Action Plan Year: 2017-18
School District:Bertie County
Healthy Eating and Active Living Liaison:Danny Perry
HEAL Liaison Supervisor:Dr. Linda Justus
Submission Date: 5/31/2017
Healthy Eating and Active Living Liaison - Action Plan
This Action Plan contains three sections: 1) Supportive Nutrition Environments, 2) Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs and 3) Supportive Physical Activity Environments. Please complete an Action Plan for each school that you are working with to address Supportive Nutrition Environments and to implement Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAPs). You are not required to work on Supportive Physical Activity Environments beyond the CSPAPs that you are developing; this section only needs to be completed if there are activities that extend beyond the CSPAPs.
Please note the following when completing the Action Plan:
- Write SMART Objectives.
Smart Objectives
Specific: Concrete, detailed and well defined so that you know where you are going and what to expect when you arrive
Measurable: Numbers and quantities provide means of measurement and comparison
Achievable: Feasible and easy to put into action
Realistic: Considers constraints such as resources, personnel, cost and time-frame
Time-Bound: A time frame helps to set boundaries around the objective
- Identify key partner organizations and individuals by title that will be instrumental to implementation.
- Write up the key activities and dates to be completed to accomplish this objective.
- Spell out all acronyms the first time.
Supportive Nutrition Environments
School: West Bertie Elementary School
Select the supportive nutrition environments goal(s) from the following list that will be addressed. Copy and paste the table below as needed.
☐ /- Adopt and implement policies that establish standards (including sodium) for all competitive foods available during the school day
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- Discontinue the sale of less healthy foods and beverages (soda pop or fruit drinks, sport drinks, baked goods, salty snacks, candy)
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- Adopt and implement policies that prohibit all forms of advertising and promotion (e.g., contests and coupons) of less nutritious foods and beverages on school property
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- Prohibit all forms of advertising and promotion for candy, fast food restaurants, or soft drinks
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- Price nutritious foods and beverages at a lower cost while increasing the price of less nutritious foods and beverages
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- Provide information to students or families on the nutrition, caloric, and sodium content of foods available
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- Place fruits and vegetables near the cafeteria cashier, where they are easy to access
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- Allow students to have access to drinking water
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- Offer fruits or non-fried vegetables when foods or beverages are offered at school celebrations
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- Allow students to purchase fruits and vegetables from vending machines or at the school store, canteen, snack bar, or as a la carte items
Objective 1: By May 31, 2018, 100% of students (288) and 100% of staff (22) will have access to the educational information found on the cafeteria menu board to increase their knowledge of healthy food choices.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1)Meet with principal and school improvement committee chair to gain support / School principal, school improvement committee chair, school wellness champion / 9/1/2017 / 9/1/2017
2)Meet with the county nutrition director to develop an educational information campaign for students and staff about the school menu boards / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students, school wellness champion / 9/10/2017 / 9/10/2017
3)Develop written and social media materials / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students / 10/3/2017 / 10/30/2017
4)Pilot test and revise the educational information campaign / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students / 10/30/2017 / 11/20/2017
5)Implement educational information campaign school wide / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students / 12/1/2017 / 6/30/2018
6) Evaluate effectiveness of educational information campaign through the use of surveys for staff and students to determine the number of staff and students who are aware of the educational information on the electronic menu board / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students / 5/20/2018 / 5/31/2018
Objective 2: By October 24, 2017, fresh fruits will be placed near the cafeteria cashier, where they are easy to access by staff and students.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1) Meet with the county nutrition director to develop a plan to place fruits and vegetables near cafeteria cashier / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students, school wellness champion / 9/1/2017 / 9/1/2017
2) Meet with school principal and school improvement committee chair to develop implementation strategy for school / School principal. School improvement committee chair, school wellness champion / 9/10/2017 / 9/10/2017
3) Promote the placement of fruits and vegetables near the cafeteria cashier to students through schoolwide campaign / CaféManager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students / 10/24/2017 / 6/30/2017
4) Evaluate at the end of the school year the effectiveness of promotional campaign through the use of café data to determine if consumption of fresh fruits increased throughout the year / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students / 5/20/2018 / 5/31/2018
Objective 3: By May 31, 2017,80% of students (230) and 80% of staff (17) will increase their daily water intake to at least 32 ounces during the school day.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1) Meet with the county nutrition director to develop a plan to increase the intake of water by staff and students through the placement of educational posters near all water fountains in school / CaféManager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students. school wellness champion / 9/1/2017 / 9/1/2017
2) Meet with school principal and school improvement committee chair to develop implementation strategy for school / School principal. School improvement committee chair, school wellness champion / 9/10/2017 / 9/10/2017
3) Establish a baseline through the use of a survey measuring the average number of glasses of water consumed by staff and students during the school day / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students, school wellness champion / 9/15/2017 / 9/30/2017
4) Promote the placement of educational posters to students through schoolwide campaign / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students, school wellness champion / 10/1/2017 / 5/31/2018
5) Evaluate effectiveness of promotional campaign through the use of a survey measuring the number of staff and students who consumed at least 32 ounces of water during the school day / Café Manager, Nutrition Services Director, School Principal, PTA, School Staff, Students / 5/20/2018 / 5/31/2018
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program
Action Plan Year: 2017-18
School District:Bertie
Healthy Eating and Active Living Liaison:Danny Perry
HEAL Liaison Supervisor:Dr. Linda Justus
Refer to the Comprehensive School Physical Activity (CSPAP) Guide assist with completing this plan.
