Year 1: Block DThree 2-week units

Calculating, measuring and understanding shape

End-of-year expectations (key objectives) are highlighted / Units
1 / 2 / 3
•Solve problems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling or halving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for example to ‘pay’ and ‘give change’ /  /  / 
•Count reliably at least 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged the number of objects stays the same; estimate a number of objects that can be checked by counting / 
•Relate addition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done in any order; use practical and informal written methods to support the addition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit or two-digit number /  / 
•Understand subtraction as ‘take away’ and find a ‘difference’ by counting up; use practical and informal written methods to support the subtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digit number and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number /  / 
•Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug) /  /  / 
•Use vocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; read the time to the hour and half hour /  /  / 
•Identify objects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or about a line (e.g. a door); recognise and make whole, half and quarter turns /  / 
•Visualise and use everyday language to describe the position of objects and direction and distance when moving them, for example when placing or moving objects on a game board /  /  / 

Speaking and listening objectives for the block

Objectives / Units
1 / 2 / 3
•Retell stories, ordering events using story language /  / 
•Experiment with and build new stores of words to communicate in different contexts / 

Opportunities to apply mathematics in science

Activities / Units
1 / 2 / 3
1a / Ourselves: Make direct comparisons of heights. / 
1b / Growing plants: Observe and measure seedlings at regular intervals using vocabulary: yesterday, tomorrow, days of the week, last week. / 
1e / Pushes and pulls: Describe position, direction and movement of toys. / 

Key aspects of learning: focus for the block

Enquiry / Problem solving / Reasoning / Creative thinking
Information processing / Evaluation / Self-awareness / Managing feeling
Social skills / Communication / Motivation / Empathy


problem, method, number sentence, explain, record, compare, order, measure, weigh

count, guess, estimate, roughly, enough, not enough, too much, too little, too many, too few, more, less, the same number as, equals (=),add, plus (+), sum, total, altogether, subtract, minus (–), take away, difference, double, halve, half, quarter, how many …?, how much …?

money, coin, pence, penny, pound, pay, change, buy, sell, price, spend

long, longer, longest, short, shorter, shortest, tall, taller, tallest, light, lighter, lightest, heavy, heavier, heaviest, holds more, holds less, ruler, tape measure, metre stick, balance, scales, measuring jug

time, clock, hands, morning, afternoon, evening, midnight, mid-day, noon, hour, night, day, week, month, year, days of the week, months and seasons of the year

position, direction, grid, outside, inside, beside, next to, front, back, between, centre, underneath, above, on top of, below, halfway, near, far, whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, right, left

Building on previous learning

Check that children can already:

•use language such as ‘more’ or ‘less’ to compare two numbers

•relate addition to combining two groups of objects and subtraction to ‘taking away’

•use some of the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting

•use everyday words to describe position

•use language such as ‘greater’, ‘smaller’, ‘heavier’ or ‘lighter’ to compare quantities

•use everyday language related to time and sequence familiar events

Unit 1D12 weeks

Children’s learning outcomes in italic / Assessment for learning
•Solve problems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling or halving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for example to ‘pay’ and ‘give change’
I can use counting to solve problems involving measures / How did you find out which of these two objects was the lighter, shorter, held the least amount, …?
I am giving each of you six paper strips. Find two strips in your set which are the same length. Show them to me. Now find a strip in your set which is longer than this one.
What is each of these coins worth?
In how many different ways can you make 10p using only 2p and 1p coins?
•Count reliably at least 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged the number of objects stays the same; estimate a number of objects that can be checked by counting
I can find out how long a room is by counting the paces I take to cross it / Guess how many cubes are in the jar. Now check by counting. Why did you think it was that number of cubes?
How many cubes will balance the parcel on the scales?
How many glasses will fill the jug?
How many jumbo bricks do you need to make a tower that is as tall as you are?
•Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug)
I can guess how many cubes will balance a parcel
I can use a metre stick to measure how far it is across the hall / Where do you start to measure the length of the carpet?
Ann measured the height of these two dolls in blocks. How many blocks taller is the large doll?

