June 2013
2501 Henry Road
Anniston,Alabama 36207
Presidents of The Donoho School Parents’ Association
1973-1974Cloyd Staples2001-2002Mandi King
1974-1975 Bill Morgan2002-2003George Monk
1975-1976 Bill Morgan2003-2004Holley Kennedy
1976-1977 Phil Holladay2004-2005Mitch Hurt
1977-1978 Phil Holladay2005-2006Gina Stephens
1978-1979 George Hines2006-2007Brooke Nelson
1979-1980 Frank Hague2007-2008Patricia Ready
1980-1981 O. B. Hunter2008-2009Debbie Garrett
1981-1982 Harry Flanders2009-2010Kristie Alderman
1982-1983 Ken Taylor2010-2011Priscilla McMillan
1983-1984 Linda Cater2011-2012Lisa Montgomery
1984-1985 Fran Barksdale2012-2013Sally Haynes
1985-1986 Bill Barnes2013-2014Kelle Edwards
1986-1987 Carroll Davie2014-2015Shannon Thomas
1987-1988 Lynn Isom2015-2016Kelle Edwards
1988-1989 Mary Jane Powell
1989-1990 Lela Sarrell
1990-1991 Ginny Herrema
1991-1992 Jack McEnroe
1992-1993 Antoinette Patterson
1993-1994 Annette Balliett
1994-1995 Sherry Curtis
1995-1996 Janet Miller
1996-1997 Jan Hurlbutt
1997-1998 Cathy Fockele
1998-1999 Susan Long
1999-2000 Cindy Bagley
2000-2001 Cherri Morgan
The name of the organization shall be The Donoho School Parents’ Association (hereinafter referred to as the “DPA”).
The purpose of the DPA shall be the following:
A. To support the mission of The Donoho School (hereinafter referred to as the “school”) as determined by the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”).
B. To help families at various grade levels come to know one another and to join in promoting the school.
C. To offer voluntary involvement in extra-curricular and fundraising activities.
D. To provide an avenue to enhance communication between the school’s parents, and the faculty, staff, and Board.
All parents/guardians of students enrolled in school are members of the DPA and are invited to participate in the DPA’s activities and projects.
ARTICLE IV. Officers
Section 1. Elected Officers. Elected officers of the DPA shall be a president, president-elect, vice presidents (US, MS, LS), secretary, and treasurer.
Section 2. Appointed Officers. Additional officers/committee chairmen may be appointed by the DPA president and approved by the Steering Committee.
Section 3. Qualifications.
- To be eligible for the office of president, a person shall have served on the Steering Committee for at least two (2) years prior to beginning the term of president. (The president-elect year may count as one of the two years. The two years do not have to be served consecutively.)
- To be eligible for the office of president-elect, a person shall have served on the Steering Committee for at least one (1) year prior to the beginning of the term for which nominated.
- To serve in the offices of vice president, secretary, treasurer, appointed officer, or standing committee chairman, a person shall have been an active member of the DPA for one (1) year (when possible).
Section 4. Term of Office.
- Elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the school year in which they are elected and shall serve for a term of one year or until their successor is elected.
- A standing committee chairman shall not serve for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
- The position of president and president-elect shall be elected to serve a term of one year only.
- Committee chairmen and vice presidents should recruit members immediately upon election.
Section 5. Vacancy. A vacancy in any elected office other than that of president shall be filled by the DPA president and approved by the School President and the Steering Committee.
Section 6. Duties of Elected Officers. Officers shall perform the duties provided in this section and other duties prescribed in these Bylaws and in the adopted parliamentary authority. Each officer shall be responsible for maintaining his/her individual Steering Committee notebook (paper or electronic) and passing it to incoming officers.
A. President shall fulfill the following duties:
1. Preside at all meetings of the DPA and the Steering Committee.
2. Attend parents’ night meetings to inform parents about the organization, membership, and activities of the DPA.
3. Work closely with other officers and school’s administration on all projects.
4. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
5. Report activities of the organization at the bi-monthly Board meeting. Prepare a written copy of the report for the secretary of the Board which is to be emailed to the school president’s secretary on or prior to the Friday before a scheduled meeting of the Board.
