Eleanor Siebert Nomination for Western Region E. Ann Nalley Award


The E. Ann Nalley
Western Region Award for Volunteer Service
to the American Chemical Society

Directions: Any individual, except a member of the award selection committee, may nominate or support only one nominee for this award in any given year. Please complete all fields.

Submit by September 16th to:

Nancy Paradiso –

Region: Western

Date: 9/15/11


First Name: Virgil

Middle Initial: J

Last Name: Lee

Company or Institutional Affiliation: Southern California Section of the ACS

Present Position (Exact Title): Executive Committee Member and Alternative Councilor

Address: 1593 Maywood Ave.

City: Upland

State: CA

Zip: 91786

Country: USA

Telephone: 909-717-8509

Fax: n/a



First Name: Eleanor

Middle Initial: D

Last Name: Siebert

Local Section: Southern California

Company or Institutional Affiliation: Mount St. Mary’s College

Present Position (Exact Title): Provost and Academic Vice President

Address: 2309 Eastern Canal

City: Venice

State: CA

Zip: 90291

Country: USA

Business Telephone: 310-954-4015

Home Telephone: 310-822-3058

Fax: 310-954-4019


Website: n/a

Has this nomination been discussed with the nominee? Yes


In the space below, paste or type a narrative summary evaluating the nominee’s volunteer accomplishments and service to the region. Explain why the nominee is being recommended for this award with regard to the stated purposes of the award.

I am nominating Eleanor for the Western Region’s E. Ann Nalley Award because of her exemplary list of volunteer accomplishments within the Region and her outstanding contributions to the advancement of chemistry.

Eleanor’s contributions to the goals and objectives of the ACS within the Western Regions have been extensive. Not only has she represented the Southern California Section of the ACS (SCALACS) as a Councilor to the national Society from 1994 to present, she has also been very involved in local section activities. Her committee work at the local level includes being Chair of the Internal Affairs Committee in 1994, Chair of the Public Relations Committee from 1995 to1998, and Chair of the Chemistry and Public Affairs Committee from 1997 to 2007. Additionally, she has been a member of the Executive Committee of SCALACS from 1986 to 2002 and was the Chair of the section in 1994. Finally, she chaired the Western Regional Conference in 1993. For her many contributions, Eleanor was awarded the SCALACS Agnes Ann Green Award for distinguished service to the local section.

Eleanor’s contributions to the promotion of chemistry-related goals within southern California through her educational activities are equally impressive. In addition to extensive involvement in national educational activities and organizations, she has been highly involved in public outreach. She regularly organizes demonstrations at both the Los Angeles Children’s Museum during National Chemistry Week and the annual Expanding Our Horizon’s conference for middle school girls. Eleanor has spent most of her distinguished career teaching science at Mt. St. Mary’s College. For example, she has been dedicated to innovative teaching methods through her involvement in programs such as the Faculty Learning Club, which is committed to research-based teaching in the sciences. She has also been active in the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and served as the Director and Vice President of the Los Angeles Math/Science Interchange from 1996-present. Eleanor’s extraordinary commitment to science education at all levels earned her honor of the Teacher of the Year Award from the National Science Teachers of America (NSTA) in 2001.


Curriculum Vitae: Eleanor Dantzler Siebert

Provost and Academic Vice President

Professor of Chemistry

Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles

College Service, Distinctions and Activities 19892011

College Service:

2006-presentProvost and Academic Vice President

1975-2005Chair, Dept. of Physical Sciences and Mathematics

2004-2005Acting Graduate Dean

1999-2003 Chair, WASC Self-study Committee

2002-2003Irvine Fellow

199697Faculty Policy Committee

1996Pilot Group, Teagle Grant

199597Fellow, Irvine Futures Project

199596Strategic Planning Coordinating Committee

199496President, Faculty Assembly

199395Academic Planning Subcommittee, Academic Policy

199294Library Project Committee

199193Academic Policy Committee

199192Chair, Taskforce on Undergraduate Programs (WASC Report)

Other Professional Experiences/Courses:

2010-2011IHE Consortium of the Los Angeles Compact, Steering Committee

Fall 2006, 2008, 2010Member of Visiting Accreditation Team in Western Region; Assistant Chair

Fall 2004Project Kaleidoscope Leadership Workshop, Rensaler Polytechnic Institute

Fall 2003 Sabbatical Leave

2002 Advanced Placement Workshop, Walnut Creek, CA

2000 Chemistry Instructor, Bay Area AP Institute, CSU Hayward

Study Tour of Australian universities investigating effective teaching/learning models in remote instruction (Sabbatical Leave)

1996,97 ACS Safety Seminar

198990 Visiting Professor, University of Southern California, (Sabbatical Leave)

Grants and Awards:

2010, 2011Faculty Online Course Design Institute grant secured

2004Project Kaleidoscope Leadership Initiative (wrote application on behalf of

Mount St. Mary’s College)

2003Invited to join SENCER, a project of AAC&U

2002Mathematical Models of Bone Structure (Biochemical Analysis), Dr. M.G.

