Lillie Mae's Crafts

A Lillie Mae’s Crafts original design by Brenda Greenwalt

Prim Little Lady

Approximately 7 inches tall with hair.

Read through all directions before beginning.

For illustrations of doll making visit my "Stitch 'n' Stuff page at


1. Print and cut out doll pattern. On double unbleached muslin, trace around pattern. Sew on traced lines, do not leave an opening, and cut out.

2. On back of dolly, make a small slit for turning. Clip curves and turn.

3. Stuff arms and legs to stuffing lines on pattern. Arms; Sew across each arm from shoulder to under arm, as on pattern, to allow for movement. Legs: Sew across each leg, as on pattern, to allow for movement.

4. Stuff the rest of her body loosely and sew opening closed.

5. Stain (see staining recipe at end of instructions).

6. Feet – attach a small loop of thread to top of doll (to hang for drying). Separate legs for painting with a cotton ball. Carefully paint feet (see line on pattern). Hang on a wire hanger to dry being sure to hang where possible drippings from paint won’t cause damage. When dry, lightly sand.

7. Face: Eyebrows, eyelashes, and mouth – with a long sewing needle or 3 inch doll needle and using 1 strand of brown embroidery thread and going in through top of head (this will be covered with her hair) embroider her mouth, eyelashes and then her eyebrows using a simple backstitch. Eyes – with a very small paint brush, outline eyes with black paint and then fill in. After dry, use the top of a straight pin, dip it lightly in antique white paint and carefully dot on whites of eyes. Nose – print out nose pattern. Using 2 strands of red embroidery floss and the satin stitch, embroider nose. Cheeks: Dot your Q-Tip lightly in barnyard red paint, blot off on paper towel, and carefully paint on cheeks.

8. Hair – Attach loops of thread about 5 inches long in the 3 spots indicated on head pattern. Cut 15 pieces of yarn 2 inches long; lay them out flat and tie in the middle with piece of matching floss. Place this at very top of the head and tie the with a thread loop. Tie the hair bunch with the other 2 threads on each side of the head.


1. Print and cut out the dress pattern. On double layer material, trace dress pattern being sure to place on fold where indicated. Cut out 2.

2. Place right sides together and sew as indicated on pattern leaving neck opening where indicated. Clip curves and turn.

3. Hand sew a running stitch around neck, place on doll and pull to gather. Secure in back.

4. With fingernails, scrape along sleeves and hem to fray.


1. Print and cut out pattern. On doubled unbleached muslin, trace pattern and sew on traced lines. Clip curves and turn.

2. Hand sew a running stitch around waist, put on doll, pull running stitch to gather and tie off in back.

3. Run fingernails along ends of legs to fray.


1. Print and cut out apron pattern. On single layer material cut out 1.

2. Start at about 1/2 inch down from top of apron and sew 1 row of a gathering stitch leaving enough thread at both ends to pull to gather.

3. Pull until it is gathered nicely and fits around doll. Placing right sides together, sew back seam using 1/4 inch seam allowance. Turn.

4. Take your fingernails and scrape ends of hem to fray.


Dress the doll with everything but her bloomers and stain the doll once more.

Staining Mix and Procedure:

1. Combine in glass jar with lid 1/4 cup instant coffee with 1 cup of hot water; add 1/8 cup vanilla extract and 1 teaspoon scent. Shake to mix.

2. Line an old cookie sheet either with old rags or wax paper.

3. With sponge brush, cover entire doll with mixture.

4. Bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes (NEVER leave this unattended). If you need to bake longer, only bake at 5 minute increments.

You're done with Prim Little Lady. I hope you enjoyed making her as much as I enjoyed designing her. If you have any problems or questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Terms of Use:

I DO NOT offer refunds on my craft patterns. Once you have received your pattern, the sale is complete.

All of my craft patterns are copyrighted. You may create a reasonable amount of items from my patterns for craft fairs, bazaars, craft malls, and auctions as long as you give Lillie Mae's Crafts credit for the design. You MAY NOT mass produce items from my patterns. Copying for any reason at all is strictly prohibited. You DO NOT have permission to alter them in any way. No wholesaling of items made from my patterns. My patterns are not to be shared or redistributed in any form without my express permission. If you have any questions, please ask before you purchase. Feel free to e-mail me at