Publication Requirements

for the Scientific journal «Bulletin of the KievNationalUniversity Technologies and Design» Papers

Scientific journal «Bulletin of КNUТD» is professional Journalto provide individuals in the industry with articles regarding science, new technology and best practices which were still not published and have a strong theoretical and practical significance, there is a result of original researches with comprehensive review and discussion. Manuscripts should be submitted in Ukrainian, Russian or English to the editorial office.

Manuscript Guidelines

Editorial Office will request the author to send the items required for publication:

  1. Manuscriptwith annotations in English and Russian (are placed after the text, printed file, two signed copies). One copy is for Editorial Board and peer review.
  2. Electronic articlewith annotations in English and Russian (are placed after the text, CD-file or CD-RW-discs). A complete file must contain the author(s) identification, including last name in caps. Example: Karpenko_Stat
  3. Both the print and online version about the author(s) in Ukrainian, English and Russian. Example: Karpenko_ Inform_engl.

Should meet the following requirements:

Fullname, Official capacity, University Department,City/Town, Academic Ranks and Degrees;

Official Contact Information: Office Location, Address, Phone/Fax, official website & e-mail;

Residence Address, Phone, Mob., e-mail;

Academic Interests

  1. Article Review (signed by Dr. Sciences in research activities, whose signature must be authorized under seal or stamp)

Review shall include:

  • Conformity Assessment: article title - contents;
  • Relevance assessment, Scientific Innovation is the result of research;
  • Particular comments and / or description of article benefits;
  • Report of publication practicability.
  1. The original confirmation for the payment. Papers will be not accepted for publication without payments
  2. Submission Form (see Appendix 1 ) with Author's signature.
  3. Copyright Agreement (see Appendix 2).

Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted

Formatting a paper

This article should be divided into sections by topic, to make it more accessible.

Typeset Subdivisions in 10 pt. bold italic and capitalize the first letter of the first word only, and should be shown in a separate line.

The exact dimensions for pages are: page width: 21 cm; page height: 29.7 cm; left and right margins: 2.5 cm; top margin 2.5 cm (up to the page header); bottom margin: 2.5 cm (from the page footer).

Font for the main text: 10 pt Times/Times New Roman.

Author's initial (capital letter) - in a 10pt Times New Roman, centered.

Institutes - author's workplace - in a 8pt Times New Roman, centered.

Titel - capital, 12pt, bold, Times New Roman, centered.

  1. First Subdivision (paragraph) – the abstract (5-10 lines) with 5-6 keywords in a 10pt Times New Roman, italics, single sentence spacing, the lines must be single-spaced.
  2. An abstract presents an article title and a quick overview of each subdivision.




Київськийнаціональнийуніверситеттехнологійта дизайну



Робота присвячується аналізу переваг і недоліків рослинного дубителя сумах. Спосіб дублення з використанням танідів сумаху і сполук алюмінію після попередньої обробки голини сполуками фосфонію був розроблений для підвищення стійкості шкіри до старіння. Метод ІЧ-спектроскопії був застосований для дослідження природи взаємодії між танідами сумаху і колагеном. Стійкість шкіри до старіння визначалась шляхом окиснення шкіри в системі перекис водню – іон міді протягом 10 діб. Визначали температуру зварювання шкіри та її фізико-механічні властивості до та після окиснення. Шкіри після дублення танідами сумаху мали вищу стійкість до старіння ніж шкіри після дублення танідами мімози.

Ключові слова: сумах, комбіноване дублення, стійкість до старіння.


Применение таннидов сумаха для совершенствования растительного дубления

Плаван В.П., Барсуков В.З., Ковтуненко О.В.

Киевский национальный университет технологий и дизайна

Работа посвящена анализу преимуществ и недостатков растительного дубителя сумах. Способ дубления с использованием таннидов сумаха и соединений алюминия после предварительной обработки голья соединениями фосфония был разработан для повышения устойчивости кожи к старению. Метод ИК-спектроскопии применяли для исследования природы взаимодействия таннидов сумаха с коллагеном. Устойчивость кожи к старению определялась путем окисления кожи в системе перекись водорода - ион меди в течение 10 суток. Определяли температуру сваривания кожи и ее физико-механические свойства до и после окисления. Кожи после дубления таннидами сумаха имели более высокую устойчивость к старению, чем кожи после дубления таннидами мимозы.

Ключевые слова: сумах, комбинированное дубление, устойчивость к старению.


Sumac application for vegetable tanning improvement

Plavan V., Barsukov V., Kovtunenko O.