6. Appoint special committees in agreement with Article VIII, Section 4.
7. Appoint an account review committee in agreement with Article VIII, Section 3.
8. Be knowledgeable about activities of the school and communicate positively with parents.
B. President-elect shall:
1. Preside at all meetings in the absence of the DPA president.
2. Work closely with the DPA president, other officers, and the school’s administration on all projects.
3. Assist the DPA president in scheduling and making arrangements for all meetings of the DPA and Steering Committee meetings as needed.
4. Attend all committee meetings except the nominating committee, if he/she so desires.
5. Coordinate the DPA Steering Committee End-of-Year Report to include copies from committee chairmen of plans/procedures for all projects carried out during the previous year.
a. Work with the school’s administration/secretaries in compiling all the resource materials necessary for the Student-Parent Handbook.
b. Ensure that the DPA Steering Committee End-of-Year Report is distributed via email prior to at the end-of-year meeting in May.
6. Assume the duties of the DPA president should a vacancy occur in that office.
7. Be knowledgeable about activities of the school and communicate positively with parents.
- Vice Presidents shall:
- Represent each of the school's divisions on the Steering Committee.
- Assist in planning faculty luncheon(s) and assist with teacher appreciation activities as requested by the teacher appreciation committee along with the divisions’ principals.
- Be knowledgeable about activities of the school and communicate positively with parents.
- Secretary shall:
- Record minutes at all meetings of the Steering Committee and furnish copies to all Steering Committee members either by hard copy or by email.
- Maintain for the Steering Committee the DPA’s record book(s) in which the Bylaws, financial policies, and minutes are entered with any amendments to these documents properly recorded, and to have current record book(s) on hand at every meeting.
- Attend to correspondence related to the DPA as requested by the DPA president and the school’s administration.
- Be knowledgeable about activities of the school and communicate positively with parents.
- Treasurer shall:
- Assist the DPA’s financial secretary in counting, depositing, and reporting monies for the DPA operating account.
- Work with the financial secretary of the DPA in preparing monthly reports for the Steering Committee and the DPA’s annual report for the annual meeting.
- Serve as chairman of the finance committee and, as chairman of this committee, may be invited to work with the development officer and the treasurer of the Board.
- Present proposed budget to the Steering Committee for approval (Article 8; section 2C.4.).
- Review the Compile and deliver interim financial reports prepared by the DPA Financial Secretary to be delivered to the treasurer of the Board and the school’s business manager who shall oversee the fiscal activities of the DPA.
- Compile and present year-end financial report showing all revenues and expenditures as of the last date of the fiscal year June 30. If any expenses are still outstanding they can be noted in the report. The report shall be presented at the August meeting of the Board and posted on the DPA’s page on the school’s website.
- Be knowledgeable about activities of the school and communicate positively with parents.
- Immediate past president shall serve on the Steering Committee in an advisory capacity.
ARTICLE V. Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations.
- A nominating committee of five (5) members shall be formed at the annual meeting as follows:
- The nominating committee shall submit five names, two (2) of whom are currently serving as members of the Steering Committee, and three (3) from the general membership of the DPA. One of the two representatives from the current Steering Committee will be asked to serve as chairman of the incoming nominating committee. If neither of these can serve in the chairman capacity, one of the remaining members from the general membership shall be asked. The chairman may attend all Steering Committee meetings as a non-voting member.
- No member shall serve on this committee for two (2) years consecutively.
- The president-elect is not eligible to serve on this committee.
- The nominating committee shall present to the school president for consideration a single slate of candidates for each office and standing committee chairmen thirty (30) days prior to the DPA’s annual meeting in May. Candidates shall represent each division of the school. After approval from the school president, names shall be placed in nomination. Consent shall be given by the nominees after approval from the school president and prior to the nominating process.
- The slate shall be published on the DPA’s page of the school’s website prior to the annual meeting and provided to the school president.