School:West Bertie Elementary
Vision[1]: Motivating students to get hooked on a lifetime of fitness
The steps to develop a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Plan are outlined below. The progress on each of these steps will be reported as part of the monthly progress reporting. Please insert the date when each of these steps will be completed.
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Plan Development Process
Step 1: Establish a team/committee and designate a Physical Activity Leader.
Key Activities:
- Identify Physical Activity Leader.
- Date: 8/18/2017
- Hold first CSPAP Committee meeting.
- Date: 8/29/2017
- Hold second CSPAP Committee meeting.
- Date: 12/4/2017
- Hold third CSPAP Committee meeting.
- Date: 2/8/2018
- Hold fourth CSPAP Committee meeting (copy and paste to add additional meeting dates).
- Date: 4/21/2018
Step 2: Conduct annual assessment of existing physical activity opportunities.
Key Activity:
- Complete the annual Alliance for a Healthier Generation Assessment.
- Date: 12/31/2017
Step 3: Review and update, as needed, the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program’s vision statement, goals, and objectives.
Key Activities:
- Review and updateCSPAP vision statement, goals and objectives with committee.
- Date: Draft completed August 19, 2017, Final submitted on August31, 2017.
- Complete annual Alliance for a Healthier Generation Assessment.
- Date:8/29/2017
Step 4: Define the intended outcomes or specific changes that are the direct results of the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program implementation.
Key Activities:
- Review the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Assessment results to identify gaps to address in programming and activities.
- Date:8/29/2017
- Identify measures that document the impact of the activities outlined in the activities in Step 6.
- Date:8/29/2017
- Collect data.
- Date:5/31/2018
- Report on identified measures through monthly reporting.
- Date:Quarterly
Step 5: Identify and plan the activities in the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program.
Key Activities:
- Review the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Assessment results to identify gaps to address in programming and activities.
- Date:8/29/2017
- Submit annual action plan.
- Date: Draft completed May 19, 2017, Final submitted on May 31, 2017.
Step 6: Implement the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program.
Key Activity:
- Submit the table below, with goals, objectives and key activities.
- Date: May 31, 2017
Comprehensive School Physical Activity Plan Step 6: Please complete the table below to outline the goals, objectives and key activities for the components of the comprehensive school physical activity program that will be implemented in this school. Copy and paste the table as needed to add goals and objectives.
Goal 1:Increase the number of opportunities for physical activity presented to the students during the school day.Objective 1a: By May 31, 2018, 80% of teachers (17) at West Bertie Elementary School will use grade appropriate energizers for the duration of 3-5 minutes per energizer activity in the classroom (22) at least 3 times per week.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1) Meet with principal and school improvement committee chair to gain support for the program / Principal, school improvement committee chair, school wellness champion / 9/7/2017 / 9/7/2017
2) Develop a plan of implementation of classroom energizers at the school / Teachers, principal, school wellness champion / 9/7/2017 / 9/7/2017
3)) Promote the use of energizers in the classroom through a schoolwide campaign / Teachers, principal, students, school wellness champion / 9/10/2017 / 5/31/2018
4)Provide technical assistance in the form of classroom energizer use to all classroom teachers / Teachers / 9/16/2017 / 9/16/2017
5)Train teachers on documentation of
energizer use / Teachers / 9/16/2017 / 9/16/2017
6) Provide needed energizer program supplies to teachers / Teachers / 9/16/2017 / 9/16/2017
7)Begin energizer program throughout school / Teachers, principal, students / 9/19/2017 / 5/31/2018
8) Determine the number of energizer opportunities presented to students weekly through the energizer program through examination of teacher provided data and student feedback via survey / Teachers, principal, students / 5/20/2018 / 5/31/2018
Objective 1b: By May 31, 2018, 75% of students (216) at West Bertie Elementary School will walk 100 miles through participation in the 100 mile walking club program using the school walking trail and other activities (PE class, field day, classroom activities) during the school day.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1) Meet with principal and school improvement committee chair to gain support for the program / Principal, school improvement committee chair, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/3/2017 / 9/3/2017
2) Develop a plan of implementation of the walking program at the school / Teachers, active routes to school, principal, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/10/2017 / 9/10/2017
3) Promote the walking program through a schoolwide campaign / Teachers, active routes to school, principal, students, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/17/2017 / 5/31/2018
4)Train teachers on electronic documentation of walking program data / Teachers, active routes to school, principal, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/20/2017 / 9/20/2017
5)Provide required walking program supplies to teachers / Teachers, active routes to school, principal, students, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/20/2017 / 9/20/2017
6)Begin walking program / Teachers, active routes to school, principal, students, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/27/2017 / 5/31/2018
7)Students receive recognition of walking program goal achievement at awards program / Teachers, active routes to school, principal, students, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 5/20/2018 / 5/31/2018
Objective 1c: By December 31, 2017, the wellness team at West Bertie Elementary School will complete the AFHG annual assessment.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1) Meet with principal,school improvement committee chair and the school wellness team chair to explain importance of the assessment / Principal, school improvement committee chair, school wellness team chair. / 9/7/2017 / 9/7/2017
2) Meet with Wellness team chair to determine completion date goal for AFHG assessment. / School wellness team chair. / 9/7/2017 / 12/31/2017
3) Meet with Wellness team in order to complete the AFHG assessment. / School wellness team. / 9/10/2017 / 12/31/2017
4) Review the assessment results with the wellness team and submit the assessment. / School Wellness team. / 9/16/2017 / 12/31/2017
Goal 2: Institute a goal oriented component in the Physical Education curriculum.
