WEDNESDAY, Oct 14th, 2009
Meeting preface – the order of meeting tonight will be altered to allow for board to adjourn early and meet with the Player Development Committee.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Margaret Spanier, President; Susan Knutson, Secretary; Kirk Johnson, Treasurer; Amy Ostendorf, KeenanThrush
Association Members Present: Marsha Meed, Ice Scheduler; Lori Laudenbach, Gambling manager
Cancellation procedures – if less than 15 players, Bingo may be cancelled; if school cancelled or closed early, Bingo will be cancelled; if ill staff or other unforeseen staff conflict, Bingo may be cancelled. Queen Bees will be informed of cancellation by 3:30 P.M. when possible. Workers may work off registration fees. Lori will create a new time sheet that will allow workers to indicate how their time should be applied (registration fees, pay, etc.).
Susan, motion to approve policy for cancelling Bingo; Keenan, second; motion carried.
Susan, motion to accept general billing and payroll procedure; Keenan, second; motion carried.
Staffing Ron & Judy’s – Tabled
$17,175 – 11,790+3,000
Bills – Ambulance $1730; Pelkey Refrig. $274.44; Ameripride $182.35; Jorson & Carlson $421.31; Sam Club Membership $35; Let’s Play Hockey (2yr sub.) $99.00; Becker (practice pucks) $319.70; fundraising $15.39, $9.59; 1st Line (concessions) $147.85; monthly utilities- Excel (through Nov.), Lakedale, West Central, Ron’s Soft Water.
Amy, motion to accept payment of bills as presented; Susan, second; motion carried.
High school player rate is set by youth association. Steve’s budget indicates the rate at $862 a player. We will table for further discussion and to gather more information. Vote may be called via e-mail.
Guest – Steve Stang – RLS-W EMT Workers
Susan motion to accept Steve’s EMT management as 25 hour requirement; Keenan, second; motion carried.
District 5 does not recommend using First Responders. Billing done monthly – broken down per tournament. Steve will supply radios so that calls can be made directly to EMTs and not rink manager. Move medical team sign to new office. Procedure – Refs call coach, then EMTs are called onto ice if needed. Add EMT policy to tournament programs.
Susan, motion to accept 09/10 EMT changes & policy; Amy, second; motion carried.
Here is the information regarding the compost. (via e-mail)
Don Pietsch from the township, Dave (?) Zimmer from the city, Trevor Thompson, and myself met to discuss the situation with the compost.
Don recommended to the city that in order to fund the compost pile that the city charge a $10.00 annual fee for use of the compost. The fee that is collected for usage would then be spent on the hockey association to man the open hours. From what I could gather from Don, the compost amount is $2500.00 and an additional amount of $3500.00 which will pay for open skating, which will be free of charge for anyone wishing to skate.
At this time, we need to clarify with the city and township, if the $3500.00 is for open skating. Our past understanding is that when the city donates $5000.00 to the township for admin costs, that it is the amount for open skating. So if they do not plan on donating the $5000.00 for admin, we will still be losing money and probably will not want to agree to this.
The city met last night and this issue was to be discussed. Don P. will be calling me when he has heard if there was a decision made about the contract. I will clarify from him on the above issue when he calls.
Golf outing raised about $3300.
Up 8 girls from Learn to Skate.
· Susan, motion to accept Jon Olson’s Ace Coordinator resignation; Amy, second; motion carried.
· Defining 25 hour card/eligible activities – tabled
Amy, motion to adjourn 8:00 P.M and attend Player Development meeting; Keenan, second; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Susan C Knutson.