Research Guide
Note: You may either print out and write on this document, or type your information and save the document according to your teacher’s directions.
Name: Date:Class: Teacher:
Research Model: Journey to Japan
Time Management:
- Research to be completed by:
- Research product due date: Presentation date:
Research Topic choices in order of preference(one will be approved by your teacher):
3. / Research Product choices in order of preference(one will be approved by your teacher):
Essential Question: How do traditional values, beliefs, and institutions play a role in today's Japanese society?
Subsidiary Questions: Brainstorm additional questions about your topic using Who, What, When, Where, Why, or Howas question-starters. Your classmates or teacher will offer revision suggestions, and your teacher will approve your questions before you begin your research.
- What is the history of this aspect of traditional Japanese culture?
- How is this topic important to the lives of people in Japantoday?
Keywords: List your topic keyword(s) and keywords from your subsidiary questions. Some examples have been provided.
Japan tradition/traditional culture history importance/significance
Notes: Use the note-taking organizer below to record main ideas and key detailsabout each subsidiary question.
- If you need additional space for notes, or if you prefer to write your notes in a lined space, write each subsidiary question at the top of a separate sheet of notebook paper or lined index card.
Note-Taking Organizer
IMPORTANT: If you copy and paste text from a Web page onto this organizer, you must paraphrase this information before including it in your research product/presentation toavoid plagiarism!
Subsidiary Questions / Notes1. What is the history of this aspect of traditional Japanese culture?
2. How is this topic important to the lives of people in Japantoday?