Systems Thinking Group Meeting -- November 18, 2013, 1:30pm
Present: Julie Traynor, Devils Lake School of Nursing; Amanda Holland, VA Nursing Administration; Kelly Hagen, Altru Clinic; Eric Christofferson, Altru Staff Nurse; Jeanine Senti, Altru APRN; Shelly Graening, Essentia Clinic; Joan Bachman, Consultant.
Mary Wright and Shawn Brookings expressed regret at unavailability for the meeting.
Note the broad range of disciplines/responsibilities represented here!!
There are no comments on September minutes.
Brief outline of the November full group meeting decision to proceed with offering on-line leadership instruction topics developed by each of the 4 groups. At this time, the plan is to make the instruction available on-line at no fee. If the nurse wants to receive CEUs for licensure, there will be a fee. Timeline for development of the instruction briefly reviewed. Note the work should be ready to submit for NDBON approval of CEUs late 2014.
Not all participants had prior access to the survey results until mid-meeting when Julie forwarded them. Tabulating the 2 'most interested' scores [far right 2 columns] for the 6 questions relative to Systems Thinking, they were ranked by number of respondents: 1) 92 "The outside forces that have shaped and will shape the healthcare industry (regulatory, payment, professional organizations, academic centers."
2) 82 "The variety of payer types such as private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid and uncompensated care and the qualifications and requirements for eligibility for each level of payer." and 3) 70 "The variety of facility and provider types (clinics, hospitals, rehab facilities, nursing facilities, assisted living centers, home health, home care services) in your community and how your employer and physicians relate to them.". The other 3 at fewer than 60indicated interest. Tentative agreement to develop #3) into course content, thinking the first 2 will be covered by the Policy group (based on the many written comments for policy survey questions.
The tentatively selected statement (see bold above) is unclear as to intent and focus and will be reworded via collaborative email communication within the next week or so.
After the Topic Statement is agreed to, we will begin to develop behavioral objectives for the instruction. Decisions on format, presentation/presenters will be developed during the next months.
Julie noted that her nursing students are asking many questions relative especially to ACA and what will be the affect on their practice. Amanda noted that VA clients are concerned for level of services and reimbursement as a result of ACA.
Eric reported on a project he has initiated to improve the system of procurement of supplies which should result in savings of time and supply costs.
Although the meeting was short, it felt like good communication and positive steps toward developing one aspect of leadership for every nurse in every setting. Thanks to all for active participation.
Next meeting scheduled for December 16, 1:30pm.
Recorder, Joan Bachman