Minutes of meeting of Executive Committee held in Kinnoull Room, Dewars Centre, Perth on 23 April 2005
Present:Ken Daly (Chair), Donald Grassie, Graeme Ackland, Bill Stevenson, Donald Petrie, Robert Philp and Catherine Goodfellow (sportscotland).


Peter Lamb, Lynne Walker and Paul Caban.

Register of Interests

The members register of interests was circulated to allow listed interests to be checked and for any interest in items to be discussed declared.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

26 February 2005

Matters arising from previous minute and action sheet

Action Sheet
Item 1: Lynne still trying to get agreement with other Home Nations on criteria to be used when representing country in Home Internationals.
Item 2: IT Strategy statement on agenda.
Item 3: SOA Data Privacy Policy on agenda.
Item 4: Ken and Donald Grassie talking over issues of communication with Donald Petrie still outstanding.
Item 5: Use of additional Development Grant Aid funding to be discussed under item 6 on agenda.
Item 6: No date next year for Modern Governance Management in Sport seminar has yet been confirmed.
Item 7: Review of visions and goals in 2005 Operational Plan on agenda.
Item 8: Policy on embargoed areas is now available to members.
Item 9: Inter Club Championship on agenda.
Item 10: Competitions Review on agenda.
Item 11: Competitions Review on agenda.
Item 12: No information on whether any outstanding expenses payments to APOs have been made following decision at last meeting.
Item 13: HR and expenses policy on agenda.
Item 14: Professional Officers’ salary increases implemented.
Item 15: Ann Walder advised on Gael Force 10 funding.
Item 16: Peggie Gordon advised on controller appointment.
Item 17: Ken still working on Risk Assessment on SOA status document.
Item 18: Awaiting finalisation of BOF membership proposals.
Item 19: Awaiting finalisation of BOF membership proposals.
Item 20: Opening of NOC on agenda.
Item 21: Draft job descriptions with Ken.
Item 22: The need to consider running any SOA document past BOF insurers will be consired by Ken in drafting of Risk Assessment on SOA status. Will speak to the sportscotland insurance adviser on the Financial and Legal Advisory Panel and consider any further advise that could be issued to clubs.
Item 23: Donald Grassie still to speak to Roger Coombs on blank and out of date web pages.

Vice President (Performance) Report

The report from Lynne Walker circulated with the agenda was noted.
Discussed questions relating to Performance and Coaching Symposium and Ken agreed to speak to Lynne regarding:-
Suggested people to approach regarding “Team Leader” roles.
Whether a Grade 2 controllers course could be added.
Graeme looking for volunteer to host Catching Features computer game.
Publicity should promote event as fun weekend.

Vice President (Administration) Report

a] Additional Development Grant Aid from sportscotland
Discussions have taken place with JDOs and others regarding use of this additional funding. AYROC and GRAMP/MAROC will use funding towards projects involving children and getting them to events. BASOC/INVOC are discussing addition school coaching with Active Schools Co-ordinators. In Lothians use towards courses aimed to assist first time planners and coaches is being considered. Donald Grassie will draw together summary of all proposals and how success is to be measured for sportscotland.
b] SOA HR and Expenses Policies
Ken has discussed production of these policies with Jo Thyer, sportscotland. Jo has provided copies of documents that may be suitable for adaptation for SOA use. Ken to initially look at these documents along with Donald Grassie.
c] IT Strategy [Modernisation Grant]
Donald Grassie has still to speak to Hilary to finalise what is required to cover roles of professional staff and volunteers before finalising strategy document.
d] Data Protection Policy and Guidelines
Agreed to approve the draft of a SOA Data Privacy Policy previously circulated.
e] Modern Governance and Management in Sport
Donald Grassie still to confirm a date in the early part of 2006 with sportscotland for seminar. Will initially check with Paul for blank dates in fixtures list.
f] Management Audit
Donald Grassie is at present updating summary of points raised with actions.


