Summer Youth Employment Program Review - 2011
WIB Questionnaire
Workforce Investment Region:Survey Completed By:
Please provide a copy of your region’s Youth Participant packet and Employer packet.
A. Overall Responsibility
- Who is responsible for the oversight of the state funded summer project? List name(s) and title(s).
- What is the oversight structure of contractors?
- What is the oversight structure of worksites and employers?
- What is the oversight structure of youth?
- How do you ensure classroom/worksite conditions meet state and federal workplace requirements?
B. Program Description
- Provide a brief description of the summer employment program.
- What are the WIB’s goals for each youth in the program?
- Are you proceeding on your planned implementation schedule?
- How are BRS and BESB involved?
- What are the differences, if any, between the structure of this summer’s program and last summer’s?
- What supports are provided to youth to help them successfully complete their employment assignment?
- How are disciplinary issues and poor work habits addressed with youth?
- What guidelines have been provided for youth working with children regarding mandated reporting?
- What is/are the paid hourly rate(s)?
- How many hours weekly do youth work?
C. Employers
- Approximately how many jobs are with private employers? How many with public and not-for-profit employers?
- How were employers solicited?
- What are the differences, if any, in dealing with employers between this summer’s program and last summer’s?
D. Youth
- How were youth solicited?
- How were youthmatched to employers and appropriate sites?
- What are the differences, if any, in dealing with youth between of this summer’s program and last summer’s?
E. Procurement of Services
- What process was used to procure services for this summer’s program? Describe the process and criteria for selecting CYEP contractors.
F. Enrollment and Eligibility
- Who is responsible for eligibility determination?
- Where are eligibility records kept?
- What was your region’s projected enrollment level?
- What is your current enrollment level?
- How is difference being addressed?
- Describe any issues that have arisen during the enrollment process.
G. Record Keeping
- Are records maintained which identify each applicant for whom an application has been completed and a formal determination of eligibility or ineligibility made? Yes No
- Are records maintained which identify each youth’s enrollment in the summer program in enough detail to demonstrate compliance with relevant eligibility criteria? Yes No
- Are records standardized, accessible to state staff and verifiable for monitoring, reporting audit, and program management? Yes No
H. Time and Attendance
- Isthere a standardized time and attendance policy and procedures for your region, or does each municipality/vendor establish its own?
If regional, what is the established attendance policy?
* WIBs with regionalpolicies and procedures must complete items 2 through 10.
- Is there a written attendance policy? YesNo
- If yes, who is the attendance policy distributed to? Check all that apply.
- Contractor/sub recipient staff YesNo
- Immediate work site supervisors YesNo
- Participants YesNo
- Is there a standardized time, attendance and check payment system in place? Yes No
- Does the system address:
- Hours of work? YesNo
- Absences? YesNo
- Tardiness? YesNo
- Make up time? YesNo
- Duration of employment? YesNo
- Other time and attendance issues? YesNo
If Yes, explain.
- Which of the following procedures are used to provide a record of actual time worked? Check all that apply.
- Sign in/out sheets at each work site YesNo
- Individual time cards to each participant YesNo
- Another system documenting time worked YesNo
If Yes, explain.
- Who signs records of actual time worked? Check all that apply.
- Participant YesNo
- Supervisor YesNo
- Other (If checked, explain) YesNo
- Are payments made to participants who fail to participate in activities without good cause? Yes No
- Are participants allowed to work additional hours besides those set by the WIB?
- If Yes, how are those participants compensated?
I. Payroll
- Is there a standardized payroll policy and procedures for your region, or does each municipality/vendor establish its own?
If regional, what is the policy?
* WIBs with regionalpolicies and procedures must complete items 2 through 13.
- What is the process for check disbursement? Include:
- Frequency of payments -
- Method of payment -
- Location of disbursement -
- Are only the payees allowed to pick up their checks? YesNo
- Do they sign for the checks? YesNo
- If the participant is not receiving the check directly, who is allowed to pick up the check?
- Does that person need to sign for the check? YesNo
- Does the check payment policy contain safeguards against excessive payment, kickbacks, ghost participants, etc.? Yes No
- What is the procedure to handle unclaimed or returned checks?
- What is the procedure to handle lost, stolen or missing checks?
- What is the procedure to handle payroll complaints?
- How is payroll monitored?
- Are stipends being utilized? YesNo
If yes, how is the amount of the stipend determined?
- Are participants covered by your organization's Workers Compensation policy?
- Who is your Workers Compensation insurance provider?
CT Department of Labor - WIA Administration Unit1