Autopax passenger services ( SOC ) Limited, intends appointing a service provider for the manufacturing, supply and delivering of Corporate and Work wear clothing to various depots and offices Nationally.
Autopax issues all eligible employees in the operations, Sales and Technical (PPE) divisions annually with uniform clothing to ensure all frontline staff present themselves in a dress code that has been specifically designed to enhance the branded image of the Business with the two main products it sells to the public namely City to City and Translux.
Autopax requires the Services to ensure:
- we issue all employees with full corporate uniforms and workwear (where applicable) as required by Company Policy once annually and,
- to ensure we present a professional image of the business where passengers are transported by passenger coaches en-route or when buying tickets from any sales office nationwide.
To issue Corporate Uniform and protective wear to employees. To ensure the Image of the Company well displayed and employees contribute to the enhancement of the two BRANDS (City-to city, Translux)
- Scope of Work and Areas of Focus
The Service Provider will be required to be competent in the design, manufacture and distribution of corporate Uniform Clothing and Workwear annually and on an Ad Hoc basis, when required where new employees join the business.
- The contract duration period will be for a period of 36 Months from signing of the Contract.
- Goods or garments must be priced in accordance with Bill of Quantities attached as annexure “ A”
- Detailed specifications
Autopax requirements will be as follows:
Employee Measurements
- Autopax will provide a detail list of qualifying employees per depot or Office to the Service Provider as well as venues on premises where measurement will take place.
- Measurements will take place at Autopax depots (please see attached annexure “c “ for list and description of places).
- All travel and accommodation will be for the account of the Service Provider.
- No employee not indicated on qualifying list will be measured or issued with items
- Service Provider will make available a suitable venue for Autopax clothing Committee members to inspect samples of items before sign off and make minor changes within scope of the tender.
- All measurements should be completed in the shortest possible time period for all employees in all areas
- Measurements should be done between 5 am to 8 Pm daily including weekends due to operations of the business to accommodate all Long Distance Drivers in the Cape Town, Pretoria and Johannesburg depots where vehicles arrive and depart.( all Autopax Depots)
- Smaller offices and depots to be visited individually for measurements
Clothing Deliveries / dispatching
- All employees to receive a complete delivery of items once off, fully itemized and on signature
- Service provider to make available person for managing delivered issues to each employee on signature
- Service Provider to deliver all items to depots and offices at own cost
- No exchanges will be accommodated where employee sizes has changed due to employee default or misuse of garments not in line with wearing instructions on labels
- Exchanges by Service provider on faulty or incorrectly delivered items will be finalized within 30 days strictly
Manufactured materials
- All material identified for Manufacturing as per samples provided by supplier must be as per Company requirements and Branding standards
- No cheap imitations will be accepted
- Materials used for manufacturing of garments must comply to South African Textile Standards and be of South African origin.
- Quality of materials should not be compromised
- All data and administrative work from sample sign off up to end of tender to be maintained and managed by the Service Provider and kept on a professional system of recordkeeping.
- Each employee to sign for received items on a delivery sheet indicating each item, size and total garments received.
- No changes or additions will be administered without authorization of delegated Autopax Manager to the project
- Service Provider to appoint a professional dedicated Project Manager for the complete duration of the contract on an Annual basis as to allow for consistency and compliance.
The service provider shall therefore demonstrate the capacity to:
- Source raw material for all garments
- Produce samples as per Company specifications for approval
- Measure all eligible employees and deliver individual full sets to all depots and offices in the following regions at own cost.
- Western Cape
- Eastern Cape
- Free State
- Mpumalanga
- Limpopo
- Gauteng
- Kwa Zulu Natal
- Have well-functioning manufacturing and dispatching facilities.
- Measurement samples should not deviate from garments to be manufactured according to specifications
- Manufacture garments of a high quality according to set standards
- Adhere to Autopax brand identities and application thereof on identified garments
- Administer the project in a professional manner
- Appoint a dedicated and professional Project Manager to lead the project from start to finish
- Do exchanges within 30 days and to produce Ad Hoc garments as and when required
- Be able to deliver all manufactured garments per employee within 120 days from start of project ( Refer to Annexure “A”)
The contract duration period may vary according to business needs preferably three years (36 Months)
- evaluation criteria
The evaluation should be done in three stages as follows:
Stage 1: Compliance Requirements
- Valid Tax Clearance Certificate (must be valid on closing date of submission of the proposal);
- Valid BBBEE Certificate from a SANAS accredited rating agency or IRBA;
- Letter from auditors confirming shareholding of the Bidder;
- Completed and signed Tender Forms of Autopax with all the annexures thereto;
- Certificate for Attendance of Compulsory Briefing Session;
- Bank Rating Code
- Company registration documents (COR, CM 29)
- Letter of good standing (COID)
- Letter of good standing (UIF)
- Security Screening
- Copies of Directors IDs
- Consortium or Joint Venture Agreement (whichever if applicable)
- Company letter head
- Proof registration on Central Data Base (CSD)
- Only locally produced services or locally manufactured goods with a stipulated
- Minimum threshold for local content will be considered.
