Title (max 20 Words)
Lead Applicant and host university
Research Area / Oncology
Infectious diseases
Abstract (350 Words) Please briefly describe your proposed project and how it fits within the Network’s remit of developing new therapeutic treatments in areas of unmet medical or veterinary need.
Start Date: / Total Project Cost:
Duration / NRN Contribution
Co-Funder (Optional) / Co-Funder Financial Contribution (Optional)
Lead applicant:
Co- applicant (1)
Co- applicant (2)
Please append an additional sheet for any additional co-applicants or named collaborators.
LSRNW platform
Project title
Description of activity
Please provide an overview of the research that has been undertaken during the initial NRN Research Project (including the project reference number if relevant) and any specific goal(s)/milestone(s) that have been achieved. Please provide details of any of the following research outputs that have resulted from the research:
- Papers
- Conference Abstracts
- Patents
- New collaborations with academic partners
- New collaborations with external partners (such as companies, charities or the NHS)
- Other
(2 Pages of A4 Max, Font Calibri, min Size 11).
Please describe any external funding which have been applied for, or secured, as a result of the initial Research Project, PhD Studentshipor collaborative project linked to an original NRN award. Please provide details of collaborators, value of award, funding body etc. along with a brief justification of the Network’s contribution to the proposal. If the application is still being evaluated, please provide details of when a decision is expected(½ a page of A4 Max)
Please describe the further research to be undertaken and any specific goal(s)/milestone(s) to be achieved.
Please describe how the Impact Award will enhance the economic, social or scientific impact of the initial Research Project or PhD Studentship (2 Page of A4 Max).
Please provide details of any intellectual property or know-how that has been generated during the initial project along with any other relevant Background intellectual property. Please provide the name of a relevant contact within the institution’s Technology Transfer office (if appropriate) and whether the technology has been discussed with any external partner or funding body.(½ Page of A4 Max)
Please detail how the Impact Award will substantially enhance the opportunity to secure further research or commercial funding from external funding bodies and why additional Network support is justified. (1 Page of A4 Max)
Please describe how the funds will be used in each organisation and also any additional contributions provided by the University or other external partners. Please list any staff supported under this proposal and justify any equipment or consumable costs associated with this proposal (½ Page of A4 Max))
Please provide a brief CV of the Lead Applicant including details of all currently active research grants and recent publications. Each grant must be marked as sole applicant, lead or co-lead, or applicant (max one A4 page)
Please provide a brief CV of the Co- applicant (1) (max one A4 page) including details of all recent publications and active research grants. Each grant must be marked as sole applicant, lead or co-lead, or applicant.
Please provide details of any post-doctoral researchers which are to be named within this application and why they are suitable for the role (max one A4 page). Please note that named researchers may still have to apply for the post in accordance with relevant institutional policies. If a researcher needs to be recruited then please indicate an anticipated time-scale.
Please provide a brief breakdown of the costs associated with this project.
Staff Costs: £
Equipment: £
Consumables: £
Other: £
Total Project Cost
Contribution sought from Network (maximum £50K per annum)
Additional financial support to be provided by the host institution or external partner (Co-Funder)– Optional
Name of Co-Funder
I confirm that I wish to apply for a Ser Cymru Research Project and that the information given in this application and any accompanying material is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also acknowledge that all awarded Research Projects will be required to provide Ser Cymru with details of all research outputs resulting from the project as well as any future funding awards. I will comply with all reasonable requests from the Network for such information.
Signature: / Date:
Please return to by 5pm on31st March 2017