Oregon Trail Diary


It is the 1840’s in the eastern third of the United States. Your family has made the decision to move to the Oregon Country. It will be your job to create 10 events in an imaginary diary of your family, and present those entries using a Keynote presentation that you will make to the class.

First, use the Family Planner to create your imaginary family; the number of people, names and ages, your old home, and other basic decisions. Next, do some research on the Oregon Trail; why people went to Oregon, where the Trail was located, what supplies you would need, some important dates on your journey (when you would leave, places you should be by a certain location) what landmarks you would find on the way, forts, river crossings, or camping sites you might use, and dangers and adventures people would face on the journey.

Next, decide about your “family” on the journey. You can play the part of any member of the family old enough to write a diary. Use the Internet sources to read actual Oregon Trail diaries.

Then begin to create a story organizer for your presentation. Organize your thoughts for each slide, and possible ideas for pictures you might use with that slide.

After that, begin to create your presentation on Keynote. Type in your text, and import any drawings, photos, or resources needed to help explain the slide.

Finally, you will present your Keynote presentation to the class. When you complete your presentation, your name will be added to a standby list. All presentations must be complete and presented by Wednesday, June 12.

Requirements for Final Presentation

1)______A title side with an illustration(s), and your name

2)______A slide(s) that contain a map or maps that will illustrate the different routes your family could take.

3)______List reasons why your family is moving to the Oregon Country.

4)______Create a list of suggested items that each member needs to bring with them. (Download the supply list and costs). You will be allowed to spend $1,000 dollars for your supplies. Include your source of transportation.

5)______Create brief descriptions of important landmarks that people will see as they travel westward.

6)______Create 10 slide that represent entries in your diary, listing important event and dates on your trip. These can include any hardships, triumphs, and special events you create for your “family”. Include photos, drawings, or paintings you have found with each entry. Make your entries sound convincing.

7)______Include a slide(s) explaining what your family intends to do after arriving in Oregon Country (where you intend to live, what jobs you will do).

8) ______Don’t forget to list your sources of information on your last slide.

9)______Present your “Diary” to the class.

Please use the links on Mr. Dalton’s website under

Washington State History Files-they are there to give you accurate and clear information.