Session: 2017-18


/ St Francis Primary School

Head of Establishment


Sharon McGeever

Area/Local Improvement Group


South LIG 2

Head of Service


Annemarie McGovern

Area Education Officer/
Quality Improvement Officer /

Jacqueline Nimmo / David Byrne


1.Vision, Values and Aims

2.Summary of Self-Evaluation Process / Priorities for Improvement in the current session

3. Action Planning

Action Plan Summary for Stakeholders

1. Our Vision, Values and Aims
In Saint Francis Primary School and Nursery Class we work together to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment where every member of our school community feels that they belong and that their lives and experiences are valued and respected. It is our vision that every child should be supported and encouraged to be the very best they can be, in every aspect of their development. We recognise the importance of working in close partnership with external agencies to ensure that all of our children are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included, in order to grow and develop as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
The shared values in our school are reflected in its ethos based on the Gospel Values of the Catholic Church, which include respect, wisdom, justice, integrity and humility. Children’s rights and responsibilities are uppermost in making decisions which affect them and the dignity of each individual, made in the image and likeness of God, is recognised and respected at all times.
At St Francis Primary School our aims are:
  • To provide effective learning and teaching experiences in order to raise levels of attainment and achievement for all children
  • To provide a nurturing and motivating learning environment matched to the individual needs of all children
  • To promote inclusion and equality for all children and to value and celebrate diversity
  • To work in partnership with parents, parishes and others in the community to encourage children to become active and responsible citizens
  • To encourage the personal growth of children and staff as lifelong learners and effective contributors.

2.Summary of our self-evaluation process.
  • The school improvement plan for session 2017 – 2018 is based on an analysis of our on-going self-evaluation work from session 2016 – 2017 using: HGIOS 4 QI 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment, HGIOS 4 QI 2.5 Family Learning, our current SIP evaluations and audits (April/May 2017), feedback from Peer HT VSE on HGIOS 4 QI 2.3 and 2.5 (Feb 2017) minutes from our teacher/CDO and support staff meetings, the on-going evaluations of our children’s focus groups, feedback from HT’s consultation with children re improvement planning for next session (May 2017), feedback from consultation with our Parent Council (April 2017) and from consultation with our Parent Forum via Parents’ Evenings in Nov 2016/March 2017. Our planning for improvement has also been informed from on-going feedback from business partners, visiting specialists and members of the community who have visited the school to work with our children, our on-going quality assurance procedures including the challenge questions from Developing in Faith, as well as the completion of staff questionnaires to evaluate our Improvement Challenge Work in Numeracy.
  • Parents of our current and new P1 children evaluated our Literacy and Numeracy workshops identifying strengths and developments to inform our programmes for next session. All parents are invited to comment on / evaluate the work of the school on a monthly basis via the school newsletter and following any parent workshops or display of learning events throughout the session. During session 2016 – 2017 the senior leadership team and staff engaged in professional dialogue and moderation activities with four other Local Authority primary schools, sharing standards in Numeracy & Mathematics and moderating children’s learning and assessment in Health & Wellbeing, resulting in us evidencing strengths and areas for development within St Francis Primary which have informed our improvement planning for session 2017 – 2018. All of the above findings have informed our School Education Perspective Report and School Standards and Quality Report (June 2017) which record the school’s very good progress in achieving its identified targets for session 2016-2017, meeting the needs of all children and through robust, collaborative and transparent self-evaluation identifying next steps for improvement planning in session 2017 - 2018.