Ascenzi, Project Director, submitted to NSF

2001Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teacher, sponsored by the Society forCollege Science Teachers and Kendall/Hunt publishers

1999-2004 Preparing Future Faculty Grant, funded by NSF and the ACS, partnering institution with the University of California, Los Angeles

1997Professional Development Grant, Mount St. Mary's College

1996Who's Who in America's Teachers (nominated by a student)

1995 Creative Chemistry, an award to So Cal ACS in alliance with

the CA Museum of Science and Industry

1994Agnes Ann Green Distinguished Service Award, So Cal ACS

1994 ACS/NSF Travel Grant for 13th International Conference on

Chemical Ed

1993SCST Grant for publication of Monograph

1991Principal Investigator and Steering Committee, NIHMARC

Program, MSMC

1990-91Grant (S.W. Benson), University of Southern California

Professional Memberships/Activity:

  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges: Representative of Senior Commission to the Junior Commission, Association of Community Colleges and Junior Colleges, 2011-2014.
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges: Member, Senior commission for Universities and Colleges, 2004-2009
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science : Nominations and Elections, Education Division (Sec. Q) 2005-2007
  • American Chemical Society Fellow, Class of 2011.
  • American Chemical Society: Councilor, 19942012; elected member Council Policy Committee, 2008-2013; Committee on Committees, 2002-2007; Chair, Committee on Public Relations and Communications, 1999-2001; Membership Task Force 2000; Physical Chemistry Division; Chemical Education Division; Chair, 29th Western Regional Conference, 1993
  • American Chemical Society Southern California Section: Chair Chemistry and Public Affairs 1999-2007; Publicity Chair for Western Regional Meeting 20011 and 2003; Executive Board 1986-02; National Chemistry Week Coordinator 2001; Chair Public Relations 199598; Chair, Internal Affairs Committee 1995; Section Chair 1994.
  • Los Angeles Math/Science Interchange, Director and Vice President 19962012
  • Sigma Xi research honorary
  • Society for College Science Teachers President 19911993; Chair 25th Anniversary Celebration 2003-2004
  • National Science Teachers Association: Committee on Nominations, 2000-03, Chair 2001; Board of Directors 199193, 1997-99; College Division Director 1997-99; National Judge, Exploravision Challenge, 1998-99; Budget and Finance Committee 199294; College Committee 199193, 199499; Journal of College Science Teaching Advisory Board 1991-93,199496; The Science Teacher, Manuscript Review Committee 199497; Chair K16 Coordination Task Force 1994; College Vision's Task Force, 1992; 1991 National Convention Planning Committee
  • UCLA Chemists' Association (past President)
  • Judge, State Science Fair 1996-97; 2000; 2004; 2010-11
  • Educational Testing Service AP Reader (Chemistry) 1996; 1998-2001; Table Leader 2002-2003; Question Leader 2004; Test Development Committee 2004-2009; Chief Reader 2005-2009
  • College Board Consultant 2000-2004
  • NSF Reviewer for Course, Curriculum, Laboratory Improvement Program 2001, 2003

Scientific Articles/Data Published; scientific articles published prior to 1992 available on request:

Benson, S.W. and Siebert, E.D., “A Simple TwoStructure Model of Water,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 114, 42694276 (1992). This article was summarized as Research News, "A New Blueprint for Water's Architecture," Science, 256, 1764 (1992).

Student Research Presentations:

  • DeGuia, B. and Siebert, E.D., 221st Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL, 2001
  • DeGuia, B. and Siebert, E.D., 219th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA 2000
  • Tran, T. and Siebert, E. D., ACS So. California Undergraduate Research Conference, CSUFullerton, CA 1999
  • Daigdigan, D. and Siebert, E. D., 213th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, TX
  • Monzon, P. and Siebert, E.D., 213th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, TX.
  • Ahumada, J. and Siebert, E. D., 211th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, CA April 1996. (I took 3 additional students who presented their research results from summer experiences at other institutions)
  • Ahumana, J. and Siebert, E. D., Southern California Undergraduate Research Conference, Pomona College, October 1995.
  • Ahumada, J., Lesaca, E. and Siebert, E.D., 209th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Ansheim, CA, April 1995.
  • Lesaca, E. and Siebert, E.D., Southern California Undergraduate Research Conference, California Institute of Technology, October 1994.
  • Trujillo, D., Lesaca, E. and Siebert, E.D., 1994 So. Cal ACS Undergraduate Research Conference, Occidental College, April 1994.
  • Trujillo, D., Lesaca, E., and Siebert, E.D., 1993 Pacific Conference/29th Western Regional ACS
  • Trujillo, D. and Siebert, E.D., So. Cal ACS Undergraduate Research Conference, Loyola Marymount University, 1993.
  • Trujillo, D., Lesaca, E., and Siebert, E.D., NIHMARC Symposium, Atlanta, GA 1993.
  • Hawkins, M., Fancher, T. and Siebert, E.D., NIHMBRS Symposium, Knoxville, TN 1990.