•Use vocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; read the time to the hour and half hour
I know the days of the week and can say them in order
I can remember the order of a favourite story / What day is it today? So what will tomorrow be?
Which are the weekend days?
Which days are we at school?
Look at these pictures. Point to a picture which shows something that you think happened in the morning.
Point to a picture which shows something that you think happened in the afternoon.
Point to a picture which shows something that you think happened in the evening.
•Visualise and use everyday language to describe the position of objects and direction and distance when moving them, for example when placing or moving objects on a game board
I can describe where something is using words like ‘next to’, ‘in front of’, ‘underneath’, ‘on top of’, … / Who is sitting next to you?
Put the pencil pot in front of/behind the tray of crayons.
Stand in front of the board. Stand in front of, behind, beside, opposite a partner. Stand between two other children.
Show me your left hand.
Tell me something in the classroom that is higher than, lower than, above, below, between, beside, next to, in the middle of, at the edge of, in the corner of the …
We can't see the hall, but what is next to the piano? What is below the big window?
•Retell stories, ordering events using story language
I can tell the robot step by step how to go around the chair and back to me
I can tell the story of Goldilocks and the three bears / What happens first? And next?
What happens at the end of your story?
These cards tell a story of how some children built a snowman. Put the cards in order.

Learning overview

Children count, compare, add and subtract in contexts involving measures or money. This helps them to transfer their calculation skills from the context of number and apply them to the measures, and vice versa.

When they are working with money, children initially use only 1p coins or only £1 coins to ‘pay’ in the classroom shop, counting out coins for an object that they want to buy. They buy a number of 2p stamps using 2p coins. Slowly, they understand that a 2p coin has the same value as two 1p coins, and that a £2 coin has the same value as two £1 coins. They begin to read and write prices such as 8p or £4, responding to instructions such as:

Tell me how much you think this toy boat costs. Watch while I write how much it is.

This toy car costs 9 pence. Find a price label to match how much.

These activities can be demonstrated on an interactive whiteboard to a large group. They can also be linked to counting in twos to 10 and back again to zero, and to hops of 2 on a number line.

Children continue to make direct comparison of the length, weight or capacity of two objects without any counting. They begin to use uniform non-standard units to estimate and then measure length, using objects such as cubes or art-straws that are all the same size. They select an eggcup to measure the capacity of a small jug, and a larger jug to measure the capacity of a bucket, recognising that it would not be appropriate to measure the capacity of the bucket using the eggcup. They weigh on the scales parcels that have been carefully prepared by the teacher to match an equivalent number of identical bricks or weights, estimating first how many bricks will balance the parcel.

Children continue to develop the concept of time in terms of time passing and sequencing events in familiar story or day-to-day routines. They use terms such as morning, afternoon and evening, yesterday and tomorrow. They learn to order the days of the week and learn that weekend days are Saturday and Sunday. They listen to stories and rhymes about time, such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar or The Bad-Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle, Monster Monday by Susanna Gretz or Hard Boiled Legs by Michael Rosen and Quentin Blake.They count how many times they can clap in a steady rhythm while a child writes their name on the board, and discuss who took more time and who took less time. They count regular beats on a drum while children pace across a room or cut out a square of paper. They estimate whether they can pack the bricks away while someone counts to 20.

Children use everyday language to describe position, direction or movement. For example, they place objects above, below, to the right of and to the left of other objects on a magnetic board or interactive whiteboard. They follow instructions to put play-people in a scene. In PE, they follow instructions to roll or slide, or to make whole and half turns on the spot. They turn to the left and they turn to the right.

