Completion of Pregnancy Aeromedical Summary
Date: / Service: / USNUSNR (Active)USNR (Selres)USNR-FTSUSMCUSMCR / Rank: / O-1O-2O-3O-4O-5O-6E-1E-2E-3E-4E-5E-6E-7E-8E-9 / Age:Last Name: / MI: / First Name
Command Name: / Command UIC:
Exam Facility: / Facility UIC:
POC Email: / POC Phone No.:
Outcome: Spontaneous miscarriage
(check one) Elective Abortion
Normal Vaginal Delivery
Caesarian Section
Date of pregnancy completion:
Weeks of gestation at completion:
Report of any complications encountered during pregnancy:
Information on the health of the child and mother following delivery:
Post Partum Course:
Other notes:
Attach post partum obstetrical note.
Flight Surgeon Signature
Printed Name: