The organization shall be known as the “Immaculate Heart of Mary Athletic Association,” (IHMAA). The organization shall be responsible for currently conducting the basketball co-educational program governed by the Catholic Metro League of Atlanta (CMLA) and the girls Volleyball program governed by the Catholic Metro Volleyball League of Atlanta (CMVL). The IHMAA is responsible for conducting the K and 1-2 grade intramural basketball programs. The organization may expand to include other sports and activities in the future. This organization is empowered by IHM Church through its Pastor to carry out its designated functions (Article II).
The purpose of the organization is to provide athletic activity and guidance in a Christian atmosphere stressing participation, sportsmanship, and character.
The IHMAA shall be managed and its activities coordinated by an Executive Board which shall consist of the following officers: President and eight additional Athletic Association members for a total of nine officers. The President reserves the right to appoint a Vice President to be groomed to assume the role of President.
Board members will serve two year terms . The 2 year term may be extended at the board members request. Extension of the 2 year term must be mutually agreed upon by the Athletic board. New board member nominations must be approved by a majority of the IHM Athletic board. The nominations will be voted on by the board at the end of year meeting, which takes place around the March and April timeframe. Communication to the parish and school to obtain nominees can be in a variety of ways, such as e-mail, written updates and “word of mouth” grass roots efforts to look for the matching skill sets needed that arise for certain board vacancies. It is the intent of the IHM Athletic Board to remain balanced in tenure and skill set in an effort to maintain a cohesive operating entity.
Once members are on the Board, a specific assignment will be decided for each member.
The President is the chairperson of all Board meetings.
A simple majority (5) of the Board shall represent a quorum. Absentee proxy is acceptable if a Board member is unable to be present.
A simple majority of those present or by proxy shall be sufficient to adopt any motion or resolution. All proxy votes must be in writing and specific to the issue.
The Board shall meet no less than quarterly with the President having the option to cancel or reschedule meetings. The President or a majority shall have the right to call special meetings.
Board members may appoint Advisory positions (‘Advisory Board’), as needed, to facilitate certain activities. The Advisory Board is designed for members of the IHM community to provide assistance to the Board based on work skills; business relationships etc., which may help advance the Athletic Associations goals.
Examples of Advisory Board skill sets include, but are not limited to:
- Fund raising
- Cash management and banking
- Non-CMLA tournament planning such as the Shamrock Tournament in Charlotte, N.C.
- Coordination of summer camps
- Building and facilities planning
Advisory positions are non-voting.. A suggested number of Advisory Board members are five (5), however the Board may appoint as many or as few people as needed. A simple majority of five (5) Board members are required to appoint Advisory Board members.
There are no limits to the number of terms that an Advisory Board member may serve.
The duties of the IHMAA Board are as follow:
- To collect fees and authorize expenditures of funds. Fees collected and expenditures will be turned over to the IHM Parish business manager.
- Provide means for raising funds.
- Promote and publicize the Association and its purposes.
- Execute any contracts or documents that become necessary for carrying out the Association’s business.
- Set fees for sports activities.
- Coordinate the scheduling and maintenance of the facilities during the season.
- Approve and determine among them the President.
- Suspend or expel players or parents from the Association and affiliated sports programs for misconduct.
- Suspend or expel Board members for dereliction of duties by a majority vote of all other Board members. A quorum (five votes) is necessary in order to expel a Board member.
- Approve and suspend coaches. Coaches must adhere to guidelines set out by the Board. These guidelines are contained in Appendix A.
- In the event of an opening on the Board during the season, the Board shall appoint a person to fill the vacated position for the rest of the season. The person will then be required to run again for the board the following year.
- Direct the activities associated with the Athletic Association.
- The Directors will help with registration, team separations, uniform distribution, assist in acquiring suitable coaches, and overseeing facilities on activity days, ordering and procuring needed equipment, and scheduling of gym and facilities. The duties will be assigned by consent to individual officers.
- Safeguard the rights and interests of all players of their leagues as prescribed by the Board, the playing rules of the affiliated leagues, and the approved local rules.
- Carry out the directions of the Board with respect to placement of players with extraordinary circumstances. The Board must make these decisions.
Duties of individual Board members are as follows:
- Be a liaison to the Parish, School, and Pastor.
- Call and preside at all meetings of the Board and general membership.
- Sign official documents, contracts, deeds or other instruments.
- Enforce the by-laws and rules of the Association.
- Execute and enforce all decisions of the Board.
- As a member of the Board, the President shall have a full right to vote on all questions before the Board.
- Shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
- Shall be responsible for posting announcements, advertisements, and league data.
- Officiate at all ceremonies and banquets.
- Be the official spokesperson for the association.
- Oversee scheduling/maintenance of facilities.
- Serve as IHMAA’s representative on CMLA’s Board of Directors.
- Designate or solicit other Board Members for the responsibility of any duty listed above.
- Execute the duties of the President in his/her absence
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, call a Board meeting to select a new President to fill the unexpired term. The Vice President shall serve as acting President until such replacement is selected.
- Serve and preside at all meetings in the absence of the President. This would include serving as replacement on the CMLA Board for the Association in the absence of the President.
- Assist the President in the general leadership and management of the programs, Board, and committees.
1) Criteria:
a) IHM school students, or
b) IHM registered parishioners
2) Numbering system and team size:
a) Team size must comply with the guidelines of the Catholic Metro League of Atlanta.
Revised April 2007
Adopted by the Athletic Board of Directors May 22, 2001
- Persons wishing to coach must indicate so in the child’s registration form. If a person wishes to coach, but does not have a child in the program, she or he must inform the Board President in writing during the registration period.
- Coaches will customarily be screened by the Athletic Board of Directors ( or a committee thereof) and approved by the Board President
- The Athletic Board of Directors has the final say who is invited to coach.
- There shall be no appeal process.
- Remember, Coaching is a privilege, not a right.
- New coaches will customarily be interviewed by the Athletic Board of Directors (or a committee thereof).
- First year coaches must have been an assistant for at least one year, unless an exception is made by the Athletic Board.
- No coach will be approved to coach more than two teams during the same season, unless an exception is made by the athletic Board.
- All coaches must agree to an official criminal background check. There shall be NO exception to this requirement.
- Teach basic sports skills
- Develop character in the players
- Demonstrate patience, restraint, and perseverance
- Teach and show sportsmanship
- Strive to keep parents and team members under control through own exemplary behavior
- Maintain Christian conduct at all times
- Be a Christian witness
- Ensure that all players actively participate in game prayers
- Ensure that all players demonstrate good sportsmanship, with a positive attitude, when they shake hands with the opposing team at the end of each game
- Support and follow Church leadership as promoted by the Athletic Board
- Be present at all coaches’ meetings
- Discuss rules with players and parents before the season begins
- Refrain from smoking immediately before and during practices and games
- Open and/or close each practice with a prayer
- Select an assistant coach after teams have been formed
- Select a Team Parent to assist in all non-coaching duties (phone calls, arranging get-togethers, communicating with parents, etc.)