Office of the Chief Medical Superintendent, East Central Railway,

Danapur, Post – Khagaul, Patna, PIN CODE - 801105.

Open Tender Notice No. 11/2016 Dated 16.04.2016

Sealed Open Tenders are invited from experienced contractor who have done similar work in Central Government, State Government and Railway for the work appended below.

S.N / Name of the work / Period / Estimated
Cost / Earnest
money / Cost of the tender form. / Date of opening
1 / Cleaning of Railway station Hathidah. / 1095 days from the date of execution of work. / Rupees 4478594/- / Rupees
89580/- / Rupees 3000/- / 07.06.16

Eligibility Criteria:

(i) The tenderer(s) shall be eligible only if he / they fulfill Eligibility Criteria of having received total contract amount during the last three financial years and in the current financial year with a minimum of 150% of the advertised tender value.

(ii) Authentic Certificates shall be produced by the tenderer(s) to this effect which may be an attested Certificate from the employer / client, Audited Balance Sheet duly certified by the Chartered Accountant etc.

TENDER FORM: Tender form can be made available on any working day from 17.05.2016 to 06.06.2016 from 11.00 hrs. to 16.00 hrs after producing money receipt deposited under Sr.Divnl.Cashier/Danapur or in terms of Demand Draft of any Nationalised Bank in favour of FA&CAO/ECR/HJP, payable at Patna from the Office of the Chief Medical Superintendent, Danapur. Tender form can be down loaded from Railway Web Site, without any cost. Cost of tender form must be attached with down loaded Tender form.

EARNEST MONEY: - Earnest Money to be deposited by cash to Sr.Divnl.Cashier, ECR/Danapur or Banker’s Cheques/Demand Drafts in terms of Banker’s Cheques/Demand Drafts of any Nationalised Bank in favour of FA&CAO/ECR/HJP, payable at Patna is to be attached with the tender form.

TENDER DROPPING: - The complete tender form will be dropped in sealed condition in the box kept in the office of the Chief Medical Superintendent, East Central Railway, Danapur on 07.06.2016 from 11.00 hrs. to 14.00 hrs. and the same will be opened on 07.06.2016 at 15.00 hrs. in presence of Accounts Personnel and tenderer or his authorized representative.


1.  The cost of tender form is not refundable.

2.  Right to reject the lowest, any or all tenders without assigning any reason is reserved with the Chief Medical Superintendent, East Central Railway, Danapur.

3.  Tender form containing erasers/alteration and over writing in the rates will not be considered.

4.  The tender will remain valid for 120 days from the date of opening of the tender.

5.  In case of unusual occurrences like, strike, bunds and holidays the dropping and opening of the tender will be done in the next working day at scheduled time.

6.  In case of any dispute, the decision of Chief Medical Superintendent, East Central Railway, Danapur will be final and binding on the contractor.

7.  5% of the total value of contract as performance guarantee will be submitted by the contractor before agreement.

8.  The tenderer can send his sealed tender form by Registered post/Speed post, so that it should reach in the office of Chief Medical Superintendent, East Central Railway, Danapur, P.O.-Khagaul, Dist.-Patna, PIN CODE -801105 latest by 12.00 hrs. on 07.06.2016, Railway will not be responsible for the late delivery of the tender form and those forms will not be considered.

9.  If discrepancies are found between Hindi & English version of tender notice, the English version will be treated as valid.

10.  If any discrepancy found in the down loaded tender form the web site, the original tender form available in this office will prevail as authenticated and genuine tender form.

11.  Railway will not be responsible in any delay/problem in down loading the tender documents.

12.  Details of terms & conditions of tender may be seen at tender document.

(Dr. Umesh Kumar)

for Chief Medical Superintendent,

East Central Railway, Danapur.

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3000/- / 07.06.16

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