. Chapter 9, “Behaviour Therapy”, Chapter 10, “Cognitive Behavior Therapy”.
CURWEN, Berni, PALMER, Stephen and RUDDELL, Peter (2000). Brief cognitive behaviour therapy. London, SAGE.
DOBSON, Deborah J. G. and DOBSON, Keith S. (2009). Evidence-based practice of cognitive-behavioral therapy. New York, Guilford Press.
DOBSON, Keith S. (ed.) (2001). Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies. 2nd ed., New York, Guilford Press.
DRISCOLL, Kimberly A., CUKROWICZ, Kelly C., REARDON Maureen Lyons, JOINER, Thomas E. (2004). Simple treatments for complex problems: a flexible cognitive behavior analysis system approach to psychotherapy. New York, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
KASLOW, Florence W. (ed.) (2002). Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy, vol. 2 – Cognitive-behavioral approaches. New York, Wiley.
KAPLAN, Joseph S. (1991). Beyond behavior modification: a cognitive-behavioral approach to behavior management in the school. 2nd ed., Texas, Pro-Ed.
KENDALL, Philip C. (ed.) (2000). Child and adolescent therapy: cognitive-behavioral procedures. 2nd ed., New York, Guilford Press.
REINECHE, Mark A., DATILLO, Frank M. and FREEMAN, Arthur (eds.) (2003). Cognitive therapy with children and adolescents: a casebook for clinical practice (2nd ed.). New York, Guilford Press.
SIMOS, Gregoris (ed.) (2002). Cognitive behaviour therapy: a guide for the practicing clinician. East Sussex, Brunner-Routledge.
TARRIER, Nicholas. (ed.). (2006). Case formulation in cognitive behavior therapy [electronic resource]: the treatment of challenging and complex cases. London: Routledge.
THYER, Bruce A. and WODARSKI, John, S. (eds.) (2007). Social work in mental health: an evidence-based approach. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, J & Sons, Inc.
VONK, M. Elizabeth, BORDNICK, Patrick and GRAAP, Ken (2006). Cognitive-behavioral therapy with posttraumatic stress disorder: an evidence-based approach. In ROBERTS, Albert R. and YEAGER, Kenneth R., (eds.) Foundations of evidence-based social work practice. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Reality Therapy
COREY, Gerald (2013). Theory and practice of counselling & psychotherapy. 9th ed., Belmont, CA. Brooks/Cole, CENGAGEe Learning. Chapter 11, “Reality Therapy”.
GLASSER, William (1998). Choice theory: A new psychology of personal freedom. New York, HarperCollinsPublishers.
GLASSER, William (2001). Counselling with choice theory: The new reality therpy. New York, HarperCollins.
WUBBOLING, Robert E. (2000). Reality therapy for the 21st century. Philadelphia, PA, Brunner-Routledge.
WUBBOLDING, Robert E. (2011). Reality therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Humanistic Approach
CASEMORE, Roger (2011). Person-centred counseling in a nutshell. London: SAGE.
COREY, Gerald (2013). Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy. 8th ed., Belmont, Calif., Thomson Brooks/Cole.Chapter 10, “The person-centered approach”.
COREY, Gerald (2013). Theory and practice of counselling & psychotherapy. 9th ed., Belmont, CA. Thomson/Brooks/Cole. Chapter 7. “Person-centered therapy”.
GILLIONS, Ewan. (2007), Person-Centred Counselling Psychology: An Introduction, SAGE, Los Angeles, London.
JUKES, Mark and ALDRIDGE, John (2006). Person-centred practices: a therapeutic perspective. London, Quay Books.
KNOX, Rosanne (2007). Experiencing risk in person-centered counseling: a qualitative exploration of therapist risk-taking.British Journal of Guidance and Counselling,(14)317-330.
MANTHEI, Robert J. (2007).Client-counsellor agreement on what happens in counseling.British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, (21) 261-281.
MEARNS, D. and THORNE, B. (2007). Person-centredcounselling in action. 3rd ed.,Los Angeles, SAGE.
MOTSCHNIG, Renate. (2014) Person-centered communication: theory, skills and practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
ROGERS, Carl. (1978) Carl Rogers on personal power. London, Constable.
ROGERS, CARL. (1980). A Way of Being. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
ROGERS, Carl R. (1961). On becoming a person: a therapist’s view of psychotherapy. Boston, Houghton. Mifflin.
ROGERS, Carl R. (1951). Client-centered therapy. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.
ROGERS, Natallie, CARLSON, Jon, KJOS, Diane, and Governors State University. Communications Services. (1998). Person centered therapy [video recording]. Needham heights, Mass.: Allyn & Bacon.
TUDOR, Keith(2008).Brief person-centred therapies. Los Angeles, SAGE.
TUDOR, Keith (2006).Person-centredtherapy: A clinical philosophy.London, Routledge
TOLAN, Janet (2003). Skills in person-centred counselling & psychotherapy. London: SAGE.
Motivational Interviewing
MILLER, W.R. & ROLLNICK, S. (2013).Motivational Interviewing. 3rd Edition. Guilford Press, NY.
NAAR-KING, Sylvie & SUAREZ, Mariann (2011). Motivational interviewing with adolescents and young adults < on-line>. New York: Guilford Press. Book from Ebook Library last accessed on 1 December 2015 at:
PROCHASKA, J.O. & NORCROSS, J.C. (2007) Systems of Psychotherapy. 6th Edition. Thomson Brooks/Cole, USA.
ROSENGREN, David B. (2009). Building motivational interviewing skills: a practitioner workbook. New York: Guilford Press.
TREASURE, J. (2004) Motivational Interviewing. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 10 (5), pp 331-337.