Minutes of the ENF General Assembly:
Held on September the 2nd from 15:00 to 18:00, Brussels
Countries represented:Board:
Belgium (ABNF)President: Mr Kondo
Czech Republic (CKF)Vice President Mr Hannoset
France(CNK/FFJDA)Vice President Ms Zaitsu
Germany (DnagB)General Secretary: Mr D’hose
Italy (CIK)Technical Director: Ms Hamot
Netherlands (NNR)Treasurer: Ms Mérieult
Sweden (SBK)
The President, Mr Kondo, opens the general assembly at 4 pm.
At opening the GA, Chaiman proposed a selection of the persons who
sign the Minutes and Mr Ryngen & Mr Berghaan accepted it.
The General Secretary, Mr D’hose gives the points that will be discussed
1)The Uppsala meeting re-voting agreement
It has been agreed by a majority of members that the Uppsala meeting held the 13th of October 2006 was wrongly recorded as a “Steering committee” that has no value under our statutes. In order to validate the main decisions of that meeting we have decided to revote them at this General Assembly and if necessary to retroactively apply these votes.
As Germany was not a permanent member at that moment, his vote will not be taken into consideration. Here are the matters:
TO ORGANIZE THIS CHAMPIONSHIP AT A FIXED PERIOD, normally the first weekend of November, but if it is not possible the week end before or the week end after, this flexibility was an argument raised by Sweden.
THE YEAR WHERE THERE IS NO CHAMPIONSHIP ANOTHER INF EVENT SHALL BE ORGANISED. This is still an open issue but Sweden suggests a sensei seminar in order to share the knowledge an the way of teaching of each other...
THE NETHERLANDS WAS ACCEPTED TO BE THE NEXT HOST COUNTRY. The president strongly reminds The Netherlands but also other ENF members that all the fees for the ENF championship and ENF seminar should be approved in forehand. The General Secretary took that opportunity to talk about the guidelines that he wrote and that he will submit to the president so that all the ENF country can clearly see what they have to do in order to organize an ENF Championship for example.
B) After a year of excellent work we are proud to accept Germany as a definitive member of the ENF. This decision was accepted by all the participants of the meeting.
C) Italy (under CIK) was admitted in ENF as a temporary member. As asked by some members, Italy will send CIK statutes to the secretary who will transmit them to all ENF members sothat they could follow with full knowledge the procedure on the future entry of Italy into the ENF.
D) Mr David D’hose’s election as a Director for the Europe-Africa zone *
*previously to that vote we obviously asked if another representative was candidate, but nobody was candidate.
Here are the results:
A)Yes: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Sweden No: none
B)Yes: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Sweden No: none
C)Yes: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Sweden No: none
D)Yes: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Sweden No: none
It was clarified that the board was not allowed to vote, even if it was use to be done in the past. The official statutes are clear about this and should be respected.
So we can now officially retroactively record that:
A)The European Championship will be held every two years and the next one will be held in the Netherlands in 2008.
B)Germany is a permanent member of the ENF and this shall be communicated to INF as it was mandatory point to be member of INF.
C)Italy is temporary members of ENF this shall be communicated to INF as it was mandatory point to be member of INF.
D)David D’hose is the Europe-Africa Zone Director for INF retroactively since May 2007.
2) Financial Reports from 2003 until 30th June 2007 by Treasurer
Please check the attachment. (A1)
The president agrees that this report is send by email in the future.
3) Activities from 2003 to 2007 by General Secretary
Lots of INF events took place in Europe last few years thanks to the help of Mr Kondo.
This list does not contain the local events that are organized by each country and open to all the other ENF members.
- 2004 INF seminar in Belgium in Louvain-la-Neuve
- 2005 INF seminar in Czech Republic in Prague
- 2005 ENF Championship in France in Tours
- 2006 INF seminar in Sweden in Uppsala
- 2007 INF World Championship and Seminar in Belgium in Brussels
Question was raised concerning ENF examination organized in France. Should we define our examination as ENF each time we organize them ? The answer is yes as long as you are an ENF member and your examination is open to any other country. Please keep a record of this to our technical director.
4) ENF Logo
Unfortunately only one new proposal was done since the last meeting for the ENF logo. So after a decision of the assembly we have decided to restart the competition until the next assembly. In the context of this new release two suggestion have been made:
-show the proposal that have already been made
-suggest a reward to the winner (I would say a naginata-ki)
You can see the existing proposal in the attachment. (A2)
5) Election of new officials
The election of new officials was done with by closed ballot.
1)post: President
- candidates: Mr Tadahiko Kondo, Mr André Raboen
- voting : Belgium, Czech republic, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden
- Results: Mr Kondo 5, Mr Raboen 1.
- Mr Kondo has been re-elected as a president of the ENF.
2)post: General Secretary
- candidates: Mr David D’hose
- voting : Belgium, Czech republic, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden
- Results: Mr D’hose 6
- Mr D’hose has been re-elected as a General Secretary of the ENF.