Strengths identified:
Leadership and approach to improvement:
  • The social, economic and cultural context in which our children live is used to support and inform planning for change
  • Senior leaders effectively support change through planned opportunities to build confidence in staff and enable them to effectively implement improvements
  • Effective distributed leadership, enables all members of our school community to work together to secure improved outcomes for learners
  • Impact of change for learners is effectively monitored and evaluated to inform next steps
Care and education of learners:
  • Learning environments are positive, nurturing and appropriately challenge children in their learning
  • Effective transitions/enhanced transitions at all levels ensure children’s emotional wellbeing and continued attainment
  • Effective staged intervention processes used by staff and positive multi-agency working to ensure the needs of learners are being met
Improving outcomes for learners:
  • Progression Pathways enable flexible contexts for learning while supporting children to build on prior knowledge and ensure coherence and progression in learning
  • Tracking and monitoring data is used on an on-going basis by senior leaders and class teachers to review and evaluate learners’ progress as well as the effectiveness of planned interventions resulting in timely and responsive support to meet the needs of learners
  • A robust staged intervention process and effective multi-agency working results in specialist support being well utilised to meet individual children’s needs.

Priorities for development:
  1. Curriculum for Excellence:
Learning, Teaching & Assessment
  • Learning & Engagement
  • Quality of teaching
  • Effective use of assessment
  • Planning, tracking and monitoring
Raising Attainment and Achievement
  • Attainment in Literacy & Numeracy
  • Attainment over time
  • Overall quality of learners achievements
  • Equity for all learners
  • Getting It Right for Every Child:
Personalised Support
  • Universal support
  • Targeted support
  • Removal of barriers to learning
Family Learning
  • Engaging families in learning
  • Early intervention and prevention
  • Quality of family learning programmes
  1. Nurtured and Included:
Personalised Support
  • Targeted support
  • Removal of barriers to learning

