Prayer/Assembly Resource Sheet
Week Beginning: 18 July 2016
Theme: Rest (and Listen)
Reflection: ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ Psalm 46:10
Readings: Genesis 18: 1-10; Psalm 14; Colossians 1: 24-28; Luke 10: 38-42
This week, we can see a divine as well as a human Jesus: He is tired of his journey and lets this Bethania family he loves so much welcome him. He will take advantage of this moment to let us know “what matters the most”.
In the attitude of these two sisters we can detect two different ways of living the Christian vocation: the active and contemplative life. Mary “who sat down at the Lord's feet”, while Martha was busying herself with plenty of chores and all the serving, always happy, but tired. “Easy”, Jesus tells her, “you worry and are troubled about many things, but you must have a rest, and even more, you must rest by my side, looking at me, listening to me”. Two different models of Christian life we must coordinate and integrate: to live Marta's way as much as Mary's way. We have to be attentive to the Lord's word, and, at the same time, alert for, more often than not, the noise and daily bustle that may hide God's presence. Because a Christian's life and strength can only stay firm and grow if we maintain close ties with the true vine, where our life, our love, our yearning to go on... (and not looking back), comes from.
Most of us have been called by God to be like “Martha”. However, we should not forget that the Lord wants us to be more and more like “Mary” too: Jesus has also called us “to choose the best part” and to let no one take it from us. He reminds us that the most important is not what we can do, but God's word, that lightens our lives by impregnating our works and deeds with the Holy Spirit’s love.
To rest in the Lord is only possible if we can enjoy the real presence of Christ and one of the best places to receive the presence of Christ is in the Eucharist. To listen at the feet of Christ at the Eucharistic meal is Holy Communion: it is the greatest treasure we Christians have. Let us remember the name of John Paul II's last encyclical: The Church lives from Eucharist. Our Lord has many things to tell us, many more than we think. Let us, therefore, seek those moments of silence and peace, to help us find Jesus again and, in him, to find ourselves once more. Jesus Christ invites us today to take an option: to choose “the better part” (Lk 10:42).
Both the dynamic-active (doing) and the quiet-listening (being) have their places in our Christian vocation to follow Jesus. Last week we were reminded that there are times when we need to be active and help others like the Good Samaritan. That was the only thing needed; this week the only thing needed by Jesus was rest and quiet and calm as he moved towards the pain of the Cross. In Bethany and in Mary, Jesus found that peace. For all of us we know there are times when we need to be busy and active and as we reach the end of our school year we need to take time to rest and listen. The results are always incredible; for from ‘being with Christ’ we can then go and ‘give for Christ.’ It is time to let go of the doing….and simply, ‘to be.’
A Hymn for Sharing I Am the Holy Vine
By James Quinn, S.J.
I am the holy vine, which God my Father tends.
Each branch that yields no fruit my Father cuts away.
Each fruitful branch he prunes with care
To make it yield abundant fruit.
If you abide in me, I will in you abide.
Each branch to yield its fruit must with the vine be one.
So you shall fail to yield your fruit
If you are not with me one vine.
I am the fruitful vine, and you my branches are.
If you abide in me, I will in you abide.
So shall you yield much fruit,
But none if you remain apart from me.
Prayers for the week: Our response to our prayers is: Lord we praise you; you know what we need.
Monday: We pray that we may welcome everyone in need of care (we pray quietly for this).
Tuesday: We pray that all may find strength through prayer (we pray quietly for this). R/
Wednesday: We pray that troubled people may have friends to calm their fears (we pray quietly for this). R/
Thursday: We pray for all whom we say farewell to. We thank them for all that they have given to our schools. May they be blessed with peace and joy and wherever they travel to in the future may their journey of faith continue to be enriched with the love of Christ. R/
Friday: We pray that those on holidays may rest and be renewed (we pray quietly for this). R/