- Additional nominations may be made in writing with the written endorsement of five (5) members of the DPA, provided the nominee has agreed to serve if elected. They shall be received by the chairman of the nominating committee and the school’s administration at least one (1) week prior to the annual meeting and shall be announced with the nominating committee’s slate at the annual meeting.
Section 2. Elections.
Officers shall be elected by a majority by voice vote. Should a voice vote be too close to tell, written ballots will be distributed and counted as the official vote of the general membership.
- One vote per member (parent/guardian).
- Voting by proxy shall not be accepted.
ARTICLE VI. Meetings
An annual meeting of the DPA is to be held in May of each year, on a date and time determined by the DPA president and the school’s administration. The annual meeting shall be the DPA’s final meeting of the year. The purpose of the meeting shall be to elect officers, receive reports, and transact other business as may properly come before it. Regular and special meetings shall be scheduled by the DPA’s president and the school’s administration.
Section 1. Official Call. The date and time of the annual meeting shall be printed in the calendar of The Donoho School Handbook and Directory if possible. Notice shall be published on the DPA Page of the school’s website and an Edline email sent to all Donoho parents.
Section 2. Order of Business of the Annual Meeting.
- Call to Order.
- Report of Officers.
- Report of the Nominating Committee.
- Election of Officers.
- Administration and School Reports
- Report of the DPA Committees, Standing and Special.
- New Business.
Section 3. Quorum. The quorum for the annual meeting shall be designated as the number of people in actual attendance who are members of the DPA.
Section 4. Regular and special meetings of the DPA.
- The number of regular meetings of the general membership may be set by the Steering Committee and the school’s administration.
- A special meeting of the DPA shall be called
- By a two-thirds (2/3) ballot vote of the Steering Committee taken in a meeting, or
- By written petition of one-half (1/2) of the members of the DPA, or
- By the Board.
- A quorum for a regular or special meeting shall be designated as the number of people in actual attendance who are members of the DPA.
- Seven (7) days' written or email notice shall be given for a special meeting of the DPA.
ARTICLE VII. Steering Committee
Section 1. Composition.
- Regular Members.
1. Elected Officers
2. Appointed Officers
3. Standing Committee Chairmen
4. Special Committee Chairmen
5. Immediate Past President
- The school’s administration and division principals shall send a representative to meet with and serve in an advisory capacity for this committee.
- Non-Voting Members.
1. A designated representative of the Board will attend and serve as a liaison between the Steering Committee and the Board and shall be granted the right to present information, but not to make motions or vote.
2. Chairman of the nominating committee
3. Co-chairs of standing committees
Section 2. Regular Meetings.
- The Steering Committee shall meet monthly during the school year on a date, time, and location established by the DPA president and the school’s administration.
- An organizational meeting of the Steering Committee may be held prior to the opening of the school year.
Section 3. Special Meetings. (See Article VI, Section 4)
Section 4. Duties.
Duties of the Steering Committee shall be:
- To coordinate DPA projects and activities that are in agreement with the goals and mission of school as determined by the school president. Projects shall be selected and evaluated on an annual basis.
- To conduct the business of the DPA and act on its behalf between regular meetings.
- To act as representatives of their respective divisions: bring concerns and suggestions voiced by parents.
Section 5. Quorum. Two-thirds of the members of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum. Should a vote be required regarding any business of the Steering Committee where a quorum is not present or the timing of a scheduled meeting does not meet the business deadline, the DPA president may ask for an email vote on the proposed business. Email votes will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting immediately following the electronic vote.
Section 6. Postponement or Cancellation. The DPA president and the school’s administration may cancel or postpone a meeting of the Steering Committee. The administrative secretary to the president of the school, the secretary or president of the DPA shall notify committee members by phone or email if such action is required.
ARTICLE VIII. Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees.
- The standing committees of the DPA shall be academic, athletic, finance, fine arts, school-wide fundraising, communications, and hospitality.
- The chairman of each committee shall:
1. Recruit members from the DPA to serve on the committee.
2. Report to the Steering Committee.
3. Form sub-committees as needed. The chairman of the standing committees shall attend sub-committee meetings and report to the Steering Committee.