3. Action Planning
No. / Quality Indicator / Priority
1 / 2.3
3.2 / Curriculum for Excellence:
Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Raising Attainment and Achievement in Literacy and Numeracy (PEF)
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale
and checkpoints / Evidence of Impact > (data, observation, views)
1.David Gregory (HMIE) to deliver CLPL for staff on shared standards and expectations of Level 5 QI 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment to support raising attainment / INSET DAY 1
Aug 2017 / Observation of learning and teaching–improved consistency of standards and expectations for children will be evidenced across stages/levels
Dialogue re planning for learning – planning will evidence enhanced quality in learning and teaching experiences as a result of challenged thinking /deeper staff knowledge and understanding of QI 2.3
2.Complete Digital Learning Self-Evaluation tool to support working towards Digital Schools Award / Sept 2017
Aug 2017 / Self-Evaluation Data – planned, informed, supportive and collegiateapproaches to change will support achievement of theDigital Schools Award
3.Edict to deliver CLPL for staff on use of digital technology to enhance learning and teaching experiences for children (PEF) / Sept 2017
Aug 2017 / Professional Dialogue / Questionnaires –enhanced confidence and skill in staff’s use of digital technology will enhance learning, teaching and assessment
4.All staff to include use of digital learning across curricular areas in planning for learning and teaching to enhance learners’ experiences / Oct 2017
Sept 2017 / Observation of learning and teaching / Learning Conversations –
increased use of digital technology will enhance learning and teaching leading to enhanced engagement of children in their learning
5.Embed SEAL and Glasgow Counts approaches and use of targeted support and interventions in P3 & P4 to raise attainment in numeracy and close the attainment gap (GIC / PEF) / Aug 2017 / Observation of learning and teaching – CPA approaches to teaching numeracy will be embedded across P3 & P4
Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in numeracy in order to close the attainment gap
6.Further develop use of diagnostic assessments and targeted support to raise attainment in numeracy P5-7
(GIC / PEF) / Sept 2017
Aug 2017 / Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in numeracy in order to close the attainment gap
7.All staff to engage with GCC Planning Framework for Numeracy & Maths (GIC) / Aug 2017 / Tracking of Attainment in Numeracy – tracking will evidence progressive and coherent learning experiences for all children in line with the new National Benchmarks
8.Embed GDSS approaches across all stages P1-7 to support raising attainment in literacy / Aug 2017 / Observation of learning and teaching – GDSS approaches to teaching literacy will be embedded across P1 – P7
Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in literacy in order to close the attainment gap
9.Develop GCC Literacy for All approaches and use of targeted support and interventions in P1 and P2 to raise attainment in literacy and close the attainment gap (PEF) / Oct 2017
Sept 2017 / Observation of learning and teaching – Literacy for All approaches to teaching Reading and Writing will be embedded across P1 & P2
Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in reading and writing in order to close the attainment gap
10.Develop GCC Literacy for All methodologies in teaching Reading and Writing P3- P7 to raise attainment in literacy and close the attainment gap (PEF) / Oct 2017
Sept 2017 / Observation of learning and teaching – Literacy for All approaches to teaching Reading and Writing will be embedded across P3 – P7
Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in Reading and Writing in order to close the attainment gap
11.Use National Benchmarks in Literacy to review and agree standards for St Francis progression pathways in Reading / Feb 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017 / Professional Dialogue / Tracking of Attainment - Staff will have increased knowledge and confidence in using new National Benchmark Statements to evidence achievement of a level in Reading
12.Use National Benchmarks in Literacy to review and agree standards for St Francis progression pathways in Talking & Listening / Feb 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017 / Professional Dialogue / Tracking of Attainment - Staff will have increased knowledge and confidence in using new National Benchmark Statements to evidence achievement of a level in Talking & Listening
13.Use National Benchmarks in Health & Wellbeing to review and agree standards for St Francis progression pathways in H&WB / Feb 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017 / Professional Dialogue / Tracking of Attainment - Staff will have increased knowledge and confidence in using new National Benchmark Statements to evidence achievement of a level in H&WB
14.Deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of the past, present, and future of Catholic education in Scotland, with a particular focus on their local area to mark the centenary of Catholic Education in Scotland and the school’s 50th Anniversary / April 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017
Feb 2018 / Learning Conversations – children will demonstrate an enhanced understanding of Catholic education and the history of education in their local community leading to an increased sense of belonging and pride in their school
15.Staff and parents to further increase their understanding of the mission of the Catholic school through reflection and evaluation of the school’s work in serving the common good / Feb 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017 / Improved Partnership Working – views from a wider range of stakeholders will be utilised to evaluate / improve the Catholic dimension of the school’s work
16.Further develop International Education learning experiences across
Early – Second Level / April 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017
Feb 2018 / Observation of learning and teaching / Learning Conversations – learning experiences will more effectively develop children’s understanding of International Education
Achieve Intermediate International Education Award