a] The report from Paul Caban circulated with the agenda was noted.
b] The report from Graeme Ackland circulated with the agenda was noted and the following points discussed.
  • Agreement has still to be reached with two clubs regarding a date for a 2006 SOL, both clubs wishing to hold its event on the same date. Agreed that if a compromise cannot be reached then the Competitions Convenor will decided on the dates to be allocated, with the club not getting its preferred date being given a first choice date in the next year they wish to hold a SOL.
  • Agreed that Loch Doon be considered as a possible venue for the 2008 British Champs.
  • Confirmed decision advised to BOF that the SOA did not wish to be considered as host for 2007 JK. Should another region wish to consider holding the event in Scotland then the SOA has no objection to this proposal provided use of any area does not affect use of the area by the SOA or any Scottish club.
  • The Executive would like to see the continuation of the short race series on Saturdays prior to SOLs. It was acknowledged that this is dependent on a co-ordinator for the series coming forward and clubs or individuals being prepared to put on the events.
c] Competitions Review
Graeme advised on the written and verbal responses he received to the Competitions Review document published in the Nov/Dec 2004 edition of Score.
Following these responses the actions proposed at this time are
  • To continue the allocation of SOA events to clubs or areas. Agreed that comments from clubs are in favour of this practice.
  • Look at the class to course allocations for JM/JW5S at SOLs. Comments received via SCOTJOS are that these courses tend to be short for the classes and that there is then a big jump in course length ratio to the next class. Agreed that the class to course combinations for SOLs be reviewed to take account of the 2003 revision in the BOF Guidelines for Badge Events and that this may involve the addition of an additional course. That organising clubs are given the option of offering a red course. That the SOL course numbering sequence remains as it is ie. the reverse of that use by BOF. Any changes proposed to be publicised and not introduced until 2006 series.
  • Produce and publicise Rules and Guidelines for SOA events, drafts circulated with the minutes. These are based on proposals expressed in the Competitions Review and comments received.
11 Person Relay:-Agreed to draft
Scottish Night Champs:-Agreed that the provision of first aid cover should be based on a risk assessment and to include reference to carrying out such an assessment. Should look at whether there is any reference in BOF Rules to below M/W16 taking part or whether the non-offering of any course is sufficient.
Scottish Score:-Agreed to draft.
Scottish Inter-Club Champs:-Agreed that there should be only one scoring system included in the guidelines. With the competition at present being held in conjunction with the Scottish Score Champs it was agreed that the scoring system should be that where the competitors total Score points is weighted by age class. The weighting should include all classes from M/W10 upwards. The clubs best 24 (large clubs) or 16 (small clubs) competitor scores counting towards the club total. If in the future this event were held in conjunction with, or held alone, as a C3 or C4 event an appropriate scoring system would be agreed at that time.
Jamie Stevenson Trophy:-Agreed the draft rules and Graeme to discuss with Maureen Brown whether any guidelines need to be added.
Scottish Individual Orienteering Champs:-Agreed to draft and that qualification criteria for trophies referred to in the guidelines is applicable to all Scottish Champs events. All other Scottish Champs events only having one M/W21 trophy.
Scottish Relay Championships:-The letter sent to the Vice President (Administration), and copied to some other members of the Executive, complaining about the format to be used at this years Scottish Relays was considered as part of this item. It was noted that a copy of this letter had not been sent to the Competitions Convenor and that he had also been excluded from other emails sent to members of the SOA Executive voicing concern that the change to format had been made without consultation with the membership and agreement of the Executive. In considering this letter it was agreed that the changes to be introduced this year had been referred to in the Competitions Review published in the Nov/Dec 2004 issue of Score. All members had the opportunity to respond to the Competitions Convenor on this Review and had again been asked for views and comments in the Jan/Feb 2005 issue of Score. In the absence of any negative views or comments on a change to the relay format a set of Rules and Guidelines for the Scottish Relay Champs was drafted by the Competitions Convenor. All the new draft Rules and Guidelines for Scottish Champs events were unfortunately not discussed at the February 2005 Executive Committee meeting however subsequent to this meeting it was decided, in the absence of any negative comments arising from the Competitions Review, to go with the changed format this year. It was agreed that members had been given the opportunity to make comment on this relay format as part of the Review and not to agree to the request in the letter that the East Area be told it should change back to classes offered in previous years for the 2005 event. Donald Grassie will respond direct to the letter of complaint.
In considering the draft Scottish Relay Champs Rules and Guidelines it was agreed that competitors be consulted on their views of the change after this years event. This will allow consideration to be given to how the event was received and need for any further refinements.
d] European Master Games
Donald Petrie reported on his meeting with Karen Taylor, Eventscotland, and Brian Porteous regarding Glasgow’s bid for the 2008 European Masters Games and the wish to include orienteering as one of the sports at the games. The likely dates for the Games may mean there will be difficulty in finding enough orienteers able to give up sufficient time to run the orienteering events. Agreed not to completely rule out possibility at this time. That at any future discussions it should be indicted that although the SOA may be able to provide planners and controllers for appropriate venues the inclusion of orienteering would require the provision of substantial support from outwith the SOA to enable events to be held.