4. Be knowledgeable about activities of the school and communicate positively with parents.
- A committee or sub-committee shall:
- Be co-chaired; however, only one co-chair may vote.
- Be formed and submitted to the Steering Committee.
- Put in writing a short summary of their actions. This will be passed down each year in notebooks.
- Strive to have a representative of each program within each division. (i.e. fine arts: drama, band, art, forensics).
- Committee Meetings.
- Committees shall meet on a date and time designated by the committee chair. The chair will notify the school president in advance and invite him/her to attend.
- Committees involved in soliciting/raising funds shall meet with the school president and development officer for approval prior to moving forward with fundraising activities.
- Committees should select a vice chairman at the initial meeting to fulfill the obligations of the chairman in his/her absence.
- The committee chairman shall report to the Steering Committee.
- The school president will receive a copy of all communication.
- Ex-officio committee members may consist of the DPA president and the president-elect. The DPA president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. The president-elect may attend all committee meetings except the nominating committee.
- No member shall serve as chairman of more than one standing committee.
- The chairman of a standing committee shall not serve for more than two consecutive years in the same office.
- All parents are invited to participate in the work of one or more standing committees.
Section 2. Duties of Standing Committees.
- Academic Committee.
- Shall be composed of a chairman, a co-chairman and representatives interested in supporting the academics.
- Shall seek to foster the academic success of Donoho students and engage in activities that support the school's curriculum.
- Shall assist faculty with the organization and administration of the academic teams of the school, as requested by faculty.
- Shall organize events to honor academic team participants.
- Athletic Committee.
- Shall be composed of a chairman, a co-chairman and will strive to have a representative for each sport.
- Shall support all phases of the athletic program.
- Shall have subcommittees that include the following: concessions, all sports programs, spirit banners, Falcon Pride Club, and others as deemed necessary by the committee with approval from the Steering Committee.
- Finance Committee.
- Shall be composed of the DPA treasurer and the chairman of the academic committee, athletic committee, fine arts committee, school-wide fundraising committee, and the president-elect. The treasurer shall serve as chairman of the committee. The DPA president will vote only to break a tie.
- Shall make recommendations to the Steering Committee regarding the formation of a plan for utilizing funds raised by the DPA.
- Shall accept and review all proposed funding requests submitted by the school president in a scheduled finance meeting. Only requests approved by the finance committee shall be presented to the Steering Committee for approval.
- Shall develop a DPA budget for the review and approval of the Steering Committee. Once approved, the budget shall be placed on the DPA’s page on the school’s website for review by members of the DPA.
- If necessary, an email vote on all proposed funding requests will be acceptable.
- Fine Arts
- Shall be composed of a chairman, a co-chairman, and will strive to have a representative for each fine arts discipline.
- Shall promote and celebrate arts including drama, music, and individual arts through seminars, exhibits, and other special programs.
- Shall organize exhibits in the Fargason Center for the Arts during the year.
- Shall coordinate private music lessons.
- School-wide Fundraising Raising Committee.
- Shall be composed of a chairman, a co-chairman and the heads of each individual fundraiser.
- Shall develop ideas for proposed activities to raise funds involving all divisions of the school.
- Shall present plans for fundraising activities for Steering Committee adoption.
- Shall designate chairpersons for each fundraiser.
- Communications Committee.
- Shall be composed of a chairman, a newsletter editor, a website/internal publications editor, a signage coordinator and a photographer.
- Shall ensure communications from the DPA are carried out in a consistent and professional manner and correspond to standards determined by school’s administration. (i.e. A newsletter shall be posted upon approval of the school president on a quarterly basis on the DPA page of the school’s website.)
- The communications chairman shall serve as public relations liaison between the DPA and the offices of the school president and development officer.
- Hospitality Committee.
- Shall be composed of a chairman, a co-chairman and others needed to provide support for the committee.
- Shall coordinate all aspects of faculty/parent events as designated by the DPA.
- Shall coordinate refreshments for DPA’s meetings.
- Shall assist with all hospitality needs as requested by the DPA.
- Teacher Appreciation Committee.
1. Shall be composed of a chairman (co-chairman) and others as needed