MEETING OPENED The Board of Directors of School District Number One met in regular session at the Administration Board Room on
Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 6:00 P.M. with President, Paul Montera presiding.
ALLEGIENCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MEMBERS PRESENT Members present were: Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry.
Also present: Scott Mader, Superintendent,
Jesse Manzanares, Attorney
Diana Montoya, Board Secretary
APPRVL OF AGENDA Mr. Terry moved to approve the amended agenda to add 11.10 Request of leave time documentation, 11.11 OCR Agreement, 11.12 Approve Superintendent Evaluation tool, Ms. Hartman seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-none. Carried.
MINUTES Ms. Hartman moved to approve the minutes from October 25, 2017, Mr. Sandoval seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-none. Carried.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Terry moved to go into executive session at 6:48 p.m. in accordance with Colorado Revised Statute 24-6-402, (B) Legal Advice (if necessary), (F) Personnel-superintendent, (H) Students. Ms. Hartman seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-None. Carried.
REGULAR SESSION Mr. Montera stated that the executive session has
concluded at 7:24p.m.
(H) Students-6:48-7:04p.m.
(B) Legal Advice-7:04-7:18p.m.
(F) Personnel-7:18-7:24p.m.
For the record, if any person who participated in the
Executive session believes that any substantial
discussion of any matters not included in the motion to
go into executive session occurred during the executive
session in violation of the Open Meeting Law, I would
ask that you state your concerns for the record.
The next agenda item is Superintendent Report.
REPORT Mr. Mader stated that Brian Blasi and Carolyn Lueck will help with financial assistance. Mr. Mader stated that the District Accountability Committee Charge will be the District Communications Plan. Mr. Mader talked about the bullying issues, CFO Update, Enrollment and Negotiations.
11.1 Consideration of approval of Bills, Payroll and Revenue for October, 2017
Mr. Terry moved to approve the Bills, Payroll and Revenue for October, 2017, Ms. Hartman seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti (with the exception of Lori Massarotti) Mr. Montera ( for the record Kristina Vezzani, TMS-daughter), Mr. Sandoval (with the exception of Lawrence Sandoval (son) and All events trophies, Mr. Terry. Negative-none. Carried.
11.2 Personnel
1. Hiring
Mr. Terry moved to hire Kevin Bonds (Bus Driver), Mr.
Sandoval seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr.
Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry.
Negative-none. Carried.
Mr. Massarotti moved to hire Richard Gallegos (Assistant
Wrestling Coach-THS), Mr. Terry seconded. Affirmative-
Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval,
Mr. Terry. Negative-none. Carried.
11.3 Policies-2nd and Final Reading
1. Conduct on buses-JICC
Mr. Massarotti moved to approve the Final reading of Policy JICC, Mr. Terry seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-none. Carried.
2. Organizational Chart-CC & CCA
Mr. Terry moved to approve the Final reading of Policy
CC & CCA Organizational Chart, Mr. Massarotti
Seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti,
Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-none.
11.4 Approval of subcontract for Purchased Services with
Rocky Mountain SER, Head Start Program
Mr. Massarotti moved to approve the subcontract for
Purchased Services with Rocky Mountain SER, Head
Start Program, Special Education student, Mr. Terry
Seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti,
Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-none.
Mr. Sandoval moved to approve the contract with Rocky
Mountain SER, Head Start Program for 47 students, Mr.
Massarotti seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr.
Massarotti, Mr. Sandoval,
11.5 Approval of Subcontract for Purchased Services with
South Central Council of Governments for preschool
11.6 Approval of Girls’ Basketball Development Fund
Mr. Massarotti moved to approve the Girls’ Basketball
Development Fund to be donated per Mr. Dasko’s letter, Mr.
Terry seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti,
Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-none.
11.7 Approval of Expulsion-#2017/2018-01
Mr. Massarotti moved to approve Expulsion #2017/2018-01,
Mr. Sandoval seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr.
Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-
None. Carried.
11.8 Approval of Expulsion-#2017/2018-02
Mr. Sandoval moved to approve Expulsion #2017/2018-
02, Mr. Terry seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr.
Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry.
Negative-none. Carried.
11.9 Approval of Special Meeting
Mr. Sandoval moved to approve the Special meeting for
November 27, 2017 at 6:00p.m. for the Swearing In
Ceremony and Organization of the Board, Mr. Terry
Seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti,
Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-none.
11.10 Approval of Documentation of Leave process
Ms. Hartman moved to approve the Documentation of Leave
Process, Mr. Sandoval seconded. Affirmative-Ms. Hartman,
Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Terry. Negative-Mr.
Sandoval. Affirmative-carried.
11.11 Approval of OCR Resolution Agreement
Mr. Massarotti moved to approve the OCR Resolution
Agreement, Ms. Hartman seconded. Affirmative-Ms.
Hartman, Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr. Terry.
Negative-Mr. Sandoval. Affirmative-Carried.
11.12 Approval of Superintendent Evaluation Tool
Mr. Sandoval moved to approve the Superintendent
Evaluation Tool, Ms. Hartman seconded. Affirmative-
Ms. Hartman, Mr. Massarotti, Mr. Montera, Mr.
Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-none. Carried.
12.0 Bullying
12.1 Process for handling assaults-a mandatory
Training will be set up for this
CONCERNS Mr. Massarotti thanked the Board.
ITEMS NEXT MTG Policies, positive things that have happened in 2017,
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned at 9:00p.m. upon motion of Mr. Terry, seconded by Ms. Hartman. Affirmative- Ms. Hartman, Mr. Montera, Mr. Sandoval, Mr. Terry. Negative-None. Carried.
Submitted by Diana Montoya-Board Secretary