L.L.A.N.I. Ltd. Town Hall, Great Oak Street, Llanidloes, Powys, SY18 6BN
Tel: 01686 412287. Fax: 01686 412388. E-mail:
14th May 2007
Llanidloes DVD’s at Coed-y-Dinas
The popular DVD ‘Llanidloes – First Town on the Severn’ presented by TV star Iolo Williams will be part of a unique special offer for one day only – buy a DVD on Sunday 27th May at Coed-y-Dinas, Welshpool and be entered into a prize draw to win an activity session for 2 during the Festival of the Great Outdoors in Llanidloes during August.
The DVD’s retail at just £9.99 each and activities to be won include archery, sailing, badger watching, canoeing, clay pigeon shooting and guided walks – many of which you can see Iolo trying his hand at on the DVD!
Claire Jones from community regeneration group L.L.A.N.I. Ltd said “This is a really great opportunity for anybody interested in finding out more about what they can see and do in Mid Wales, whilst competing for the opportunity to get out and about during our Festival for free! We’re very grateful to Coed-y-Dinas for supporting us and we hope that visitors to the store on 27th May will all be encouraged to not only buy a DVD, but to pick up a free brochure and Festival of the Great Outdoors leaflet.”
“A screen showing the trailer for the DVD will be playing at the store so you can get a taster for the full length version. It features footage of the infamous fancy dress party (see if you can spot yourself!), Llanidloes Air Day, Carnival and much much more including local wildlife, local artists, and local accommodation, not to mention the tallest dam in Britain and stunning aerial shots of Mid Wales.”
Claire will be at Coed-Dinas from 11am onwards on 27th May. DVD’s are also available from numerous shops in and around Llanidloes and from www.llanidloes.com where the trailer can be downloaded free of charge.
L.L.A.N.I. Ltd is supported by the Welsh Assembly Government and through European Structural funds.
L.L.A.N.I. Limited is registered in England and Wales. Company No. 4391270.