APPENDIX ‘A’ to DGNP (V) letter No
DG/3208/ /E8 dt May 2009
1. Director General Naval Project, Naval Base Post, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 on behalf of President of India invites applications from eligible enlisted Contractors of DGNP (V) and enlisted/un-enlisted Contractors working with other Govt Departments meeting eligibility criteria for selection of Contractors for issue of tender of under mentioned work. Please visit on website www. indiannavy., and Indian trade Journal. Any change in dates shall be indicated in above website.
Completion Period. / 18 Months
Amount of Earnest Money for Contractors not enlisted with DGNP Visakhapatnam. / Rs. 3,25,000/-in the form of Call Deposit Receipt from any Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Cost of Tender. / Rs. 2000/- in the form of DD/Bankers Cheque from any Nationalised Bank in favour of “DGNP, Visakhapatnam”.
Last date of Receipt of Applications. / 10 Jul 2009
Eligibility Criteria:-
(a) For enlisted contractors:
(b) For other contractors who are registered with other Govt Dept / PSUs: / Class ‘S’, Category ‘a’ & ‘k’
(i) Average annual financial turnover during last 3 years ending 31 Mar of previous year should be at least 105 lakhs
(ii) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 07 years ending last day of March previous year should be either of the following.
Three similar works completed costing not less than 140 lakhs each
Two similar work completed costing not less than 175 lakhs each
One similar work costing not less than 280 lakhs
Note: Similar works means “Replacement/modification of crane rails 10 ton to 20 ton capacity ELL cranes”
(iii) The firm shall be solvent upto Rs. 100 Lakhs or financially sound for engagement upto Rs. 350 lakhs. Certificate(s) to this effect shall be obtained from any Nationalised / Scheduled Bank and submitted along with application.
(iv) Working capital certificate issued by bankers for having the minimum balance of Rs 10 lakhs maintained in their account during last 3 months including limit of over draft facility if any shall also be submitted along with applications.
(v) Affidavits stating that the firm is not banned / black listed in any Govt departments.
Date of issue of Tender / 25 Jul 2009
Date of Receipt of Tender / 10 Sep 2009
CA NO : DGNP (V) of 2009 – 2010 Ser Page No :
In lieu of IAFW-2162 (Revised 1960)
1. A tender is invited for the work as mentioned in Appendix ‘A’ to this Notice of Tender.
1.1. The work is estimated to cost as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’.
1.2. This estimate, however is not a guarantee and is merely given as a rough guide and if the work costs more or less, tenderer will have no claim on that account.
2. The tender shall be based on IAFW – 2249, 1779-A (Revised 1955) based on drawings, specifications, Schedule ‘A’ to be priced by the tenderer.
2.1. The work is to be completed within the period as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ in accordance with the phasing if any indicated in the tender from the date of handing over of the site which may be on or after two weeks after the date of acceptance of the tender.
3. Applications not accompanied with requisite DD/Bankers cheque towards cost of tenders for an amount given in Appendix ‘A’ shall not be considered for issue of tenders.
4 Normally, contractors whose names are in the DGNP [V] approved list for the area in which the work lies and within whose financial category the tendered amount would fall may tender but in case of term contracts, Contractors in categories ‘S’ to ‘E’ may tender. In case where the tendered amount is in excess of the financial category whether or not the estimated amount was within the financial category of the contractor, the Accepting Officer reserves the right to accept the tender in which event the tenderer would be required to lodge Additional Security Deposit as notified by the Accepting officer in terms of Conditions of contract.
4.1 Contractors whose names are borne on the DGNP (V) approved list and who have deposited Standing Security and have not executed Standing Security Bond may also tender without depositing Earnest Money along with the tender and if the Accepting Officer proposes to accept the tender, such tenderer would be required to deposit “Security Deposit” as notified by the Accepting Officer after acceptance of tender. In case, the Accepting Officer subsequent to the deposition of Security Deposit decided not to accept the tender for any reason whatsoever, the amount deposited will be refunded to the tenderer. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one contractor or one firm of contractors. Under no circumstances will be father and his son[s] or other close relations who have business dealings with one another will be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. Breach of this condition will render the tenders of both parties liable to rejection.
5. The Deputy Director General and Chief Engineer, Office of the Director General Naval Project, Naval Base Post, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 will be the Accepting Officer here-in-after referred to as such for the purpose of this contract..
6. Applications for the tender forms must be submitted to Director (Contracts), Director General Naval Project, Naval Base Post, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 so as to reach this office on or before as mentioned in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’.
6.1 Invitation for application for issue of tender does not constitute any guarantee for issue of tender to applicant, even to enlisted contractors of appropriate class. Issue of tender will be decided by the Accepting Officer based on interalia, past track record, financial position and experience of similar works executed by the applicant/contractor. The Accepting Officer shall consider applications received upto the date of receipt of applications/extended date of receipt of applications for issue of tender. The applicant/contractor will be informed regarding non-issue of tender without assigning reasons. The applicant/contractor if he so desire may appeal to the next higher engineer authority with copy to the Accepting Officer. No appeal/representation shall be entertained in respect of applications for issue of tender as received after the due date of applications/ extended date of receipt of applications.
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7. Tender forms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents together with addressed envelopes to be used for the return of tender forms and other documents will be issued on or after as mentioned in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’.
