Port of Dover – EVENT Risk Assessment
Assessment No. / Title: / White Cliffs Christmas Event – V5 / Assessment Date: / 17/10/2016Location: / Cruise Terminal #1 - Platform / Assessment Type
Who is at risk: / Direct Employees ☒ Contractors ☒
Third Parties ‘ ☒ Other ☒ / Specific ☒ / Generic ☐
Activity/Process: / This risk assessment covers the White Cliff Christmas event as a whole and is not intended to replace or cover applicable contractor or trader specific Risk assessments.
Assessor/s / Line Manager Acceptance
Position: / Key Contributors:
Liz Fagg – PoD Environmental Advisor (Environmental)
Ian Parkin – IFM Manager (Security)
Peter Ellis - Electrical / Position: / Amanda Stewart –
Line Manager Assessment Review
Review Date: / Review Date: / Review Date:
Position: / Position: / Position:
Risk Rating Table – Likelihood x Severity
Severity ► / Insignificant / Minor / Moderate / Major / Catastrophic
▼Likelihood / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Remote / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Unlikely / 2 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
Possible / 3 / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15
Likely / 4 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
Almost Certain / 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
1- Insignificant – Slight injury
2- Minor – First aid only
3- Moderate – Medical treatment
4- Major – Medical treatment + over seven days lost
5- Catastrophic – Fatality
1- Remote – Highly unlikely, improbable
2- Unlikely – Possible but unlikely
3- Possible - Foreseeable
4- Likely – Expectable
5- Almost certain – Imminent, inevitable
Negligible (1-3) / Low (4-7) / Medium (8-14) / High (15-25)Hazards / Consequence / Control Measures / Risk Rating (RR)
Likelihood x Severity /
L / S / RR /
Access and Egress
- Walkways
- Safe Routes
- Disability access / Personal Injury
- Collision injuries
- Crush injuries
- Contact injuries / - Event area cordoned as required exhibitors and visitors will be advised to use pavements and walk areas at all times.
- Public to be guarded away from traffic routes
- Walkways marked, ramped access and egress available.
- Disability access/egress available along with disabled parking
- Event (IFM) Marshals in place.
- No vehicle movements inside CT1 once open to the public. / 1 / 3 / 3
Traffic Management
- Vehicle/Pedestrian Interface
- Event Traffic
- Non event Traffic
- Commercial Port Traffic / Personal Injury
- Collision injuries
- Crush injuries
- Contact injuries
- Congestion / - Designated traffic routes maintained
- Designated pedestrian walkways maintained
- Site speed limit 20mph to be maintained and enforced
- Event traffic to be marshalled into event car parks
- Gateman placed where applicable to manage non event and commercial port traffic.
- Commercial port traffic (e.g. grain lorries etc.) to be scheduled for out of event hours where possible. / 2 / 4 / 8
- General Security
- Cash Handling / - Security breaches
- Misadventure
- Misdemeanour
- Criminality
Personal Injury
- Physical/Verbal abuse / - IFM to provide suitable trained/experienced event Marshalls.
- A Marshalling plan to be detailed within the Event Management Plan.
- Marshal Supervisor conducts ‘on-the-day’ inspections, including means of escape, security and barrier systems. Before/during/after event.
- Restricted areas to be monitored, controlled and closed off. Installed barrier systems to be (2M Heras) to be double clipped/weighted feet.
- PoD or local Police available if/as required / 3 / 4 / 12
First Aid Arrangements
- First Aider provision
- First aid facilities / - General Minor injury’s
- Medical emergencies
- Ice rink usage related injuries expected / - Appointed person FA provided by Icescape for general use
- Additional first aiders on hand
- Serviceable first aid kits readily available
- Access to emergency services readily available, detailed in EMP / 2 / 3 / 6
Fire Safety
- Means of raising the alarm
- Means of fire detection
- Means of Escape
- Means of fire fighting
- Control of Ignition sources
- Control of combustible’s / - Fire
- Personal Injury/Death
- Property/Asset Damage
- Environmental Damage / - Quarterly Fire Inspection to be completed prior to start of event.