- All Bidders must complete SBD 6.2.
- Supplier must be able to fund themselves for a period of 2-3 months prior to payment for work done.
Stage 2: Technical/Functionality Requirements
- Technical Mandatory Requirements:
Bidders who do not achieve the 70% threshold on technical evaluation will be automatically disqualified.
- Bidders will be evaluated Based on the following criteria:
Delivery lead times
Bank Rating
Site Inspection
- The following evaluation matrix will be used:
CRITERIA / INDICATOR / WEIGHT / SCOREDelivery lead time / ( Project plan to be provided by the service provider to indicate the timeframes of all the below)
- Measurements
- Sample selection & approval
- manufacturing
2 = 23 weeks
3 = 21 weeks
4 = 19 weeks
5 = 17 weeks
Experience / Provide references from previous and / or existing clients
Refer to the attached questionnaire for client completion. / 10 / 1 = Very poor
2 = Poor
3 = Average
4 = Good
5 = Excellent
Financial ability / A list of similar projects and values ( current and completed in last 5 years) / 10 / 1 =0 to 400 thousand Rand
2 = Above 400 thousand to 600 thousand Rand
3 = above 600 thousand to 800 thousand Rand
4 = Above 800 thousand to 1.2 Million Rand
5 = Above 1.2 Million Rand
Bank Rating Code / Not older than Three Months. / 15 / 1 = E and above
2 = D
3 = C
4 = B
5 = A
Site inspection / The site inspection will be conducted to establish the following:
Does the measuring and sample selection area of proper size to accommodate the project team and Autopax representatives to meet and discuss sample selections. Samples to be available
Does the Service provider have a fully functional Admin office/s with computerized data systems (PC’s, printers, data systems, administrators, accounts department, project team and management division.)
Is the property or premises fully guarded by a Security Company. The property should be secured by access control to prevent any possibility of theft or damage to goods
Does the Service Provider have fully functional Manufacturing department or warehouse on premises or off site where raw materials will be manufactured with adequate manufacturing staff and manufacturing machinery
Does the Service Provider have a warehouse fully secured and protected where garments can be packed, stored and dispatched from with dispatching staff
Does the Service provider have the necessary Health and Safety Act requirements in place for example,
required placement of fire extinguishers demarcation of safety areas warnings of risk areas etc. / 35 / 1 = less than admin, manufacturing & despatch
2 = minimum of admin, Manufacturing & dispatch.
3 = minimum of admin, manufacturing ,dispatch & security
4= minimum of admin, manufacturing, dispatch security & measuring area.
5 = Meet all listed requirements/indicators
TOTAL / 100
- Summary of Weights:
Delivery lead time / 30
Experience / 10
Financial ability & Bank Rating / 25
Site inspection / 35
Total / 100
Stage 3: Pricing and BBBEEE
Bidders who have achieved the 70% threshold for Technical evaluation will be evaluated for the Price component which is 80% of the Evaluation Criteria.
The BBBEE component of evaluation is weighted at 20% of the evaluation criteria. Bidders will be awarded the following points based on the level of their BBBEE as per their BBBEE Certificate issued by an agency approved by SANAS:
BBBEE Status Level of Contributor / Number of Points1 / 20
2 / 18
3 / 14
4 / 12
5 / 8
6 / 6
7 / 4
8 / 2
Non-complaint contributor / 0
Annexure “ A “
Bill of quantities
Annexure “ B”
Standard Bidding Document 6:2
Declaration certificate for local content production and content for designated sectors.
Annexure “C”
Depots/Offices where measurements must be done.( Exact location addresses will be submitted on approval of the successful bidder)
Translux and City to City depot Cape Town
Translux and City to City depot Johannesburg
Translux and City to City depot Pretoria
Sales Office Polokwane
Sales Office Nelspruit
Sales Office Bloemfontein
Sales Office Port Elizabeth
Sales Office East London
Sales Office Cape Town
Sales Office Queenstown
Sales Office Durban
Sales Office Pietermaritzburg
Sales Office Johannesburg Park Station