3)post: Vice President
- candidates: Ms Fabienne Bauwens
- voting : Belgium, Czech republic, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden
- Results: Ms Bauwens 6
- Ms Bauwens has been elected as a Vice President of the ENF.
4)post: Vice President
- candidates: Ms Hideko Zaitsu
- voting : Belgium, Czech republic, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden
- Results: Ms Zaitsu 5
- Ms Zaitsu has been re-elected as a Vice President of the ENF.
5)post: Vice President
- candidates: Mr Roger Hannoset
- voting : Belgium, Czech republic, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden
- Results: Mr Roger Hannoset 4 ( After a second vote because he get 3 votes at first)
- Mr Hannoset has been re-elected as a Vice President of the ENF.
6)post: Technical Director
- candidates: Ms Cécile Hamot (should be one of the highest grade in the federation)
- voting : Belgium, Czech republic, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden
- Results: Ms Hamot 6
- Ms Hamot has been re-elected as a Technical Director of the ENF.
7)post: Treasurer
- candidates: Ms Sylvie Mérieult
- voting : Belgium, Czech republic, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden
- Results: Ms Mérieult 6
- Ms Mérieult has been re-elected as a Treasurer of the ENF.
After this Mr Kondo our president has declared that Ms Fabienne Bauwens will be the President’s substitute when he will not be there to assume his function. He took this decision as she had the majority of voice as a Vice President.
6) Creation of a Commission for modification of ENF statute
It has been clearly pointed out by several members that the statutes of our Federation have to be completed and improved. Our President has raised the idea to create a commission to improve the statutes just has it was done for the INF statutes recently.
First of all, the members were asked to vote if they wanted to improve the statutes of the ENF, all the country represented voted yes on this question.
- Members of the Commission:
It was decided that beside the General Secretary a minimum of 2 persons would be necessary to work on the statutes of the ENF. These persons are not supposed to represent their country but to work on propositions that will be discussed and voted by the general assembly. Here are the persons who proposed themselves to work on this topic: Angela Pappaccio, Mark Berghaan, Michel Guentleur represented by his translator Yorkis Kyvellos and David D’hose as General Secretary.
- Objectives of the Commission:
The commission will have to define a draft of the main improvements they would like to suggest from the original statute at the next General assembly. Language: English.
7) Activities from 2007 till 2011
-19 and 20 January 2008 Tokunaga cup in Paris and ENF exam’s
-22nd and 23rd March 2008 Technical cup in Limoges
-26 and 27 of April 2008 seminar and NNF exam’s until Shodan in Netherlands
-30th April to 4th of May 2008 seminar in Paris ( Japanese sensei to be confirmed)
-2 days in June 2008 seminar with Nakano sensei in Italy (to be confirmed)
-Middle of the year Seminar in Germany
-7th and 8th of November 2008 ENF Championship in Middelburg Netherlands ( Registration form should come up by May 2008)
-Next General Assembly should be held beside the ENF Championship
-INF Seminar in New Zealand
-INF Seminar in Czech Republic with Tournament
-INF Seminar in Canada
-INF CHAMPIONSHIP and Seminar in Japan
8) Technical Committee.
The original statutes mentioned the existence of a Technical Committee, unfortunately, as one member said during this assembly, this Committee was not really existing those last few years. The Technical Director, Cécile Hamot, has decided to chance this, even if she didn’t had a chance to organize a first session during this seminar. She will work on the creation of the ENF Technical Committee in order to define:
-What is this committee?
-Who is part of this committee?
-What are the assignments of this Committee?
We expect our Technical director to report us this at our next General assembly and also to communicate with the Commission who will improve the statutes if needed.
9) Joining Fees & Annual Fees
France represented by Mr Guentleur (CNK) has suggested raising the annual fees for country that have 101 to 250 members from 150 Euros to 300 Euros.
This was accepted by all the country represented.
For 2007- 2008
-Joining Fees 60 Euros
-Annual Fees 60 Euros per country +
36 Euros 01 to 10 members
55 Euros 11 to 25 members
82 Euros 26 to 50 members
118 Euros 51 to 100 members
300 Euros 101 to 250 members
Between January and March, General Secretary has to examine
the situations (population etc) of each member countries.
According to its report, the invoices of Annual fees shall be
sent during April & May of each year by ENF Treasurer.
The payment shall be done by bank transfer before the end of
If a member country prefers to settle up directly by cash at
the coming ENF meeting, this country must inform about it
to General Secretary as soon as receiving invoice.
10) Expansion of ENF
People from Britain, Ukraine and Greece participated to this INF seminar and several members of the assembly expressed their wish to progressively involve these countries in the ENF. It is reported that Poland, Croatia, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Finland and many more had active members who wanted to join us and improve their naginata knowledge. The assembly underlines the importance of sharing information and communicating as much as possible to develop the growth of naginata in Europe. The General Secretary invites all members and practioners to help and share knowledge with each other.
You will find the updated list of the country representatives in attachment. (A3)
The General assembly is closed by his President Mr Kondo at 7 pm.