- Exit routes clearly signed and easily identifiable
- Fire alarm call points installed throughout and on a test regime
- Fire detection systems installed and active
- Portable fire extinguishers to be made available for the event
- No smoking inside enforced and ignition sources to be monitored
- Good levels of housekeeping to be maintained throughout.
- Event marshals monitoring areas and briefed on fire aspects
- Event Marshalling available to evacuate patrons to assembly point
- Marshall Supervisor conducts ‘on-the-day’ inspections, including means of escape, fire safety aspects, control of combustibles/ignition sources
- Access for local emergency services to be maintained at all times.
- Temporary closure of Eastern Side exit, alternatives available and signage placed. / 2 / 5 / 10
Fire detection system -Disabled in main concourse during event opening times / - As above
- Fire detection reliant on manual detection/response.
- Breach of insurance conditions / - As above
- Event marshals monitoring areas and briefed on fire aspects
- Areas constantly manned during deactivation
- Detectors active prior to event, after the event and while building is unmanned. Only deactivated when area manned during event times.
- In a manned situation, manual detection would be first means of detection anyway due to the location of sensors. / 2 / 5 / 10
Emergency Arrangements
- Evacuation
- Incident Reporting
- Access for emergency services
- Bomb scare / - Poor crowd control
- Panic
- Obstructed access routes / - Emergency Plan as part of the Event Management Plan ink Emergency contacts to be readily available on site.
- Marshalls present to assist attendees in evacuating out of and away from the building and have received necessary briefings.
- Numerous exit points available from event building
- Persons marshalled to primary assembly point in front car park
- Walkways to be utilised and traffic routes to be kept clear. / 2 / 3 / 6
Welfare Arrangements
- Toilet facilities
- Baby changing facilities
- Cleaning arrangements / - Lack of facilities
- People Queuing
- Disgruntled public
- Portable toilet leakage / - Fixed and portable toilet facilities provided and available
- Baby changing and disabled access available on ground floor facilities
- All welfare facilities to be placed on a cleaning regime for the cleaning service provider (Daily)
- Porta-Loo’s positioned away from water and surface water drains. / 2 / 2 / 4
Lost Children and Vulnerable Persons
- Disability Access
- Young Persons / - Distressed persons
- Breach of DDA / - Ramp access/egress available at both ends of concourse
- Disabled toilets available
- Event Marshalls available to assist
- Event Help desk available and manned by PoD Volunteers / 2 / 2 / 4
School Parties
- Young Persons
- Coach parties
- Lack of supervision
- Lack of control / - Misadventure
- Person injury
- Security breach / - Sufficient active supervision by teachers.
- School parties to undertake specific RA for outings
- Event Marshalls available as applicable.
- School parties to remain in main building and supervised.
- Use of ice rink to be monitored by Icescape Marshalls / 2 / 2 / 4
Electrical Hazards
- Electrical failure
- Exposed electrics
- Portable Equipment
- Short circuit
- Event Lighting / Personal Injury
- Electrocution
- Electric shock
- Slips/trips and Falls
- Fire risk
- Black Out / - Cabling to be double insulated especially where water may be present
- RCBs installed on socket points
- Cabling to be tidied and tired together and taped down.
- Generators positioned outside in well ventilation area and closed off.
- Connection Cert issued by PoD Electrical Dept
- Electrical equipment to have PAT certs
- E/Lighting installed throughout event space. / 2 / 3 / 6
Gas Hazards
- Leakage
- Puncture
- Damage / - Fire
- Explosion
- Personal Injury
- Burn Injuries
- Explosion Injuries / - Food Vendors using LPG to be required to ensure their gas installation and equipment has been installed and checked within the last twelve months by a “Gas Safety Register” approved contractor.
- Compliance certificates to be kept on food stall where applicable
- Food vendors to be reminded of the need to ensure staff changing LPG cylinders are trained to do so.