Treasurers Report

a] Budget Report
Noted report with following comments:-
Under what heading will NOC costs appear in future budget reports.
Are figures for Glenmore Lodge and Junior Squad reseves correct? Given the similarity in figures.
b] Agreed increase in mileage payment rates to volunteers from 15p to 20p from September 2005.
c] Agreed to approve expenditure of up £1000 from NOC reserves towards furniture and fittings at new NOC building Glenmore Lodge.
d] Agreed to the provision of a broadband connection for professional officer. Donald Petrie will consult with Donald Grassie on use of appropriate service provider to allow transfer of SOA website.
e] Agreed to recommend to AGM that individual and family SOA membership subscriptions be increased by £1 for 2006. All other membership subsciptions and levies to remain at present level.
Professional Officers’ Report
The report from Donald Petrie circulated with the agenda was noted.
a] Forestry Commission Agreement
Agreed that in negotiations with the Forestry Commission a national agreement for those services which might result in a charge is favoured. If charging is proposed for use of forest roads for parking then this may require to be further considered, particularly for low participation events.
b] Working with SYHA
Agreed to await further details from Hilary before considering how any proposals can be funded.
Use of Colour Printing in Score
Ken summarised his discussions with Anne Hickling regarding the possible use of colour printing in parts of Score. The use of colour would not extend to the whole magazine but possibly front cover and centre pages. During discussion the question of Score being available online was mentioned and that this might afford use of colour to augment some articles. The Committee felt that it did not wish to commit to such a move at this time but to continue the discussion by email and at a future meeting.
Use and Copyright of Blackhall Map
The organisers of the MTBO event on the rest day at this years 6-Days have asked to use Blackhall Forest from the Scolty car park to the Shooting Greens car park. This requires use of the Blackhall map that is SOA copyright. As parts of the Blackhall map are now on the Scolty map the possibility of transferring the copyright of the Blackhall map to GRAMP was also raised. Agreed to the use of the area for the MTBO and that any transfer of copyright would be considered following formal request.
Appointment of Controllers
Considered and approved application for Controller – Grade 3 from Kenneth Milton (Grampian Orienteers). Peggie Gordon to be advised of decision.
SOA Constitution and Status
Ken is still drafting the Risk Assessment and when finalised will be considered at an Executive Committee meeting.

Annual General Meeting / Opening of National Orienteering Centre Building

Programme for Saturday 11th June is:
10:30 – 11:30 BASOC local event
13:00 Buffet lunch for invited guests at Glenmore Lodge
14:00 Official opening of new NOC building
15:00 SOA Annual General Meeting
Capercaillie restrictions mean that the BASOC local event will not be at Glenmore. It is hoped to use a new area at Avielochan. Donald Grassie will check if it is too late to change this information in the next edition of Score. It is still hoped that it may be possible to have an exhibition event in the grounds of Glenmore Lodge for the benefit of the invited guests.
Ross along with Tim Walker, Glenmore Lodge, is finalising a list of possible guests to be invited to the opening of the new building. This list will be circulated for comment before invitations are sent out. There will be a buffet lunch at 13:00 hours for invited guests with opening of new building at 14:00. Agreed that Tim Walker be asked to formally open building unless he is of opinion that one of the invited guests be asked to perform the opening after opening speeches by Ken and Tim.
The new NOC building is 90% complete. Keys are to be handed over on 6th June after which office will be moved and equipment transferred to store. In process of finalising wording of 35 year lease with sportscotland. Annual costs, including gas, electricity, water, sewerage, waste disposal and maintenance, are anticipated as being around £700 per year. Indication is that building will be zero rated for rates based on rates relief due to use.
Issie Inglis, who runs a ladies adventure training registered charity at Glenmore, has enquired regarding the possibility of sharing office accommodation. Discussed concerns arising form such use on free or rented basis. Agreed that Donald Petrie will look further into how this can be done on formal and informal basis taking into points raised during discussion.
Agreed that the wording on signs for the new building include both “National Orienteering Centre” and “Scottish Orienteering Association”.
The secretary will email officials and officers asking that any reports to be included in the AGM papers be with him by 15th May. This email will be sent out next week, as the secretary will be away from 30th April to 15th May. If reports have been forwarded by 15th May this should allow time to finalise AGM booklet and arrange printing so that it can be with members the required 14 days before the meeting.
Review of visions and goals in 2005 Operational Plan
Agreed that Donald Grassie would circulate the summary for comments in relation to progress.

Any Other Business

a] Ken advised that there would be reference to the SOA requiring a new Treasurer and Secretary in the next issue of Score.
b] There is a BOF workshop in Birmingham on 7th May on the BOF Membership Proposals. Ken is unable to attend. Any suggestions on a possible SOA representative should be sent to Ken.

Date of Next Meeting

Unless business requires it there will not be another Executive Committee meeting before the AGM.


No / Page / Item / Action / By whom
1 / 2 / 4/22 / Speak to sportscotland insurance adviser. / K Daly
2 / 2 / 4/23 / Discuss blank and out of date web pages with Roger Coombs / D Grassie
3 / 2 / 5 / Speak to Lynne regarding discussions on Performance and Coaching Symposium. / K Daly
4 / 2 / 6[a] / Draft summary of proposals to use Additional Development Grant Aid. / D Grassie
5 / 3 / 6[b] / Adaptation of documents provided via sportscotland for use as SOA HR and Expenses Policy. / K Daly
D Grassie
6 / 3 / 6[c] / Speak to Hilary and finalise IT Strategy [Modernisation Grant] / D Grassie
7 / 3 / 6[g] / Investigate Modern Governance and Management in Sport seminar date. / D Grassie
8 / 3 / 7[c] / Draft club allocation for future SOA events. / G Ackland
9 / 3 / 7[c] / Review SOL course/class combinations with regard to BOF Guidelines. / G Ackland
10 / 3/4 / 7[c] / Update and publicise SOA event Rules and Guidelines in accordance with discussions. / G Ackland
11 / 4 / 7[c] / Reply to letter of complaint regarding format of 2005 Scottish Relays. / D Grassie
12 / 4 / 7[d] / Include requirement for substantial support from outwith the SOA in any future European Masters Games discussions. / D Petrie
13 / 4 / 8[a] / Note comments on Budget Report. / P Lamb
14 / 4 / 8[b] / Implement agreed new mileage payments from September 2005. / P Lamb
15 / 4 / 8[c] / Note agreed expenditure approval from NOC reserves. / P Lamb
16 / 4 / 8[d] / Investigate appropriate broadband service provider. / D Petrie
D Grassie
17 / 4 / 8[e] / Included recommendations for 2006 Subscriptions and Levies in AGM papers. / R Philp
18 / 4 / 9[a] / Press for no charge for parking on forest roads in future discussions with Forestry Commission on national agreement with SOA. / D Petrie
19 / 5 / 9[b] / Provide further details on suggested joint working with SYHA. / H Quick
20 / 5 / 10 / Continue consideration and discussion on use of colour printing in Score. / All
21 / 5 / 12 / Advise Peggie Gordon of Grade 3 Controller approval. / R Philp
22 / 5 / 14 / Check on changing venue on publicity for BASOC local event prior to AGM. / D Grassie
23 / 5 / 14 / Circulate list of suggested guests for official opening of new NOC building. / D Petrie
R McLennan
24 / 6 / 14 / Investigate further implications that may arise from shared use of office. / D Petrie
25 / 6 / 14 / Write and ask officials and officers for AGM reports. / R Philp
26 / 6 / 15 / Circulate for updating comments for review of visions and goals in 2005 Operational Plan / D Grassie
27 / 6 / 16[b] / Advise Ken of any delegate interested in representing SOA at BOF membership proposals seminar. / All