These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The HT-STSTG was called to order at 4:00 p.m., 24-Feb-14.
The HT-STSTG is a Sub-Team that meets in correspondence with the Heat Treat Task Group (HTTG) during Nadcap meetings.
It was verified that only SUPPLIER MEMBERS were in attendance and invited Subscribers.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Supplier Members/Participants Present (* Indicates HTTG Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Michael / Brandt / Alcoa, Inc.
* / Mark / Brown / Kaman Aerospace Corp.
Matthew / Clive / Alcoa Europe Flat Rolled Products
Nathalie / Crozat-Vigier / Kaustraut Aerospace
Claudio / Dall'Osteria / Forgital Italy
* / Edward / Engelhard / Solar Atmospheres, Inc.
Rob / Frost / Alcoa - Howmet Limited (HEC)
Lisa / Goodwin / Ellwood Texas Forge Houston
Chris / Harwood / Ellwood Texas Forge
Christoph / Heubel / AMAG Rolling GmbH
Eric / Kissel / Materion Corp.
gunter / Krauss / RUAG Technology
Iain / Mackenzie / Bodydcote Heat Treat UK
Andrew / Messenger / Alcoa - Howmet Limited (HEC)
Nicholas / Olpin / Wallwork Heat Treatment Ltd
* / Timothy / Paradis / Metallurgical Processing Inc.
Eduardo / Rivera / Metallurgical Processing Inc.
Paul / Rose / Alcoa
Fabio / Sturzen / Forgital Italy S.p.A
Joe / Vang / Hongkong Aero Engine Services Ltd.
Peter / Walker / Alcoa - Howmet Limited (HEC)
Wilfried / Weber / PFW Aerospace AG
Markus / Willis / Alcoa Europe Flat Rolled Products
PRI Staff Present
Jerry / AstonMarcel / Cuperman
Stan / Revers
1.2 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN
The minutes from October 2013 were approved as written.
No presentations were scheduled for this meeting.
3.1 Task Group Assignments
Cyril Vernault, Vice Chairperson of HTTG has tried to make contact with Ms. Lisa to start a project on top 10 Task Group findings and has been unsuccessful. We will move forward with Mr. Vernault by having Mr. Weber make contact and start the project.
3.2 Change in Officers:
Chairperson: Wilfried Weber – PFW Aerospace ();
Vice Chairperson: Bill Rogers – Alcoa ()
Send any new project information to Mr. Weber at the email address above.
4.0 new business
No Issues sent in.
5.0 open- forum – discussion of httg supplier issues – open
5.1 When heat treatment audits include mechanical testing and metallurgy, the checklist doesn’t seem clear on what is included. For example – is fracture toughness included? - response: [Mr. Cuperman] Only Room Temperature Tensile testing is covered automatically by the MOU. If you choose other methods in the scope of the AC7101, these can’t be reviewed by HTTG. Note that Conductivity is covered in the 7102/5.
5.2 Is there new work with the Materials Testing Laboratories (MTL) Task Group?
New Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the MTL group on laboratory furnaces is underway and should be signed today by MTL. This allows use of the AC7102/8 Pyrometry checklist if the laboratory is not using a Load Sensor. If the laboratory is using a Load Sensor in the laboratory furnace, the furnace will be audited under the AC7101/9 checklist.
5.3 The pyrometry portion of the AC7102 Core Checklist for Heat Treat was separated into a new checklist as AC7102/8. This update to AC7102 and the new AC7102/8 take effect 2014 May 11. The new Pyrometry Checklist may be used by other task groups. These groups had asked to have this separated from the main Heat Treat checklist to be able to use only the Pyrometry portion.
5.4 What efforts are going on in eQuaLified relating to HT?
No answer.
5.5 AMS2769C status re vac calibration ( ff) AMS2769C was balloted at AMS in October 2013 and the technical comments from the ballot must be resolved. The next meeting is in 2014 March; the results of this review will require another ballot. The earliest a new revision could be issued is June 2014 if all issues are resolved at the meeting and the next ballot is accepted.
5.6 AMS2772 (Heat Treatment of Raw Aluminum) is open for change to add new alloys. If you are interested in adding information, contact Michael Niedzinski ()
6.0 Agenda for next meeting – open
Same as for this meeting.
ADJOURNMENT – 24-Feb-2014 – Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.