Unit 1D22 weeks

Children’s learning outcomes in italic / Assessment for learning
•Solve problems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling or halving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for example to ‘pay’ and ‘give change’
I can add up and take away when I measure / Which of these:
containers holds the most water?
ribbons is the longest?
packages is the heaviest?
How do you know? How could you check?
Look at the five paper strips. Put all your five strips in order, from longest to shortest.
Now put your longest strip on its own on the table. Find two strips which, put together, are the same length as your longest strip.
Show me how to find half of this strip of paper. How do you know it is exactly half?
•Relate addition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done in any order; use practical and informal written methods to support the addition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit or two-digit number
I can buy two toys and work out how much they cost altogether / How did you work out how much they cost altogether?
Does it cost more if I buy them in a different order?
Make up a question using the words ‘sum of’ and tell me how to do it.
Tell me some addition questions that have 20p as an answer.
•Understand subtraction as ‘take away’ and find a ‘difference’ by counting up; use practical and informal written methods to support the subtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digit number and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number
I can work out how much I have left from 20p when I buy a toy / How did you work out how much you had left?
Make up a ‘take away’ question and show me how to do it.
Tell me some subtraction questions that have 10p as an answer.
•Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug)
I can guess how many jugs of water I will put into the bowl to fill it
I can use the red weights to balance a parcel / Is this stick longer or shorter than this straw? How do you know?
Is the red parcel heavier than this other one? How do you know?
Does this container hold more than this other one? How do you know?
Which of these three containers holds the most water? How do you know? How could you check?
Which of these objects are sensible to use for measuring? Why? What sort of measuring could you use them for?
Would it be fair to measure with …? Why or why not?
Estimate how many art-straws will fit across this table. How many of the long paintbrushes will fit across the table? Why do you think that there will be fewer paintbrushes?
•Use vocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; read the time to the hour and half hour
I know that it is 3 o’clock when the big hand points to the 12 and the small hand points to the 3 / Turn the hands of this clock so that it shows 4 o’clock.
Who took the shortest time to …?
•Visualise and use everyday language to describe the position of objects and direction and distance when moving them, for example when placing or moving objects on a game board
I can tell my partner where to place their cubes to make the same shape as mine
I can follow instructions to make the same shape as my partner / Make a model using six interlocking cubes. Tell me how to build a model the same as yours.
Take a green cube. Put a second green cube on top of it. Put a yellow cube to the right of the top green cube. Put a red cube behind the yellow cube. Now show me your models. Are they all the same?
Here is a birthday card that I have cut up into interesting shapes. I have shuffled the shapes on the table. Give me instructions so that I can put the card together.
•Identify objects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or about a line (e.g. a door); recognise and make whole, half and quarter turns
I know how to turn right and to turn left / Which of these shapes will roll in a straight line? Which will roll in a curved line?
Follow my instructions to get through the maze. Move forwards, turn left, go straight on, turn the corner, …
•Experiment with and build new stores of words to communicate in different contexts
I can use words that describe position and direction / Michelle and Solomon are going to take the register to the school office. Give them instructions to tell them how to get there. Use words like forwards, left, right, …

Learning overview

Children continue use and apply their calculation skills to solve problems involving measures. For example, they solve problems such as:

One bottle of water will fill 10 cups. How many cups will two bottles fill?

Which is heavier: the large roll of cotton wool or the small tin of tomatoes?

Estimate how many art-straws will fit across this table. How many of the long paintbrushes will fit across the table?

They order small sets of objects according to their weight, capacity, length, height or width. At first they use direct comparisons to order the objects. They then use uniform non-standard units to match each object and count the number of units. They record each count in a table and work out which of the set of objects is longest or shortest, heaviest or lightest, and so on. These activities involve children in making decisions about the accuracy of the measure; for example:The shelf is 6 and a bit exercise books long. Is it nearer to 6 or 7 exercise books? They discuss questions such as: If the book is 24 cubes long, will it also be 24 counters long?

Children continue to work with money. They distinguish coins by sorting them and start to understand their value. They begin to recognise that some coins have a greater value than others, and will buy more: for example, 2p is worth more than 1p; 5p is worth more than 2p; £2 is worth more than £1.They play money games and collect 1p or 2p coins to the value of 10p and begin to count up ‘how much this is altogether’. They extend their activities in the classroom shop, paying for items that cost 1p, 3p, 5p, 7p or 9p using only 2p coins, and receiving the appropriate amount of change in 1p coins. They use coins to help them to respond to questions such as: