Create a Lesson Plan to teach Rules for EACH Location (3 separate Lesson Plans):
(See Attachment in Brainshark for Rules Lesson Plan SAMPLE)
Rules Lesson Plan
Location 1: ClassroomRules:
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart all rules under this location) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Keep hands and feet to self / Keep hands and feet to yourself / Hitting others or yourself
Take a break when needed / Use AAC to request a break / Running away from task
Follow schedule to participate in small group instruction / Transitioning from one activity to the next following rules / Tantrums
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (2-3 resources with specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):
Positive Behavior Interventions Website - www.pbisworld.orgSocial thinking curriculum – social behavior maps
Zones of Regulation
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (3-5 sentences. Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
1. Teachers will read a social story to students about communicating in a variety of activities including break and following schedules..2. Teachers and SLP will provide AAC materials, as needed. Teachers will provide visual schedules.
3. Students will be prompted to use AAC throughout the day in all settings and provided preferred reinforcers for doing so.
4. Students will be prompted to follow schedules.
5. Video will be taken of students engaging in expected behaviors, when appropriate.
6. Video modeling will be used to remediate any students who continue to have behavior challenges related to any rules.
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. 8/22/16 – all day
2. 8/23/16 – all day
3. 8/24/16 – all day
4. 8/25/16 – all day.
Every day of the school year.
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Teachers and SLPs. Teacher assistants to support the instruction.
Rules Lesson Plan
Location 2: CafeteriaRules:
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Use AAC to tell others when hungry. / Touch “I’m hungry” on communication device / Hitting self
Keep hands and feet to yourself / Use nice touches, keep hands and feet to self / Hitting others
Follow schedule / Follow schedule to go through line and obtain lunch / Walking through line taking too many items
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):
Positive Behavior Interventions Website - www.pbisworld.orgSocial thinking curriculum – social behavior maps
Zones of Regulation
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
1. Visuals will be posted from classroom social stories and schedules throughout the cafeteria and at specific locaitons for individual students.
2. Students will be prompted to use these visuals in a variety of settings to engage in appropriate behaviors.3. Students will receive reinforcement for doing so.
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1.8/22/16 lunch time
2. 8/23/16 lunch time
3. 8/24/16 lunch
4.8/25/16 lunch
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Teachers and SLPs. Teacher assistants to support the instruction.
Rules Lesson Plan
Location 3: HallwaysRules:
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Keep hands and feet to self. / Keep hands and feet to self / Hitting others or self
Use AAC to tell others when angry. / Use communication device to say “I’m angry” / kIcking others
Walk with your class / Follow schedule to go to next activity / Running away from others
Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):
Positive Behavior Interventions Website - www.pbisworld.orgSocial thinking curriculum – social behavior maps
Zones of Regulation
Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):
1. Staff will have visuals from social stories available at all times when transitioning students.
2. Students will be prompted to use these visuals in a variety of settings to engage in appropriate behaviors.3. Students will receive reinforcement for doing so.
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1.8/22/16 transitions
2. 8/23/16 transitions
3. 8/24/16 transitions
4.8/25/16 transitions
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Teachers and SLPs. Teacher assistants to support the instruction.