COURSE:BIOL-335* Limnology and Aquatic Ecology
TERM:2169 (Fall 2016)
Coordinator:B. Cumming
Biology 335 provides an overview of the field of limnology – the study of lakes and other inland waters. Our focus is primarily on freshwater lakes, but other water bodies are also discussed (e.g. saline lakes, rivers, etc.). Although biology is emphasized, chemical, physical, geographical, and geological aspects are also covered. Demonstrators play a critical role in this course, as they are the main contacts with the students for the labs and field work.
1) To help set up, demonstrate, and take down a total of 5 separate labs (each lab is run over 2 weeks), as outlined in the Lab Manual. Some time should be allotted for student questions outside of the formal lab time.
2) To help the professor set up the field component of the course, which encompasses a weekend, typically early in October, at QUBS. The weekend field trip is voluntary for all TA’s, but most TA’s enjoy the weekend. Nonetheless, you are not required to participate.
3) To assist in marking a total of 2 written lab reports per student in your lab sections.
4) To assist in setting up and marking a lab exam in the last week of classes.
5) To assist the professor in marking the course midterm and final exam.
Demonstrators will receive a written evaluation of their performance at the end of term.
All Biology TAs are required to adhere to the University's Code of Conduct, as described in Section 12 of the Queen's Graduate Calendar, and Section 4 of the Guide to Graduate Studies in Biology. As teachers of undergraduates, TAs are expected to recognize the seriousness of all forms of Academic Dishonesty, Harassment and Discrimination and to
understand the rules governing such cases at Queen's.
Please refer to the Collective Agreement at the following link: