Sunday, August 13, 2017

Welcome & Opening Prayer……………...... Gary Radtke

Music Service

Communion Meditation...... Sam Downs

The Lord’s Supper is open to all baptized believers. We ask that you use this time as an opportunity to examine your relationship with the Lord and to meditate upon His sacrifice on your behalf.

Bringing of Tithes, Gifts and Thanksgiving

Dismiss Kids for Jr. Church (Immediately following offering)

Age 3 thru kindergarten & 1st thru 5th grade

Message…………………………………………....Nate Anderson

Series: A Year to Remember

Sermon: This is Getting Crazy!

Scripture: 1 Kings: 11-22


Closing Prayer

Sympathy: Families of: Jean Seabourn

Crystal Rodriquez

Visitors, please fill out a visitor’s card, located on

back of pews. We’re glad you came and welcome

you back again.


Today’s Nursery Workers: Sheryl Bates & Darlene Nodine

Wednesday, Aug. 16 – Back-to-School Party 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

·  Hot Dogs & Chips…..Popsicles (Everyone’s invited!)

·  Inflatable…..Dunk Tank…..Face Painting

·  Adult Bible Study cancelled…..PLEASE COME JOIN US!


AUGUST: MTD Collections 8/6/17

$ 3,464 SS 44

Worship 102

Serving the Congregation – Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday School:

Nursery – Kim Radtke

Worship Service:

Meditation – Gary Radtke

Greeters – John & Janice Whipkey

Nursery – Ina Houston & Bonnie Warren

Nate’s Notes:

Isn't it funny how some things never change? Ever since the beginning of time, certain rules have been true. What goes up, must come down. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 2+2=4. Certain

things are always true. In Scripture, it is much the same way. God always blesses obedience, and he always punishes disobedience. The punish-

ment may look different for different circumstances, and it may be delayed

at times and immediate at other times, but God never lets disobedience go unpunished. In our text today, we see this principle applied in a variety of ways. It is quite a mess with a lot going on - many different characters and circumstances, but the one constant is the justice of God, and our take-

away from this section of Scripture is simple: If you do nothing else, Obey God! Have a blessed day! Nate