Name ______

Review: Science 7 Final Exam Unit III

Ms. Russo – Science 7 – period ____

Date ______

Directions: Use all of your science resources (your textbook, notes, worksheets, lab reports, old tests and quizzes, etc.) to complete this review packet in preparation of the final exam.

1. Know the following definitions and contributors found on Glossary: Unit III Terms:

classification, taxonomy, taxonomist, dichotomous key, species, Aristotle,

Carolus Linnaeus, binomial nomenclature

2. What does binomial nomenclature create?

3. What language is typically used? ______

4. List three examples of an organism’s name using binomial nomenclature

(note: make sure to follow the rules).

5. Know the following definitions found on Glossary: Unit III Terms:

Prokaryote, eukaryote, autotroph, heterotroph, unicellular, multicellular

6. List the 6 kingdoms from least complex to most complex and fill in the appropriate characteristics for each kingdom in the chart below

Kingdom / Prokaryote v. eukaryote / Autotroph
v. heterotroph / Unicellular
v. Multicellular / Example

7. Name the 7 levels of classification in least specific to most specific.

8. Know the following definitions found on Glossary: Unit III Terms:

asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, gamete, zygote, embryo, bilateral symmetry, radial symmetry

9. Fill in the chart below with the appropriate information.

Type of Asexual Reproduction / Description / 2 Example Organisms

10. Know all of the following information about Vertebrates (find your chart):

a. scientific Class name

b. internal or external fertilization

c. internal or external development

c. exothermic or endothermic

d. 1 example organism

e. 3 characteristics

11. Know all of the following information about Invertebrates (find your chart):

a. scientific Phyla names

b. sexual and/or asexual reproduction

c. 2 example organisms

d. 2 characteristics

12. Fill in the chart below with the appropriate information.

Complete Metamorphosis / Incomplete Metamorphosis
Example (organisms)

13. Know the following definitions found on Glossary: Unit III Terms:

Bryophyte, Tracheophyte, angiosperm, gymnosperm, monocot, dicot,

perfect flower, self-pollination, cross-pollination

14. Label the diagram of the perfect flower below. It has both male and female parts.

Pistil / Anther / Petal / Stem / Ovule
Filament / Ovary / Stamen / Egg / Stigma

a. What group of plants uses flowers as its means of sexual reproduction?

b. What type(s) of pollination can occur with this type of flower? How do you know?

15. Based upon the information given, name the group of Fungus.

produce spores in threadlike hyphae
(ex: common bread mold) / spores are produced in structures that look like sacks (ex: yeast, truffles)
produces spores in club-like structures (ex: mushrooms) / not known to reproduce sexually (ex: penicillin)

16. Complete the chart below using information about the 3 Protists we studied.

Name of Protist
Means of movement
Mean(s) of reproduction

17. Know the following definitions found on Glossary: Unit III Terms:

contractile vacuole, algal bloom, red tide, eutrophication

18. What happens to a freshwater area that is impacted by an algal bloom?

19. What is the specific type of algal bloom that occurs in only saltwater? ______

20. What happens to a saltwater area that is impacted by an algal bloom?

21. Make a t-chart in the space below to compare and contrast Bacteria and Viruses. Be sure to talk about: definition, how they are named, how they multiply, treatments and/or cures, and examples of infections diseases.