KievNationalUniversity of Technologies & Design

In our research the advantages and disadvantages sumac, as vegetable tanning agent were analyzed. The way of tanning with use of sumac tannides and aluminium compounds after hide pretreatment by phosphonium compounds for increase of leather aging resistance was developed. IR-spectroscopy was employed to investigate the nature of interaction between the sumac and collagen. In our research ageing resistance of leather was determined by oxidation in the copper ion – hydrogen peroxide system during 10 days. The shrinkage temperature and physical-mechanical properties of the specimens were determined before and after oxidation. Leather after sumac tanning was more ageing resistance then leather after mimosa tanning.

Keywords:sumac, combined tanning, ageing resistance.

  • Summary. Each paper should contain summary of the main points.
  • Key words. Immediately following the summary, up to 5 key words should be supplied for subject indexing.
  • Introduction should contain background of the subject matter and explanation, why the research was carried out.
  • Methods. In this section, all materials and methods must be clearly described.
  • Results
  • Discussion should be well-arranged and concise.
  • Acknowledgments of financial support or technical assistance may follow the main body of the paper.
  • References are to be listed in alphabetical order, are not numbered, and must correspond to citations in the text. They must include: name and initials of all authors, full title of paper, name of, volume number, first and last page and year of publication.

The mainbody text should be 10pt in Times New Roman. The first line of all paragraphs must be additionally indented on the left-hand side by 1,25 cm. The lines must be 1,5-spaced. You are able to make some words Bold, Italic and Underlined.

The scope of an article:

  • Summary Review –10 pages (A4);
  • Topical Issue – up 6 pages (A4);
  • Scientific Problem Solving – up 5 pages (A4);
  • Summary of Key Results achieved – up 3 pages (A4).

Over-length manuscripts will NOT be accepted for reviewing

2. Illustrations must be numbered sequentially, depending on their type, and their caption should be placed below the illustration and it must read as Figure: caption text (see Figure 1 and Table 1 for concrete examples).

Illustrations should be horizontally centered in the page. The captions must be centered as well, and they must be typeset in 10pt regular font.

3. Tables and Figures should be set up in supplement Word МіcrosoftEquatіon and numbered sequentially, depending on their type, and their caption should be placed below the illustration and it must read as Table N: The captions must be centered as well, and they must be typeset in 10pt regular font.

4. Mathematical formulae must be centered and numbered, using sequential Arabic numbers in parentheses as in the following example. The text in the formulae must be typeset in 10pt italic font.


. (11)

Mathematical symbols. Symbols must be of the same font style both in text discussion and in displayed equations or terms (and figures should be prepared to match). Scalar singlecharacter symbols are set italic, Greek, or script. Examples are u, L (note that Greek upsilon is used for v to avoid confusion with Greek nu often used for viscosity), w, x, y, z, f, g, r, indices such as i or j, and constants such as CD, k, or K. Multiplecharacter scalar variables, abbreviations, nondimensional numbers, and acronyms for variables are set regular nonitalic: LWC, Re, Ro, BT, abs, obs, max, min, Re/Im (real/imaginary), etc. For vectors, use boldface nonitalic Times Roman as in V, v, or x, and i, j, and k unit vectors. All mathematical operator abbreviations/acronyms are set lower case regular Roman font, except O (on the order of): sin, cos, tan, tanh, cov, Pr (for probability; note same as Prandtl number), const (for constant), c.c. (complex conjugate).

5. Reference list should appear at the end of a paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text. References should begin on a new page separate from the text of the essay; label this page "References" centered at the top of the page (do NOT bold, underline, or use quotation marks for the title).

Example: [№ source].

  • Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work.
  • All lines after the first line of each entry in your reference list should be indented one-half inch from the left margin.
  • Authors' names are inverted (last name first); give the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work for up to and including seven authors. If the work has more than seven authors, list the first six authors and then use ellipses after the sixth author's name. After the ellipses, list the last author's name of the work.
  • Maintain the punctuation and capitalization that is used by the journal in its title.
  • For multiple articles by the same author, or authors listed in the same order, list the entries in chronological order, from earliest to most recent.
  • Present the journal title in full.
  • When referring to books, chapters, articles, or Web pages, capitalize only the first letter of Capitalize all major words in journal titles.
  • the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns.

Articles that do not meet these criteria will not be accepted for review.

Editorial Board will make the final determination on when and whether an article is published and inform authors by phone or e-mail.

Editorial changes are available without the Author's consent.

An author must take responsibility for his submissions