Biological Science Disclosure Document (2017-18)
Mr. Laurence S. Burton
Room D301, 801-583-1661 ext. 4301
Biologyis the study of life. The content of this course aims to define life and study its various forms, from the most simple to the most complex. How life continues from one generation to another and how organisms change over time will also be explored. The course provides an activity-based, investigative learning experience with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving. Safety will be an ongoing theme throughout the course. This is one of three science courses required for graduation.
Goals/Objectives: Academic goals are based on the SLC School Districtthe Utah State Core Biology Standards. For details please check these 2 websites.
Course Materials:
*Blue/Black ballpoint pens
*3-Ringed Binder
*Loose-leaf Paper
*#2 Pencil for Assessments
*Holt, Biology: Visualizing Life text
ISBN 0-03-016723-X
This course includes instruction on topics related to human sexuality. Students must return the attached Sexuality Consent Form.
Students will work with and examine both live and preserved specimens during the sequence of this course.
Course Format: Students will be presented with a variety of facilitation modes to cover the diversity of learning styles and to address multiple intelligences. Knowledge will be developed through PowerPoint lectures, classroom presentations, hands-on laboratories, field trips, interdisciplinary/integrated projects, etc. to attain the course objectives listed above.
Course Requirements: A student’s grade is dependent upon active daily participation, which requires regular attendance. The student is expected to complete every assignment and project. Students will show improved skills and knowledge as assessed by an in-class testing program. The students must obey class rules, safety policies, and other school regulations.
The studentwill pay a $20 lab fee (this fee is covered by fee waiversfor those who qualify).
Special Rules and Regulations:
- All late work, including tests, will have 10% deducted from the final score, it must be made up within one week from the due date and late work is not excused due absence or suspension.
- Some classwork assignments, such as labs or activities, may not be made up if the student misses them.
- If you are absent or suspended it is your responsibility to find out what was missed and then to make it up.
- Students may lose credit for poor classroom conduct, breaking safety policies, disobeying class rules including excessive tardies(3) and excessive absences(3).
- Tardiness is not excused.
- Harassment of any sort will not be tolerated in this classroom.
- The use of electronic devices will not be tolerated during instructional time. The East High School policy on electronic devices will be strictly enforced.
Grading Procedures: Grades are calculated according to the following weighted percent.
Tests = 40%, Classwork = 35%, Homework = 25%
A letter grade will be assigned to the student’s performance each quarter based on the following weighted percentages:
A =100-92%B+ =89-87%C+ =79-77%D =61-55%
A- =91-90% B =86-85%C =76-72%F = Below 55%
B- =84-80%C- =71-62%
Tentative Course Schedule: (This will vary according to the abilities and progress of each class.)
Unit NameApproximate Time (weeks)
Cell Theory10
Natural Selection4
Diversity of Life16
Please be careful. Think before you act. Safety will be an ongoing theme throughout the semester. The number of students in the classroom and the types of activities we engage in excludes the teacher from observing everyone all the time. The National Science Teachers Association and the National Association of Biology Teachers recommend that laboratory classes such as this one have 24 or fewer students, for safety reasons alone. Thus, there are inherent risks that may only be mitigated by each student being very careful.
Contact Information:It is essential that students study daily in order to perform well in this class. Students who are struggling in class should make an appointment for extra help. I am available for extra help most afternoons. Please do not wait until you are in real trouble to ask for help.
*Phone: 801-583-1661 ext. 4301
*Prep Time: Period A5/6, lunch or after school
*Room Number: D301
** Parents/Guardians: ** Please, carefully read and discuss this disclosure together. If you have questions, comments or concerns, feel free to email me. The students must keep this disclosure document (green) in their 3-ring Biology notebook. The attached parent/guardian signature page (yellow) and the Sexuality Consent Form (pink) must be completed and returned to me. Students must return these 2 documents (yellow and pink) stapled together, completed and signed. They will count as a homework assignment towards their grade in class.
I have carefully read the attached 2017-18 Biology disclosure document for Mr. Burton’s class and I fully understand the information contained therein.
*Salt Lake City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion or sex.
Student’s Name (print)______Class Period ______
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
( )
Parent/Guardian Phone Number Parent/Guardian Email Address
I have carefully read the attached 2017-18 Biology disclosure document for Mr. Burton’s class and I fully understand the information contained therein.
*Salt Lake City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion or sex.
Student’s Name (print)______Class Period ______
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
( )
Parent/Guardian Phone Number Parent/Guardian Email Address