(Available to the Class of 2013)
revised 3-12-13
- The appearance of your application is important! Proofread carefully, checking for misspelled words, complete sentences, etc. Keep copies for your own records.
- Do not use pencil on these (or any) applications. Use pen or type your responses.
- STUDENTS are responsible for completing scholarship applications—not parents.
- Every senior has been given a 7-semester transcript for copying (KEEP ONE FOR YOUR RECORDS). The HS office will make copies for you if requested.
- Remember to use your7 semester cumulative GPA & class rank on all applications!
- If your applications have multiple pages, write your name on each page (unless stated otherwise). Please staple all materials together with the application on top (except for FR Alumni Assn. and FRHS General Application—affix with a paperclip instead).
- Each scholarship listed below has its own unique application, and most of these applications are available online via the school website (click on High School>Guidance Homepage). Hard copies of the DARE BOOSTERS and the OMER JUTTE scholarships are available in the guidance office.
- If you re-type the application, you must include the name of the scholarship application at the top—if an application is on an outdated form or does not have a title, it will not be considered. Be sure to submit 2013 applications.
- Students are encouraged to also apply for the scholarships in the monthly FRHS Guidance/Scholarship Newsletter (also on the guidance homepage)
- FRHS cannot guarantee that any/all of these scholarships will be awarded. In addition, you may need to provide proof of attendance/grades before receiving your award.
- All applications must be turned in to the guidance office (unless noted otherwise) by the due date. Late applications will not be acceptedunless school is cancelled on the due date.
**FR Chamber of Commerce (C. and R. Rabe Memorial)$500was due Feb. 8
**FortRecovery Alumni Association: Students may fill out one “Ft.Recovery Due: March 20
Alumni Assn. Scholarship Application” to be eligible for ALL of the following scholarships:
1. Armella J. Kemper Education$1,000
2. Richard and Norvita Hildbold (2 will be given)$1,000 each
3. Richard and Norvita Hildbold (2 will be given)$600 each
4. Dr. Diana Meiring- Zitter Medical$1,000
5. Ft. Recovery Alumni (8 will be given)$600 each
Recipients MUST be present at the Alumni Banquet onJune 15, 2013to accept their award.
**Psi Iota Xi Sorority (2-4 awards, open to all seniors)$1200Due: March 21
**DARE Boosters(must have stayed true to DARE promise to not use drugs/alcohol) $350Due: March 21
All students who have stayed true to their promise are invited to the DARE banquet on April 16, 2013--See Mrs. Dilworth
**Ft. Recovery Education Assn. (FREA) (3 awards-open to all seniors) $400 eachDue: March 21
Ft.Recovery Community Foundation:
**Verla Marie Gagle Helping Hand Scholarship$1000Due: March 21
(Anonymous: Do not write your name on add’l pages. Open toall majors—but priority to beautician school)
**Damon Klenke Memorial$500Due: April 2
**Henry & Agnes LeFevre Memorial (2 awards)$1000 eachDue: April 2
this application is pending, and will be posted soon
**Herb and Georgiana Meiring Memorial (3 awards)$500 eachDue: April 2
(must be a member of St. Paul Catholic Church, Sharpsburg
and attend a 4 year university; renewable for 4 years??)
**Fort Street Car Classics (automotive field)$500Due: April 1
**Charles Etzler Baseball(must play baseball)$500 Due: April 2
FortRecoveryHigh School GENERAL Scholarship Application: Due: April 2
Students may fill out one“Ft.RecoveryHigh School General Scholarship Application”
to be eligible for ALL of the following scholarships:
**Daughters of Isabella$400
**Ft. Recovery Banking Center/Second National Bank(2 awards)$250
**Ft.Recovery Lions Club:
Dick Knapke/Les Staugler Memorial (not given every year)$500
Paul Staugler Founders Memorial$500
President’s Scholarship(for children of members)$250 each
**Ft. Recovery Ministerial Association(meeting April 12)approx.$350 each
**Jim Steinbrunner Memorial (intended for Sp. Education Major)$500(award pending)
**Kirsten Schlarman Memorial(2 awards)$250 each
**Eugene & Esther Link Memorial (need, community. involvement, volunteerism)$500
FRHS Drama Club(for students who have participated in a school play--provide advisor with list of applicants) $300?(award pending)
FRHS Choral Department(choir students only)$400?(award pending)
FRHS German Club3- approx. $350 each
Shane Long Memorial Scholarship$500
Les & Elaine Wenning Memorial(automotive tech. or business major))$500
MercerCounty Civic Foundation: --need names of winners by May1 (if possible)
**Staugler-Cooper (agricultural-related major)$750
Terry Bidlack Memorial (business major)$250
Virginia Baker-Franke Music (band and/or choir members)$400
John and Ruth Houts (any major)$400
Ft.Recovery Community Foundation:--need names of winners prior to commencement
**Arnold and Eugenia Beumer Scholarship(economic need)$1000
**Jim &Charlene Bubp Memorial(business field/financial need)$1000
**Walter & Kathleen Hemmelgarn(vocational or trade school)$500
**Linus & Juletta Huelskamp Memorial (agricultural field)2- $500
Charles and Mildred Hein Band Scholarship$500
John Cheeseman Memorial Scholarship(2 awards)$1000
(prefer 1. Diesel Mech, 2. Auto Tech, 3. Tech Degree, 4. Nursing)$1000
Lamar Shoemaker Memorial/RS (Education)$1000
Howard Berry Memorial/RS(Cross Country/Track Athlete)$1000
Bob Freemyer Mathematics/RS(Mathematics Field/Engineering)$1000
**Carl & Margaret Althoff Memorial (Agricultural related field)$7500 year 1 (+ $7500 year 2)
**Omer W. Jutte Memorial Vocational(all majors)$500 Due: April 3
(Anonymous: Do not write your name on add’l pages.)
**American Legion Post 345 (2 awards-- GPA of 3.2 or higher) $500 eachDue: April 3
(father or grandfather must be a member of Post 345)
**Rachel “Ruu” Brackman Scholarship (2 awards)$1000 eachDue: April 4
**FR Knights of Columbus (2 awards)$400 eachDue: April 10
(must be a son or daughter of a K of C member)
**FR VFW Post 6515 (2 awards)$500Due: April ??
(must be a child/grandchild/siblingof a VFW member) available at VFW
**Indicates that the scholarship donor will personally select the recipient.
If you are lucky enough to receive a scholarship, be sure to send a Thank You Noteto the organization or individual providing the scholarship.
You can’t win if you don’t apply!
Good luck on your applications