7.1 In case of contractors who are not enlisted with this Directorate and who are enlisted but have not deposited standing security and not executed the “Standing Security bond” with DGNP shall be required to furnish earnest money for the amount referred to in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ in the form of deposit at call receipt in favour of DGNP (V). by scheduled bank/or receipted treasury challan, the amount being credited to the DGNP (V) but if the Accepting Officer decides to accept the tender, such tenderer shall lodge security deposit as notified by Accepting Officer with the CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS, SECUNDERABAD in the prescribed form after acceptance of tender.
7.2 A contractor who has executed Standing Security Bond, but not for the appropriate Class as mentioned above, shall lodge with the Director General Naval project, Naval Base Post, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 additional security deposit as notified by the Accepting Officer within 30 days of the receipt by him of notification of acceptance of the tender failing which this sum will be recovered from the first RAR payment or from the first Final Bill in the case of term/running contract. However, in case where any payment is made to the contractor within thirty days of receipt by him of notification of acceptance of tender the amount of additional Security Deposit shall be recovered from such payment.
7.3 DGNP (V) will return the earnest money wherever applicable to all unsuccessful tenderers by endorsing an authority on the deposit receipt for its refund.
7.4 DGNP (V) either return the Earnest Money to the successful tenderer by endorsing an authority on the deposit receipt for its refund on receipt of an equal amount of security deposit or will retain the same on account of security deposit if such transaction is feasible.
7.5 Samples of various materials and stores to be supplied by the contractor as mentioned here
in after will be open for inspection by the tenderers in the offices of GE (Wks) 1 & GE (S), DGNP Visakhapatnam as mentioned in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ during office working hours.
8 The tenderers are advised to visit site by making prior appointment with the Garrison Engineer by giving sufficient time.
9. A Tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents, samples, site conditions, working conditions, ground conditions and other local factors affecting the working at site, once he submits his quoted tender documents. No claim what so ever shall be entertained on this account at a later stage.
10. Tenders will be received by the Director General Naval Project, Naval Base Post, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 on the date and time indicated in the aforesaid Appendix ‘A’.
11. Any tender which proposes any alterations to any of the Conditions laid down or proposes any other condition of any description whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
12. The submission of tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this Notice and the conditions of contract and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of the conditions and rates at which Stores, tools and plants etc., will be issued to him and local conditions, and other factors bearing on the execution of the work.
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13. Tenderers must be in possession of copy of MES Schedule of Rates 1991 (Part – I) and 2004 (Part II) including errata/amendments thereto.
14. Tenderers must be very careful to deliver a bonafide tender. A bonafide tender must satisfy each and every condition laid down in this notice.
15. The Accepting Officer reserves his right to accept a tender submitted by a public undertaking giving a purchase preference over other tender(s) which may be lower, as are admissible under the government policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise shall be admissible from such tenderers whose tender may be rejected on account of said policy.
16. This Appendix ‘A’ to notice of tender will be available on website www. indiannavy.,, and Indian trade Journal.
(D S Jyothi)
Asst. Director (Contracts)
File No. DG/3208/ /E8 For Director General
Dated May 2009
Director General Naval Project
Naval Base Post
Visakhapatnam – 530 014
Distribution - As per Appendix ‘B’
CA NO : DDG & CE (V) of 2009 – 2010 Ser Page No :
1. Director General Naval Project, Naval Base Post, Visakhapatnam – 530 014 on behalf of President of India invites applications from eligible enlisted Contractors of DGNP (V) and enlisted/un-enlisted Contractors working with other Govt Departments meeting eligibility criteria for selection of Contractors for issue of tender of under mentioned work:-
Completion Period. / 12 Months
Amount of Earnest Money for Contractors not enlisted with DGNP Visakhapatnam. / Rs. 3,25,000/-in the form of Call Deposit Receipt from any Scheduled Bank. BGB not acceptable.
Cost of Tender. / Rs. 2000/- in the form of DD/Bankers Cheque from any Nationalised Bank in favour of “DGNP, Visakhapatnam”.
Last date of Receipt of Applications. / 10 Jul 2009
Eligibility Criteria:-
(a) For enlisted contractors:
(b) For other contractors who are registered with other Govt Dept / PSUs: / Class ‘S’, Category ‘a’ & ‘k’
(i) Average annual financial turnover during last 3 years ending 31 Mar of previous year should be at least 105 lakhs
(ii) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 07 years ending last day of March previous year should be either of the following.
Three similar works completed costing not less than 140 Lakhs each
Two similar work completed costing not less than 175 Lakhs each
One similar work costing not less than 280 Lakhs each
Note: Similar works means “Replacement and modification of crane rails and bogies of 10 ton to 20 ton capacity ELL cranes”
(iii) The firm shall be solvent upto Rs. 100 lakhs or financially sound for engagement upto Rs. 350 Lakhs. Certificate(s) to this effect shall be obtained from any Nationalised / Scheduled Bank and submitted along with application.
(iv) Working capital certificate issued by bankers for having the minimum balance of Rs 10 Lakhs maintained in their account during last 3 months including limit of over draft facility if any shall also be submitted along with applications.
(v) Affidavits stating that the firm is not banned / black listed in any Govt departments.
Date of issue of Tender / 25 Jul 2009
Date of Receipt of Tender / 10 Sep 2009