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MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 6th September 2017 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen


Councillor J. Matthews (Mayor)
Councillor K. Bridger / Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth
Councillor S. Bunney / Councillor C. Turner
Councillor J. Bone
Councillor T. Smith / Councillor M.Harvey
Councillor M. Kenning
Councillor A. Johnson

In attendance: Faye Lambkin-Smith –Town Clerk

Christopher Bell, Beat Manager from Lincolnshire Police

4 Members of Public

1 From the Market Rasen Mail

1.  Mayor’s opening remarks

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the Autumn Council meeting and said he was pleased to see everyone back.

2.  To approve and accept Apologies for absence

There were no apologies.


3.  Public Participation

a)  Police Report

The Beat Manager from Lincolnshire Police said that there is not much to report on incidents, shop lifting has dropped. There has been some garden equipment theft during the holidays which the Police are working on.

A Councillor raised concerns regarding illegal parking in Market Rasen. The Beat Manager reported that Lincolnshire Police now have limited powers on parking since the change in regulations. It is not an offence to park on the footpath; however it is an offence to park on double yellow lines. This is now dealt with by Lincolnshire County Council.

A Councillor raised her disappointment that after reporting an incident, its takes over three weeks for the Police to visit her premises (shop). It was further reported that looking on the Police website, it shows all incidents since June 2017 are unresolved. It looks like action is only taken on larger stores. The Councillor further reported on the drug problem in Market Rasen which is causing businesses to close down due to the lack of action by the Police. This was reported as being a fact not a perception. It was suggested by the remaining Councillors that the Beat Manager visits the Councillors business to discuss further.

A further discussion was held on the drug problem in the town.

The Beat Manager explained that incidents from June 2017 are not unresolved. The Beat Manager further reported that when an incident is reported a process is followed.

A Councillor reported on the three planters on the Market Place which have been moved and damaged.

The Council thanked The Beat Manager from Lincolnshire Police for his attendance and said that they do appreciate that the Police’s resources are limited.

b)  Public’s Comments

i)  A parishioner provided the Town Clerk with a letter on the Market Rasen House. The parishioner gave an overview on what was in the letter.

A discussion was held on the Market Rasen House and the people living there.

The Council RESOLVED to 1) Invite Management from Market Rasen House to a future Council meeting to give an update. 2) To look at holding a public meeting in future with Management from Market Rasen House present, to give members of the public the opportunity to have their say.

Action Point: Town Clerk to contact the Management from Market Rasen House and invite them to a future Full Council meeting.

ii)  A member of the public reported that she is not happy with the statement that she has received on the Market Stall matter. The process is shabby.

The Chairman of the Council reported that the matter has been resolved and that the Council are not going back over 18 months. Constructive meetings have been held with all regular traders and the Council are working on a new set of regulations to move forward.

The member of public further reported that she cannot understand why conversations are held under closed session.

A Councillor explained that matters which refer to health & safety, individual licences, disciplinary, staffing and contracts are always dealt with under confidential due to the nature of business being discussed.

4.  To receive report from Nicola Marshall, Festival Hall Consultant on Festival Hall Project

It was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders to allow The Festival Hall Consultant/Project Manager to present her report.

The Festival Hall Consultant/Project Manager reported the following:

·  Big Lottery Grant – Not able to progress to Stage 2.

·  Reviewing Projects.

·  Looking at funding opportunities.

·  Music Events have been positive.

·  Approved as a Live and Local venue.

·  Working with Children and Schools.

·  Ballroom Classes being held and working well.

·  Rasen Live Event – Saturday 25th November 2017. Vintage Bus will be available to use.

·  Youth Club Launch.

·  PA Upgrade – Partnership working with Rasen Radio.

·  Working with the Manager from the Drill Hall.

·  Working on Publicity, Market Rasen Mail, Drill Hall

·  Marketing Database needed.

·  Contact with businesses down the High Street

·  Working with community groups.

·  Looking at Old Police Station Development.

5.  To resume Standing Orders, to discuss and resolve on any recommendations made by the Festival Hall Steering Group.

Councillor Bunney reported the following:

1.  That a Festival Hall Business Plan is needed to support West Lindsey District Council so that the Festival Hall can be developed. This will be worked on in the next few weeks.

2.  Looking at advertising through the Drill Hall, to advertise Festival Hall events, use their database and ticketing. The cost of this advertising is £500 for promoting 6 events. With this proposal the Council will be moving away from advertising in the Community Spirit Magazine, the magazine will just be used quarterly rather than monthly. It was noted that the Festival Hall is the only venue outside Lincoln that this is offered to. It was RESOLVED to accept the expenditure of £500 for the Drill Hall.

3.  An Exhibition is taken place in the Old Police Station over Remembrance Weekend; the Court Room will be opened. An expenditure of £550 is required for this event. It was RESOLVED to underwrite the expenditure of £550 for the event.

4.  Hearing Loop System costs have been looked into, costing between 1,000 and 1,200. This will be discussed at a future Council or Committee meeting.

5.  The Council are looking to have a slot once a month in the Market Rasen Mail, this is an exciting move for the Council.

6.  The Fire Risk Assessment for the Festival Hall is under review. The capacity of the main hall was discussed. It was RESOLVED to include the capacity as 200 due to health and safety and whilst the Fire Risk Assessment is under review. Councillor Bone offered her support with the Fire Risk Assessment.

7.  It was noted that due to the failure not to get through to stage 2 with the funding application, this does not reflect the quality of work from the Festival Hall Consultant/Project Manager.

6.  Councillors Reports

·  Councillor Lakin-Whitworth reported on the problem with two drains in the town.

·  Councillor Bridger expressed his concerns with the state of the Town.

