Indigent Defense Social Work Internship Request for Proposal
Sealed Proposals addressed to the Commissioners’ Court of Bell County, Belton, Texas will be received at the office of the County Auditor in the Bell County Courthouse, 101 East Central Avenue, (Third Floor) Post Office Box 454, Belton, Texas 76513-0454 until 12pm XXXXX, 2012 for:
Indigent Defense Social Work Internship RFP
Specifications and other information may be obtained in the Bell County Auditor’s Office, Belton, Texas, (254) 933-5115. Proposals will be opened in the Bell County Auditor’s Conference Room (Third Floor), Bell County Courthouse, 101 East Central Avenue, Belton, Texas on26th July 2011 at 2pm.
NO FAXED BIDS ACCEPTED. The County is not responsible for late mail or delivery service.
Proposals shall be placed in a sealed envelope and plainly marked “RFP XX-XX” and shall be brought to the office of the County Auditor or mailed to P. O. Box 454, Belton, Texas 76513-0454.
The Commissioners’ Court reserves the right to waive any and all formalities, except bids cannot be accepted after closing time, and to reject any or all bids.
Donna Eakin
County Auditor
Request for Proposal
Indigent Defense Social Work Internships
Bell County invites you to submit a bid to participate in the Indigent Defense Social Work Internship program.
1.Bids are due and will be publicly read as per the NOTICE TO BIDDERS details attached.
2.Bell County reserves the right to reject any and all bids either in whole or in part, to reject a Bid not accompanied by the required bid security of or any other data required by the Bidding Documents or to reject a Bid which is any way incomplete or irregular and to waive informality or waive any part thereof.
3.Bell County is exempt from Texas sales tax and most Federal taxes. Exemption certification information will be attached to all purchase orders issued by the County.
4.Bell County will not be held responsible for any costs incurred by vendors for work performed in the preparation and production of a quote or for any work performed prior to the issuance of a contract.
5.Bell County will evaluate each bid as per the PROPOSAL EVALUATION details attached.
6.Once received, the bid becomes the sole property of Bell County. Bids will remain firm for sixty days.
Scope of Work
Bell County is seeking partnerships with accredited academic organizations that have a social work internship program. The organization must be willing to provide educational support to the internship participants.
Bidder must meet the following specifications:
- Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Within the boundary of Bell County, Texas
- Willing to provide a field instructor for any social work internship participants
- Bachelor’s Degree Social Work Program and/or Master’s Degree Social Work Program
- Bell County usually pays a fixed rate for internship participants
Bidder must provide all information as detailed in the enclosed official Bell County Bid Form.
Proposals will be evaluated based on programs meeting all of the required specifications. All proposals will be scored based on the following:
Criteria / Available PointsAccredited status and Bachelor or Master’s Degree Social Work Program / 30
Proximity to Bell County / 50
Willingness to provide a field instructor / 20
TOTAL / 100
Bell County Official Bid Form: Indigent Defense Social Work Internships RFP
The undersigned, having familiarized themselves with all specifications, provides the following details:
DescriptionAverage Number of Students Available for Social Work Internships
(total for the year averaged over 3 years)
Distance to Bell County Justice Complex at 1201 Huey Drive, Belton, Texas 76513
Minimum Fixed Rate for Bachelor’s Level Intern
Minimum Fixed Rate for Master’s Level Intern
Organization Name:
Authorized Signature:
Email Address:
Phone Number: