Test December 15, 2014

Word List: Graph=Writing

autobiography – (n) writing about a person’s life written by that person

autograph- (n) the writing of one’s own name

bibliography- (n) the written list of all of the books used in a report or book

biography- (n) a book written about a person’s life

cartography- (n) mapmaking; the writing involved in making maps or charts

homograph- (n) a word written the same way as another word but having a different meaning (e.g., bow-hair and bow-ship)

paragraph- (n) a section of writing that has a topic and concluding sentence

phonograph- (n) record player; a device that turns the writing on records into sound

photography- (n) the use of light to record an image using a camera

seismograph- (n) a device that writes down (records) the movements of the earth

Test January 5th, 2015

Word List: scrib, script=write

describe- (v) to say or write down how something or someone looks; to use adjectives in writing

inscription-(n) a short dedication written in a book

manuscript- (n) a piece of writing; a book

postscript- (n) P.S.; a short bit of writing added after a letter is finished

prescription- (n) a piece of paper written by a doctor that lets you get medicine at the pharmacy

scribble- (n) sloppy writing that is hard to read

scribe- (n) a person who writes things down

script- (n) a set of papers with writing that will be read and acted out

subscription-(n) a written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper for a set period of time

transcribe- (v) to write down or record; to translate

Test January 12th, 2015

Word List: cred=believe

accreditation- (n) granting approval or belief in a school

credential- (n) a document that proves a person is believable

credible– (adj) believable; reliable

credit- (v) to believe that someone will do something

creditor –(n) a person who believes htat he will be paid back the money that he loaned

credulous- (adj_ tending to belive too easily; easily convinced; easily fooled

creed –(n) a set of religious beliefs or principles

discredit- (v) to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue

incredible- (adj) not believable; improbable; unlikely

incredulous-(adj) doubting; unwilling or unable to believe

Test Jan26th, 2015

Word List: jur, jus, jud= law; justice

adjure- (v)to give up rights; to recant

judge–(n) a person chosen to interpret laws, decide on a winner, or settlea controversy

jurisdiction –(n) the territory or land in which justice and laws are administered and followed

jurist- (n) an expert in law

jury –(n) a group of people sworn to abide by the laws to determine the truth

just- (adj) lawful; fair

justice- (n) fairness; rightfulness

justification –(n) the fact that is said to prove that something is true

justify- (v) to prove; to offer

perjury- (v) to break the law by lying; to break a formal promise; to break an oath

Test Feb. 2nd, 2015

Word List: ben, bene, bon= good, well

Benediction- (n) a good blessing in a religious service

Benefactor- (n) a good kperson who offers help or donates money

Beneficial- (adj) having a good outcome; favorable

Beneficiary –(n) a person who receives something good from someone else such as an inheritance

Benefit –(v) to gain or receive good results from something

Benevolent –(adj) kind; good-hearted

Benign- (adj) favorable; having a good effect; not harmful

Bonafide- (adj) in good faith; authentic; genuine; real

Bonus- (n) anything good that is received over and beyond what was expected (usually money)

Bon voyage- (n) French for “have a good trip”

Test Feb 9th, 2015

Word List: mal, male = bad; abnormal; worse

Dismal-(adj) depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing bad feelings

Malady –(n) bad health; illness; sickness

Malaria- (bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitoes

Malefactor- (n) an evildoer; a person who does bad things

Malevolent- (adj) a word that describes a person or character who wishes bad things would happen to others

Malfeasance- (n)wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official

Malice –(n) mischief; evil intent; bad

Malignant- (adj) harmful; something bad enough that it could result in death when related to cancer

Malnourished- (adj) having bad health or having poor nutrition

Malodorous – (adj) bad smell; stinky

Test Feb 16th, 2015

Word List: bio

Antibiotic- (n) a medicine used to save lives because it destroys harmful bacteria and cures infections

Autobiography –(n) a piece of writing written by a person about his or her own life

Biography –(n) a piece of writing about a person’s life written by someone else

Biologist –(n) a person who studies living things

Biology- (n) the study of living things

Biopsy –(n) the removal of living tissue from the body for diagnostic examination

Biosphere- (n) the zone of planet Earth where there is life (between the deep crust and the lower atmosphere)

Macrobiotic diet- (n) a diet thought to help people live longer because it focuses on natural food

Neurobiology- (n) the study of the nervous system of living things and how it helps the living things learn and react

Symbiosis –(n) how tow different living organisms live together and depend on each other

Test Feb 23rd, 2015

Word List: vit, viv = live; life

Revitalize – (v) to bring something back after it declined in condition or popularity; to breathe new life into something

Revive –(v) to bring back to life again

Survival –(n) the ability to continue living

Survivor –(a person who lives through a difficult event or experience

Vital – (adj) necessary or essential to life

vitality – (n) quality or state of being full of life; state of being full or enery

Vitamin –(n) a tablet of substances that are thought to promote a healthy life

Vivacious –(adj) full of life; fun; lively; animated

Vivid- (adj) “as big as life”, brightly colored; daring

Vivisection –(n) surgery on living animals; medical research that involves cutting into animals to study organs, parts, or diseases