Action Point: District/Town Councillor Smith agreed to chase this up with West Lindsey District Council regarding the sweeping in the town

·  Councillor Kenning reported on 1) The pigeon mess 2) The infants’ play area on De Aston Park, there is an issue with empting the bin there

Councillors explained that this area is not adopted and is a management committee matter.

Action Point: District/Town Councillor Smith agreed to investigate these matters with West Lindsey District Council.


7.  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for dispensation in relation to Disclosible Pecuniary Interests. .

There were no declarations of interest.

8.  To approve Notes of meeting of Council Meeting held on the 5th July 2017

It was RESOLVED that Council Minutes of 5th July 2017 be approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

9.  Matters arising from the Minutes

Council Minutes of the 5th July 2017 were reviewed and discussed.

The Chairman of the Council picked up on point 4 from the Minutes regarding parking and for District/County Councillor Strange to take this forward. It was noted that Councillor Strange had expressed reservations on taking this forward and want the Town Council’s confirmation that they are happy to go forward with this.

It was RESOLVED for District/County Councillor Strange to take forward the Council’s concerns regarding enforcement down the High Street, as minuted in Full Council Minutes, 5th July 2017.

The Council also expressed their concerns regarding the following and asked District/ County Councillor Strange to take this forward:

·  Traffic Enforcement. Concerns raised regarding evening traffic flow.

·  The Traffic Lights filter; there is a pile of traffic which does not clear in time due to how the traffic light filter works.

·  Large lorries are parking outside and in George Street (very narrow street).

·  Accident happened on George Street where a trailer was coming one way and the other way a lady’s car was caught. It is very tight at Happy Valley side. It was suggested that the kerb on that side needs to be removed due to the number of near misses.

·  George Street should be a one way street.

District/County Councillor Strange agreed to take the Council’s concerns with parking and traffic forward providing that he is sent written confirmation on this so that he has the correct information to go forward.

Action Point: Town Clerk to send Councillor Strange written confirmation.

10.  Chairman’s announcements.

The Chairman announced that he has attended the following:

·  Had a constructive meeting with West Lindsey District Council on the 3 Year Vision.

·  On behalf of the Mayor, Councillor Bunney attended the opening of the new Co-Op Funeral Services business.

Councillor Bunney reported that the opening was very nice and the building is very impressive. The lady who runs it is very helpful. Their car park may be able to be used for town events.

11.  Town Clerk’s Report - Please see PAPER A which the Town Clerk previously distributed with the agenda pack. From the Town Clerk’s report the following was discussed.

·  The blower for the Market Place was discussed and members were in support of the battery operated blower at the cost of around £135-140. However members would like to see a specification before making a decision.

Action Point: The Town Clerk to ask the Finance and Facilities Officer to look up the specification.

·  The Tuesday auction was discussed with regard to the wooden tables for the auction which need replacing. It was suggested that the Auctioneer uses some of the wooden trestle tables which are being stored in the Old Police Station, if these are suitable.

Action Point: The Town Clerk to ask the Council Caretaker to take up a Trestle Table to the auction next Tuesday so that the auctioneer can see if the table will be suitable for her weekly auctions (there are 12 trestle tables available).

·  The Chairman of the Council reported on the baby swing at Bell Playing Field and that a teenager used it and had to be removed. A new swing is now required due to this misuse. The Chairman of the Council further reported that a manual invoice will be raised for a replacement, to be sent to the parents of the teenager.

·  A Councillor mentioned Remembrance Parade and that the top of George Street needs Police attention on the day if possible.

Action Point: Town Clerk to include this in her letter to the Police for the Remembrance Parade.

a)  To review arrangement of fitness classes at De Aston Field

The Town Clerk reported on how the fitness arrangements where going. The Council RESOLVED to continue with the fitness class arrangements on De Aston Field under the same financial terms and any changes on days or hours must be agreed by the Town Clerk’s office. Action Point: Town Clerk to write to the personal trainer.

12.  Receive the Report of the County Councillor (if any)

Councillor County Strange reported on the following:

·  Government Rate Support

·  Rail Forum – Service to and from Market Rasen. Looking for East Midlands input from the town.

·  Hopefully resolved the Rase Lane pothole problem.

·  Grass cutting, second cut due for rural areas.

·  On going discussions on car parking

Councillor Strange agreed to send the Town Clerk the link on rail services so that she can forward the link onto members.

Action Point: Town Clerk to forward rail services link onto Councillors once received from Councillor Strange.

13.  Receive the Report of the District Councillors.

District Councillor Smith reported on the following:

·  Attending Governing Panel meeting in Lincoln.

·  Attending various Meetings, including the Annual Council Meeting.

·  Attending Cathedral Service as Arms Force Champion.

·  Chasing up the Clock arrangement in the Co-op Car Park.

·  Happy to take any issues that Town Council or parishioners may have.

14.  Accounts for Payment The Town Clerk distributed PAPER B at the meeting to all members (copy attached to signed minutes).

It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts of £10411.53.

15.  To note general correspondence

The Town Clerk distributed PAPER C. Please see PAPER C for full details.

·  A Councillor commented on the Routine Playground Inspection Training on the 17th October 2017 at Billinghay and asked if members of staff will be attending. The Town Clerk reported that she is attending a Play Area Training course on the 27th September 2017 with the Council Caretaker at Wragby.

·  Councillors commented on the change of trading name for Oasis Dental Care and if their lease has to be changed to reflect this.

Action Point: The Town Clerk to obtain advice on the change of trading name.

·  Residents email on De Aston Park was discussed.

·  The Chairman of the Council reported on the Market Rasen 10k.

16.  To receive any items of importance to report from Committee Meetings.

Councillor Lakin-Whitworth, Chair of Planning reported on Outline Planning Application for 1 Mill Road, Market Rasen.