Monday—April 25, 2016

·  Meeting called to order by President Kottke at 5:07 p.m.

·  Roll call

o  Members: P. Kottke, J. Nyhuis, H. Kopf, A Patterson, P. Dercks, T. Marcoe, T. Schulz

o  Staff: S. Green, B. Doyle, C. Klassy, D. Mock, J. Hungerford, S. O’Malley, M. Zimmerman,

o  Others: J. Culver, M. Murphy-Steinke, D. Stevens

·  Pledge of Allegiance

·  Mr. Dercks, seconded by Mrs. Marcoe, moved to approve the April 11, 2016 school board minutes. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mr. Dercks, seconded by Mrs. Kopf, moved to approve the warrants through April 25, 2016. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  There was no Public Input.

·  Mr. Hess, from the Insurance Center, was present to share with the Board our Business Owners/Workers’ Compensation renewal. Again another good year with no losses. We will have a 40% dividend return.

·  Mrs. Kottke, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, moved to accept the $1,000 grant from Wings Over Wisconsin for the Oakfield Trapshooting Team. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Ms. Zimmerman, Oakfield FFA Advisor, presented the Board with the “Star Sponsor’ award. The award is given to a business or organization in the community who support the FFA program.

·  Mrs. Kottke, seconded by Mrs. Marcoe, moved to appoint Mrs. Patterson as the CESA 6 delegate for the annual meeting. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mrs. Kottke, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, moved to approve Jackie Hungerford to the Business Coordinator position. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mrs. Kottke, seconded by Mrs. Kopf, moved to continue the Girls Soccer Co-op with North Fond du Lac. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mr. Dercks, seconded by Mr. Schulz, moved to give an increase of $1,500 to the professional staff for the 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mr. Dercks, seconded by Mr. Nyhuis, moved to approve the 2016-2017 school board meeting dates as presented. Motion carried: 7 ayes, 0 noes, 0 absent.

·  Mr. Culver shared with the Board activities happening at the MS/HS including prom, post prom, FFA banquet, and the greenhouse is open.

·  Principal Doyle shared the big game between the fifth grade class and the staff took place. This is the annual reward for finishing the Forward Exam. On Wednesday there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new library and the Safety Patrol Movie Night will be on Friday, May, 6, 2016.

·  Principal Klassy shared the Forward Exam and ACT Aspire testing will start this week, The Theatre Club will host another show on Friday, May 6, 2016 for the students and Ms. Zimmerman has stepped forward to help with the transition of the Tech Ed position.

·  Mr. Mock, Dean of Students/Athletic Director, shared on his attendance at the WIAA annual meeting, the Junior Prom is Saturday, April 30, 2016 and there will be dates available in the spring and fall for coaches to participate in the required CPR/AED training.

·  Administrator Green shared the spring referendum results in the state.

·  Next School Board Meeting will be Monday, May 9, 2016 at 5:30 p.m., OES.

·  Mrs. Kottke, seconded by Mrs. Patterson, moved to adjourn at 6:04 p.m into executive session under SS 19.85 (1)(c) to consider reorganization, employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Motion carried by roll call vote: Kottke, Kopf, Schulz, Patterson, Nyhuis, Dercks, Marcoe

Respectfully submitted by:

Jackie Hungerford, School Board Secretary