Stan is overweight. He has tried a number of diets but cannot stay on them more than a couple of weeks. He seems to have a pattern of losing five pounds and then gaining them right back. He knows that being overweight is unhealthy. He is even unhappy with the way he looks.


David has made some big changes inhis life. He moved and will also bestarting a new school in a few weeks.He is very nervous about school.David recognizes that all thesechanges may cause stress. He alsoknows there are ways to reduce it.He wants to choose a way to reducesome of the stress he is feeling.


Amy’s dad has decided to move outof the house for a few months. Amyis very unhappy about his decision.She is worried that she won’t get tosee her dad very much. She cries alot of the time and doesn’t seem to beable to pay attention in school. Sheknows that she needs to get somekind of help to start feeling better.


Chris wants to stop smoking. Sheknows there are many ways to quitand that she should choose the bestway for her. She discusses the matterwith a friend. They come upwith several plans. Chris could stopsmoking completely on a certainday or she could smoke a little lessevery day until she stops completely.She thinks about which approachwould be easiest for her and talks toother people who have already quitsmoking.

Chris decides to stop smoking gradually.At the start of every week shereduces the number of daily cigarettesshe smokes by three. Unfortunately,Chris isn’t too happy withher new plan because she has troublekeeping track of the number of cigarettesshe smokes.


Heather’s parents have agreed shecan have some friends over whilethey are out for the evening. Shethinks that a few kids may bring beer.She knows she has to decide whetherto allow drinking at her house.


Kim and Tony have arrived at hishome. The phone rings; it is hisparents. They inform him that theyare going be about an hour late. Tonyturns to Kim, snuggles close andsays, “We have an entire hour withthe house to ourselves . . . ”


Shannon is visiting with a couple ofnew friends. Both of these friendsare older than Shannon, and theyseem “more mature.” The subject ofsex comes up and both of Shannon’sfriends begin to share their experiences.

They ask about Shannon’s sexlife. Shannon is a virgin and is happyabout that. Shannon wonders howbest to express this and not seemimmature.