Books Published:

  • Teaching Tips for Successful Learning, M. Druger, L. Crow, and E. D. Siebert, Eds., NSTA Press, 2004.
  • College Pathways to the Science Education Standards, E. D. Siebert and W. J. McIntosh, Ed., NSTA Press, 2001.
  • Effective Methods of Teaching and Classroom Management for University and College Science Teachers, E. D. Siebert, M. Caprio and C. Lyda, Eds., Kendall/Hunt, 1997.
  • Science Discoveries and Science Teaching: The Link, SCST Monograph, Vol. 4, 1994, Edited by E.D. Siebert and C. Estee.
  • Russell, A.A. and Siebert, E.D., Experiments for General Chemistry, BurgessInternational Group, Inc., Minneapolis, 1977,78, 81, 89 (retired in sixth edition).
  • Siebert, E. D., Foundations of Chemistry, McGraw Hill Publishing, 1980.

Science Education Activities


  • Siebert, E.D., “Units in Thermodynamic Calculations, “Advanced Placement Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV 2007.
  • Siebert, E.D., “Assessment from an Institutional Perspective,” NSTA/SCST, St. Louis, MO 2007.
  • Siebert, E.D., “Making Laboratory Courses Worthwhile,” Advanced Placement Annual Conference, Orlando, FL 2006.
  • Siebert, E.D., McIntosh, W.J. and Heady, J.H., CollegePathways to Change; International Conference on Systemic Initiatives, sponsored by NSF, Washington, DC 2003.
  • Siebert, E. D., “Crystallization of Cholesterol in Model Biological Systems,” Marjorie Gardner Lecture, NSTA, San Diego, CA 2002.
  • Siebert, E.D.,” Scientists Speaking Out,” and the” Art of Science Speaking,” University of Michigan, 2002.
  • Siebert, “Learning Beyond the Classroom: Responsibilities and Rewards in Undergraduate Science Teaching,“ NSTA, St. Louis 2001.
  • Siebert, McIntosh, Caprio, “College Pathways to the Science Education Standards,” NSTA, St. Louis 2001.
  • Siebert, Leonard, Smith, McIntosh, “The National Science Education Standards at work in higher education,” SCST, Phoenix, 2000.
  • Siebert, McIntosh, and Caprio, “Implications of the National Science Education Standards for College Science Teaching,” NSTA, Orlando 2000.
  • Siebert, E. D., “Remote Instruction: Lessons learned from Australia,” SCST, Reno, 1999.
  • Siebert, E. D. “Standards and the Future of Science Education,” Expanding Your Horizons Conference, 1998
  • Siebert, E. D, and Wootan, L., “Creative Chemistry," ACS, Orlando, FL 1996.
  • Siebert, E. D., "Designing the Seamless Curriculum,” NSTA, Salt Lake City, UT 1995.
  • Siebert, E. D., "Bridging the High School College Gap in Science Education,” SCST, Salt Lake City, UT 1995.
  • Siebert, E. D., "Using Undergraduate Students in Public Outreach Programs,” NSTA, Las Vegas, 1994.
  • Siebert, E.D., et al., "Science Discoveries and Science Teaching: The Links, NSTA, Anaheim, CA 1994.
  • Siebert, E.D., "Learning in a CulturallyDiverse Setting: A Student/Teacher/Institutional Partnership,” SCST/NSTA, Anaheim, CA 1994.
  • Siebert, E.D. and students, Wizard Workshop, Expanding Your Horizons Conference, April 1993.
  • Meeting the Needs of Today's Students, Panelist, California State Science Teachers Meeting, San Jose State, 1992.
  • Siebert, E.D., "Integrating Updated Instrumentation into the Science Curricula,” SCST/NSTA, Houston, TX, 1991.
  • Siebert, E.D., and Reams, R. R., "Enhancing Learning in the Culturally Diverse Classroom," SCST/NSTA, Atlanta, GA 1990


  • Haviland, D., Dean, K., and Siebert, E., “Building a Culture of Faculty-Owned Assessment,”Assessment in University Science Teaching, NSTA Press 2008.
  • Editor, Undergraduate Science Education 2000+, Millennial Issue of the Journal of College Science Teaching, May 2000.
  • Ridenour, N. and Siebert, E., “AP Courses: An Opportunity for College-High School Coordination,” Journal of College Science Teaching, Dec/Jan 97.
  • Siebert, E. D., “Science Teaching with an International Perspective”, JCST Dec./Jan 95.

