Exam 3 Review, BIOL 255 SI


1) The nervous system is made up of the ______(CNS) which contains the ______and the ______and the ______(PNS) which is all nerves ______of the brain and spinal cord.

2) ______neurons that bring information to the brain are referred to as______, and ______neurons that carry information away from the brain are______.

3) The CNS neuroglia ______and ______. In the CNS ______are star shaped cells which attach neurons to ______vessels and form the ______barrier, which ______the neuron______.

4) In the CNS ______extend processes, to form ______sheath, the nodes of ______are further apart.

5) In the ______Nervous System (PNS) the ______cells also called ______form the ______sheath, where as, the ______cells support neurons of______.

6) The smaller / bigger the size of the nerve fiber, the slower / faster the speed of nerve impulse. And the less / more myelin which means larger ______of the nerve fiber the greater the______.

7) Bundles of ______and ______neurons outside the __NS but ______the __NS are referred to as______. While bundle of ______and ______neurons within the __NS are referred to as______.

8) In the PNS the ______cells or the ______sheath wrap around the axon and are referred to as the______. Between adjacent ______are spaces made up of ______nodes and these nodes are referred to as the ______of______. The speed of the stimulus ______as it jumps from node of ______to node of ______

9) Multipolar neurons have several ______and ______axon extended from the cell body which is the most common type.

10) The bipolar neuron has ______dendrite and ______axon with the cell body in______, these are rare and found only in specialized ______organs.

11) Most synapses, are ______synapses in which the ______is secreted by the ______-synaptic cell which then diffuses across the synaptic ______to the ______-synaptic cell. This occurs in a ______way direction and is ______than the action potential.


12) Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a ______, ______solution similar to blood______, although it contains less ______and has different______. Its function is to______, gives ______, prevents delicate brain matter from being______, protects, ______and carries ______signals through it.

13) In Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves the white matter is aggregations of ______axons and myelin is______. While the gray matter is make up of cell ______or ______which is ______fibers.

14) In the spinal cord, the posterior ______column or ______contains ______input which is received from the __NS to the______, on tracts that ______into the ______bringing sensations of______, pressure and body______.

15) The ______and lateral white ______or funiculus contain ______motor input which travel on ______tracts to the______, where sensory ______is sorted such as ______and______, and the cerebellum where ______movements like walking and ______output are sorted then the tracts ______to motor ______which eventually stimulate______.

16) So when you think about the spinal cord, everything towards the

______or anterior or ______is associated with ______neurons or ______neurons.

As where everything in the

______or posterior or ______is associated with ______neurons or ______neurons.


17) The cerebral hemispheres function differently:

Left Hemisphere (in most) / Right Hemisphere (in most)
______(body) / ______(body)

18) The thalamus gland is the ______station for ______input, except for ______, to the______. Its role is in mediating______, ______activities,______arousal, learning, and______. It has four groups of nuclei on each side: ______, ventral, ______, and posterior.


19) In the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) ______neurons innervate the viscera of ______and ______muscle and also glands, as it regulates the ______to ensure ______during body activities.

20) In the Autonomic Nervous System the neurotransmitters used are as follows:

Parasympathetic ______ganglionic neurons use - ______

Parasympathetic ______ganglionic neurons use – ______

In the:

Sympathetic ______ganglionic neurons use – ______


Sympathetic ______ganglionic neurons use –______.

21) In the developmental aspects of the PNS sensory receptors ______with age and muscle tone ______but peripheral nerves remain ______throughout life unless subjected to______.


22) Sensory receptor also classed by location are the Proprioceptors which respond to the degree of ______of organs and are found in ______muscles, tendons, ______, ligaments, and ______tissue coverings of bones and muscles and are constantly “advising” the brain of one’s______and body position.

23) Simple Receptors can be ______which have free dendritic nerve endings and respond chiefly to ______and pain such as ______discs and hair follicle receptors while

______receptors which are surrounded by tissue. Examples would be______and ______corpuscles .

24) Endoneurium is the nerve covering around ______fibers. Fascicles are groups of nerve fibers wrapped in ______and the epineurium is around entire______.


25) In the Olfactory Pathway, receptor cells synapse with ______bulb neurons, which process odor signals and send them to the Olfactory cortex, the______, the amygdala, and _____ system but totally by pass the______.

26) The tongue has three main papillae types where ______, fungiform, and ______are found but only the ______and ______papillae contain taste buds.

27) In the sensory tunic of the retina the photoreceptors cells are made up of ______which respond to dim ______and are used for ______vision, while ______respond to bright light and have high-acuity ______vision and are found in the ______lutea where they are concentrated in the ______centralis, where no ______are found.

28) The cochlea is divided into ______chambers:

– Scala ______is connected to vestibule - ↑ and ↓ pressure in ______

-Scala ______(cochlear duct) - ↑ and ↓ pressure in ______

- Scala ______- ↑ and ↓ pressure in ______.

29) Scala vestibuli connected to scala tympani at______in the cochlea where _____ pitch sounds detected near helicotrema, while ______pitch sounds detected near ______window.

30) ______glands in your external ear produce ______for ______.