- Fire extinguishers need to be available nearby
- Cross ventilation by opening the side doors in the baggage hall to be used / 2 / 3 / 6
Equipment Hazards
- Portable generators ink fuel / - Generator fumes
- Noise
- Fire / - Fuel storage away from sources of ignition, drip trays provided
- Refuelling practices should be provided with a method statement by whoever is topping up the generators.
- Generators positioned outside of building and closed off/secured. / 2 / 3 / 6
Public Disorder
- Anti Social Behaviour
- Alcohol/drug abuse / Personal Injury
- Slips/trips and Falls
- Violence
- Physical/verbal abuse
- Misadventure / - PoD Police available if/as required.
- Local Police available if/as required
- Active monitoring by Event Marshalls and any incidents reported
- Under age persons challenged, Photographic ID will be required.
- Marshalls to monitor for signs of any antisocial behaviour drug and alcohol abuse and if necessary the Police contacted.
- Equipment is available for glass to be cleaned up.
- Persons under the influence to be denied access to ice rink use. / 3 / 4 / 12
Slips, Trip, Falls (S,T,F)
- Trailing leads
- Uneven surfaces / Personal Injury
- Slips/trips and Falls
- Sprains/twists
- Muscle/bone injury / - Marshal Supervisor conducts ‘on-the-day’ inspections, inc. S,T,F
- All event areas to be kept clear of trips as far as practicable
- Event Marshals made aware of potential of slips and trips
- Event Marshals to use recognised walkways where possible
- Event Marshals to guard public onto safe walking areas
- Spillages cleared up when identified
- Cables/leads to be guarded/boarded/hazard ID’d / 2 / 4 / 8
Health and Hygiene
- Provision of Hot and Cold Food
- Food Vendors
- Cleaning regimes / - Fire.
- Scalds from food/hot beverages
- Food Poisoning
- Waste attracting vermin
- Seagull aggression / - Food Vendors and vehicle to be checked and serviceable in accordance with relevant health and catering standards.
- Waste bins provided for food waste
- Covered cups and food area set up
- Adequate Fire extinguishers available
- Adequate welfare/washing facilities available
- Detergents/oil/chemicals all to be stored away from food areas. / 2 / 2 / 4
- Temperature Extremes
- Portable/Patio Heaters / - Hyperthermia
- Hypothermia / - Heating available in fixed buildings within CT1 platform area.
- Normal out door weather clothing expected to be worn by patrons as it is a winter event.
- Patio heaters possible for placement on platform areas by bar, heaters to be secured, positioned away from combustibles and monitored. / 1 / 2 / 2
- Discharges (Any)
- Spill Control
- Chemical ID
- Chemical Handling/Storage
- Fuel / - Spills/Discharges
- Chemical contamination
- Flammables/Fire
- Chemical burns/irritation / - Chemical storage should be placed away from public areas, watercourses/drains and on drip trays.
- MSDS to be made available (if applicable)
- Emergency spill kits to be made available .
- Appropriate PPE to be available for use as required
- Chemical use and storage kept to a minimum
- Fuel for generators to be stored away from main building.
- Sources of ignition to be controlled and away from chemical storage areas including possible electrical arc areas. / 2 / 4 / 8
- General
- Event specific / - Low lighting
- Slips, trips, falls
- Fire risk
- Black out / - General fixed lighting installed throughout the venue is sufficient for normal lighting requirements throughout.
- External fixed lighting installed throughout and is sufficient for normal lighting requirements.
- Event specific lighting to be installed by competent electricians and in locations away from combustibles.
- Installations to be monitored as part of event active monitoring.
- Emergency back-up generator available
- Emergency lighting installed throughout / 2 / 6 / 6
- General
- Food Stalls
- Generators etc. / - Fumes
- Inhalation hazard
- Smoke from stalls / - CT1 platform area fully open on entry providing natural ventilation
- Large doors from the baggage hall either side available to be opened to provide cross ventilation as required.
- Main food stalls will be placed in the baggage hall area where natural cross ventilation is adequately available.