Contributing Editor, Journal of College Science Teaching, 1991-93. Selected articles include:

“Teaching and Research: A Dual Role for College Faculty” (Mar/Apr 93); “Meeting the Needs of Today's Students” (Mar/Apr 93); “College Science EducationToday and Tomorrow” (Sept/Oct 92); “Women in Science?” (Mar/Apt 92); “College Science Education and the Environment” (Dec/Jan 92).

Support FORMS

Support forms are being requested from the following individuals (No more than two will be accepted).

Name, Affiliation, Telephone, Email

1. Stanley Pine, Southern California Section of ACS, 626-441-1037,

2. Rita Boggs, Southern California Section of ACS, 310-612-7483,

The E. Ann Nalley
Western Region Award for Volunteer Service
to the American Chemical Society

Directions: Any individual, except a member of the award selection committee, may nominate or support only one nominee for this award in any given year. Please complete all fields.

Submit by September 16th to:

Nancy Paradiso –

Region: Western

Date: 9/13/11


First Name: Eleanor

Last Name: Siebert


First Name: Stanley

Middle Initial: -

Last Name: Pine

Company or Institutional Affiliation: California State University, Los Angeles

Present Position (Exact Title): Emeritus Professor

Address: 1508 Milan Ave.

City: South Pasadena

State: CA

Zip: 91030

Country: USA

Telephone: 626-441-1037

Fax: n/a






September 13, 2011

Dear Committee:

I am pleased to join members of the Southern California Section (SCALACS) in nominating Eleanor Siebert for the E. Ann NalleyAward for service to the American Chemical Society. Eleanor has been a stalwart member of the section since the early 1990s always “being there” when help is needed. I have had the opportunity and pleasure of working with her over the years in a variety of activities in the Southern California area.

Eleanor’s enthusiasm and competence became clear early in her involvement with SCALACS when she took the leadership of our 1993 Western Regional Meeting. With her ability to effectively oversee a myriad of activities and people, this proved to be one of our more successful regional meetings. She followed this success with a year as chair of the section, then took on a variety of governance positions including her long term, and continuing role as one of our elected national councilors.

Her dedication to encouraging young people, especially women, toward careers in science is unending. She has led our section in its involvement in continuing work shops for girls interested in science and has ensured that our yearly recognition for high school students, teachers and the Chemistry Olympiad participants takes place in the congenial environment of the Mount Saint Mary’s College campus.

And Eleanor’s influence on chemistry and science reaches beyond the local ACS where her involvements reflect well on SCALACS. She has served in leadership positions with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Los Angeles Math/Science Interchange, the Society for College Science Teachers, the National Science Teachers Association, and many other groups. Her contributions are highly regarded by a large segment of our science and education communities.

Her contributions have already been recognized by her peers. She was honored as the Agnes Ann Green Awardee for service to the Southern California Section. Most recently she was recognized nationally by the ACS as an ACS Fellow.

EleanorSiebert is one of the most generous and effective volunteers I have worked with. She is eminently qualified to receive the E. Ann Nalley Award.


Stanley H. Pine

The E. Ann Nalley
Western Region Award for Volunteer Service
to the American Chemical Society

Directions: Any individual, except a member of the award selection committee, may nominate or support only one nominee for this award in any given year. Please complete all fields.

Submit by September 16th to:

Nancy Paradiso –

Region: Western

Date: 9/15/11


First Name: Eleanor

Last Name: Siebert


First Name: Rita

Middle Initial: -

Last Name: Boggs

Company or Institutional Affiliation: American Research and Testing Inc.

Present Position (Exact Title): CEO

Address: 14934 South Figueroa St.

City: Gardena

State: CA

Zip: 90248

Country: USA

Telephone: 310-612-7483

Fax: 310-538-9965



September 15, 2011

Dear E. Ann Nalley Award Selection Committee:

I have the privilege of submitting the Nomination of Dr. Eleanor Siebert for the 2011 E. Ann Nalley Award. Eleanor’s primary work has been done in science/chemistry education. Although Eleanor and I have been on the Southern California Section Executive Committee for a number of years, I must say, as I have prepared this nomination, I am even more impressed with all of the work she has done.

To begin with, Dr. Siebert has been a Faculty member and now Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Mount St. Mary’s College for 37 years. The administration of Mount St. Mary’s must have been extremely impressed with her Faculty performance to move her into the administrative work she is currently carrying out.