17.Develop Outdoor Learning Policy / Feb 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017 / Observation of learning and teaching / Learning Conversations – development of policy will lead to consistency of quality outdoor learning experiences across all stages / levels
Staff leading on this priority – including partners / Resources and staff development
Sharon McGeever (HT 1, 14, 15, 17)
Parent Council and Parent Teacher Group
LC Trio Establishments
Marie O’Neill (DHT 2, 3, 4, 13):
GDSS, Edict
Angela Hamilton (EAL 16):
Sarah Green and Patricia Bristow (APTs 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12):
Denise McFadden (CDO)
GCC Improvement Challenge Advisor / David Gregory (HMIE) whole staff CLPL on Effective Learning and Teaching (QI 2.3)
Edict whole staff CLPL – digital learning
Glasgow Counts CLPL
Literacy for All CLPL
Digital Learning Audit Tool
PEF Funding
I Pads
Digital Cameras
Glasgow Counts Materials: Maths Framework
Literacy for All Materials: Ready Steady Read / Reading into Writing
School Progression Pathways
National Benchmarks
HGIOS 4 (QI 2.3)
APHTA Past, Present and Future of Catholic Education Resources
The Catholic School Developing in Faith: Challenge Questions
No. / Quality Indicator / Priority
2 / 2.4
2.5 / Getting It Right For Every Child:
Personalised Support
Family Learning
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale
and checkpoints / Evidence of Impact > (data, observation, views)
1.Education Scotland Early Years to deliver CLPL to staff on Stages of Early Development and Importance of Learning Through Play (PEF) / INSET DAY 3
Oct 2017 / Observation / Professional Dialogue – increased staff knowledge and understanding of the role of learning through play through dialogue and opportunities to challenge their thinking and practice
2.CDO will work with staff at P1 and P2 to plan for play based learning experiences to support development of identified children (PEF) / Aug 2017
On going / Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in literacy and numeracy in order to close the attainment gap
3.Early Years Scotland will provide Stay and Play Sessions for identified P1 children and their families
(PEF) / Aug 2017
On going / Parental Questionnaires: will evidence improved family relationships and increased confidence and skill in supporting their child’s learning
Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in order to close the attainment gap
4.Universal and targeted family learning opportunities in Numeracy will be provided following consultations with parents/carers (PEF) / Oct 2017
Sept 2017 / Parental Questionnaires: will evidence improved family relationships and increased confidence and skill in supporting their child’s learning
Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in Numeracy in order to close the attainment gap
5.Universal and targeted family learning opportunities in Literacy will be provided following consultations with parents/carers (PEF) / Oct 2017
Sept 2017 / Parental Questionnaires: will evidence improved family relationships and increased confidence and skill in supporting their child’s learning
Attainment Data –children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in Numeracy in order to close the attainment gap
6.Family Support Worker will support identified families to improve relationships, attendance and late coming (PEF) / Aug 2017
On going / Parental Questionnaires: will evidence improved family relationships and increased confidence and skill in parenting / supporting their child’s learning
Attendance / Attainment Data –children’s attendance levels will improve / children will make progress from their prior levels of attainment in order to close the attainment gap
7. Staff complete Language and Communication Friendly Establishment self-evaluation framework. / Oct 2017
Sept 2017 / Self-Evaluation Data – planned, informed, supportive and collegiate approaches to change will afford opportunities for effective staff development of knowledge and skills in facilitating a Language and Communication Friendly Establishment
8.Use self-evaluation data to identify and action CLPL / mentoring for staff in order to achieve Language and Communication Friendly Status / Dec 2017
Sept 2017
Nov 2017 / Staff Questionnaire – impact of purposeful CLPL/mentoring for staff
Observation – All learning environments evidence Language and Communication Friendly strategies
9. All staff to be trained in use of Boardmaker to support consistent communication across the school. (PEF) / Sept 2017
Aug 2017 / Staff Questionnaire – impact of CLPL
Observation – All learning environments evidence use of consistent communication strategies for children
10. Compile portfolio evidence for each of the indicators from the Language and Communication Friendly Framework. / Feb 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017 / Achieve Language and Communication Friendly Status as a school
11.Achieve Language and Communication Friendly Status as a school / Feb 2018
Oct 2017
Dec 2017 / Achieve Language and Communication Friendly Status as a school
Staff leading on this priority – including partners / Resources and staff development
Sharon McGeever (HT 1, 6)
Education Scotland (Early Years)
Family Support Worker (Children First)
Marie O’Neill (DHT 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
F Tanner (Link SLT)
A MacGregor (Ed Psychology)
Kelly Johnston (DHT 2)
Denise McFadden (CDO)
Sarah Green and Patricia Bristow (APTs 3, 4, 5):
Education Scotland (Early Years)
Glasgow Life / PEF Funding
Language and Communication Friendly evaluation tool
Boardmaker Programme
Family Support Worker
Education Scotland CLPL - Learning Through Play
No. / Quality Indicator / Priority
3 / 2.4 / Nurtured and Included:
Personalised Support
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale
and checkpoints / Evidence of Impact > (data, observation, views)
1.Class teacher to undertake Nurture Qualification (PEF) / Aug 2017 / Qualified Nurture Teacher / Nurture SfL Worker–more effective support available for children experiencing emotional and behavioural challenges
2.Establish an enhanced Nurture Base in the school (PEF) / Aug 2017 / Enhanced Nurture Baseestablished in school –emotional needs of identified children met leading to improved wellbeing, behaviour and attainment