Objective 2a: By May 31, 2018, 60% of the students (172) at West Bertie Elementary School (who are taking Health and Physical Education) will earn the Presidential Physical Fitness Award through participation in the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1) Meet with principal, school improvement committee chair and Physical Education teacher to gain support for the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge / Principal, school improvement committee chair, physical education teacher, school wellness champion / 9/20/2017 / 9/20/2017
2) Develop a plan of implementation of the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge / Principal, school improvement committee chair, physical education teacher, school wellness champion / 9/20/2017 / 9/20/2017
3) Provide technical assistance to Physical Education teacher in the form of guidance through the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge web site / Principal, physical education teacher / 9/20/2017 / 9/27/2017
4) Promote the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge through a schoolwide campaign / Principal, teachers, students / 9/27/2017 / 5/31/2018
5)Implement the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge schoolwide / Physical education teacher / 10/1/2017 / 5/31/2018
6)Celebrate student achievement in the Presidential Physical Education Challenge through presentation of certificates of achievement at the school awards day event / Principal. Teachers, students. parents / 5/30/2018 / 5/31/2018
7) Evaluate the effectiveness of the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge by examining data collected from the challenge to determine the number of students who qualified for the PPF award. / Principal, physical education teacher / 5/20/2018 / 5/31/2018
Goal 3:Improve safety practices for students while involved in physical activities in order to reduce physical activity related injuries thus increasing student participation time in Physical Activity.Objective 3a: By May 30, 2018, 80% of students (230) at West Bertie Elementary School will have successfully completed an in-school playground safety class and will apply learned safety procedures when using playground equipment as observed by the teachers of the school.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1) Meet with principal and school improvement committee chair and Physical Education teacher to gain support for the program / Principal, school improvement committee chair, physical education teacher, school wellness champion / 9/14/2017 / 5/31/2018
2) Develop a plan of implementation of procedures class with physical education teacher and principal / Teachers, principal, students, school wellness champion / 9/14/2017 / 5/31/2018
3) Provide professional development to Physical Education teacher in the form of updated nationally recognized physical activity safety procedures / Physical Education teacher / 9/20/2017 / 9/20/2017
4) Implement safety procedure class to be incorporated into the physical education curriculum / Physical Education teacher, students / 10/3/2017 / 10/31/2017
5) Evaluate effectiveness of the safety education class through examination of school provided injury incident reports data and student feedback via survey / Principal, teachers, students / 5/20/2018 / 5/31/2018
Goal 4: Increase community involvement related to physical activity programs by involving parents of students in a school sponsored physical activity event.
Objective 4a: By May 30, 2018, West Bertie Elementary School will host at least one community physical activity night.
Key Activities: / Partners: / Start Date: / End Date:
1) Meet with principal and school improvement committee chair and Physical Education teacher to gain support for the community physical activity night / Principal, school improvement committee chair, physical education teacher, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/21/2017 / 5/31/2018
2) Develop a plan of implementation of the West Bertie Elementary School physical activity night / Teachers, principal, parents, students, PTA, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/21/2017 / 5/31/2018
3) Promote the West Bertie Elementary School community physical activity night through social media and a schoolwide campaign / Teachers, principal, parents, students, PTA, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 9/21/2017 / 5/31/2018
4)Plan and organize events related to the West Bertie Elementary community physical activity night / Teachers, principal, parents, students, PTA, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 10/1/2017 / 5/31/2018
5)Administer the West Bertie Elementary community physical activity night event / Teachers, principal, parents, students, PTA, school wellness champion, Active Routes to Schools Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians / 11/1/2017 / 5/31/2018
6) Determine the number of parents who participated in the West Bertie Elementary community physical activity night through the use of exit surveys / Teachers, volunteers, principal, school wellness champion / 11/1/2017 / 5/31/2018
Step 7: Evaluate the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program.