Evaluating Options: Remodel the Key Stage One wing

Suitability (is the option a good strategic fit?) / Bob Richardson’s views (normal text indicates Bob's comments are supportive, italic text indicates he has concerns or reservations)
Is the strategy appropriate to the organisation’s internal and external environment? / I am not convinced. The external environment is uncertain; it could become a white elephant.
Rising pupil numbers means something has to be done.
This strategy fits with other long term strategies.
Does it fit with the school’s current organisational culture? / I’m not sure if we haven’t got the cart before the horse here. If the school is going to change its approach to teaching at Key Stage 1 surely this should be the driver?
It seems to me that it is the need for increased space rather than educational philosophy which is driving this radical change to the way in which the Key Stage 1 teachers will work.
Does it create sustainable competitive advantage? / It could do if other schools don’t increase their capacity.
Does it overcome weaknesses or threats? / It overcomes the limitations on space which are preventing the school from growing.
Does it exploit strengths or opportunities? / Yes. There is an opportunity to expand the school, possibly reduce costs, and this will achieve this.
Yes. This is an opportunity to introduce new approaches to teaching and learning.
Feasibility (will it work in practice?) / Bob Richardson’s views (normal text indicates Bob's comments are supportive, italic text indicates he has concerns or reservations)
Can the strategy be funded i.e. are there sufficient resources to deliver the strategy effectively? / I am worried about this one. Internal remodelling costs are difficult to predict and often problems arise when projects are underway.
Can the organisation ensure that the required skills are available? / I don’t know the individual teachers personally, but it’s not that simple to put four teachers in a large open plan space after they have had years working in their own classroom -big challenge here.
Can the organisation cope with competitive reactions from rivals? / This is a real danger. If all the other schools go down this route Sunnymeade may not be able to compete - remember those rumblings about discipline?
Acceptability (is the option attractive to all stakeholders and does it meet their expectations?) / Bob Richardson’s views (normal text indicates Bob's comments are supportive, italic text indicates he has concerns or reservations)
Are the expected outcomes of the strategy in line with expectations of stakeholders? / I think we can definitely say ‘yes’ to this for the majority of parents. Growing the school and developing it as Centre of Excellence for digital technologies will appeal to them.
The school will need to convince some parents that open plan arrangements work.
There are some, however, who feel that the school might lose its character if it grows - these parents will need to be reassured.
Will the strategy have a positive effect on creditors (in terms of asset structure and risks)? / N/A
Is the option acceptable to employees – will it affect their employment, earnings, conditions? / There could be an issue here. An additional teaching group will mean an additional teacher and possibly an additional TA. I know from my visit that your staffroom is quite cramped – where will you fit any new staff?
See my comments above about teaching in open plan areas.
Are there any governmental implications with regard to e.g. tax, employment, education policy? / Admissions are a tricky area. Are you absolutely sure that you will legally be allowed to do this?
Will the function of any particular individual employee, group of employees or organisational department change significantly for the better? / I’m not sure about this one.
Will it negatively affect any particular community groups? / Obviously other schools will be affected and if they start to lose numbers this could become a very significant issue.
Local residents will be adversely affected by the increase in traffic/parking problems.
Does the strategy look attractive in terms of the timescale required for delivery? / Internal remodelling on this scale can only be done in the summer holidays. I’m not convinced this could be done in a six weeks window.