Honors Cup Proposal Grading Rubric
Section ______Names:
(A) Presentation of the Proposal
Organization: how information is presented; is the proposal clear, concise yet thorough
(8) The proposal is very organized, clear and thorough while concise, references well-labeled figures/schemes
(5) The proposal is slightly lacking in organization; it is less clear, in need of more elaboration, or too verbose; figures/spectra could be better presented
(3) The proposal is hard to follow; less clear, in need of more elaboration, and/or too verbose; missing obvious information; poorly labeled figures/spectra
(1) The proposal is poorly organized, grammatically incorrect; hard to read; missing key information, etc.
Score: ______
(B) Introduction
Context, what and why?
(8) Creativity and novelty; the proposal relates the molecule to a purpose and sums up what will be carried out
(6) The proposal has weak ties to its purpose, overall steps not as transparent; or too lengthy
(4) The proposal has no sense of purpose; hard to determine the what and why
(2) The proposal is quite difficult to follow with no connection between what and why
Score: ______
(C) Individual steps
Can it be done and how?
(16 each) Procedures are, a) clear, journal-style experimental text including work-up; b) addresses scale/alternative issues; scale of experiment appropriate to assignment; c) addresses safety; d) the characterization methods used in 216 will be able to confirm or deny the production of the proposed organic molecule
(12) All four aspects addressed, but less effectively
(8) Hard to follow procedures; an unsafe procedure included; scale issues addressed poorly
(4) Procedures rotely taken from literature without consideration for differences in equipment, scale, or safety
Step 1: ______
Step 2: ______
Step 3: ______
(D) Budget and green
(8) Green aspects producing little, relatively harmless waste
The proposal is cost effective (stays within the cost limits)
(E) Use of literature resources
(8) Effective citation and use of variety of literature sources. More than one source cited for synthetic transformations when appropriate.
Total ______/80