Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Faculty Excellence Award
Development of Enduring Materials
Last edited: 9/09/14
The following types of educational resources are most likely to be considered Educational Enduring Materials (see qualifiers* below). Please note that these mateial MUST be disseminated outside of Baylor College of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals/locations to be considered for this award. It is the applicant’s duty to provide a detailed description of the material (ie how it is disseminated, usage statistics (so that the committee can evaluate the impact of the enduring material).
§ Textbook or textbook chapter (hard copy, online)
§ Manuals, curriculum guides based on delivery of education, founded on teaching of learners
§ Patient education materials
§ Case vignettes used in case-based teaching such as Problem-Based Learning [Integrated Problem Solving (IPS) at Baylor]. These could be produced in print, video or electronic formats.
§ Items used in learner evaluations (e.g., multiple-choice questions, OSCE or CPX cases, vignettes for short answer questions, etc.)
§ Audio-visual materials (e.g., instructional videos, audio tapes, slide sets)
§ Simulations created with computers and/or physical models
§ Tools to create enduring materials (e.g., template for creating cases, educational platforms, wikis, apps of an educational nature, MED-ED Portal).
§ CME program materials
§ Resources used in conducting workshops or other teaching sessions
§ Resources developed for community outreach, K-12, or collegiate education
§ Review articles and extended abstracts with clear educational value, including a review of a field or topic (not a summary of applicants own research)
*Qualifiers: The review panel’s judgments about whether the above items qualify as “educational” and “enduring” will depend upon the amount and quality of the evidence you present that answers questions such as the following:§ Degree of dissemination. Have teachers and learners other than the author used the materials? How many? Have these teachers and learners been at institutions other than Baylor?
§ Length of use. How many years/months have the materials been available for use?
§ Appropriateness for specific populations of learners. Are the materials based on explicit learning objectives? Do these objectives clearly describe the knowledge, skills or attitudes learners are supposed to acquire or reinforce?
Some examples of Educational Resources that may NOT be considered Enduring Educational Materials
§ Syllabus that is used principally by an instructor for his/her own course. This type of syllabus might be described as part of a mini-portfolio for the Teaching and Evaluation category.
§ Sets of slides or power point presentations used principally by one individual for his or her own teaching or presentations (even with repeated use).
§ Multiple versions (updates) of similar content (for example, materials from lectures on emerging technologies or standards).
§ Scientific or clinical review articles written as a summary of your own work.
§ Primary publications resulting from basic, translational or clinical research.
§ Self published materials: textbooks and other resources (such as websites) that do not have clear evidence of dissemination and quality.
§ Course websites used solely for course management, communicative, or clerical purposes.
C:\Users\lmgarza\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\HJ4K63K0\Enduring_Materials_List.docx